Bolu, Abant Gölü çevresinde yabani olarak yetişen Galanthus Plicatus Bieb. Subsp. Byzantinus (Baker) D. A. Webb (Amaryllidaceae) bitkisinin alkaloitleri üzerinde izolasyon ve yapı aydınlatma çalışmaları
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de yabani olarak yetişen ve endemik bir Galanthus türü olan Galanthus plicatus Bieb. subsp. byzantinus (Baker) D. A. Webb bitkisinin topraküstü ve toprakaltı kısımları ayırt edilmeksizin bir bütün olarak ele alınarak alkaloit içeriği açısından incelenmiştir. Daha önce oda sıcaklığında kurutulmuş ve toz edilmiş bitkisel materyal ilk olarak etanol ile ekstre edilmiş ve ekstraksiyon çözücüsünün uçurulmasıyla elde edilen artık sulu asitli faza alınıp, kalevilendirildikten sonra kloroformla tüketilerek bitkide mevcut total tersiyer bazlardan ibaret bir ekstre hazırlanmıştır. Total tersiyer bazları içeren ekstrede mevcut alkaloitlerin saflaştınlmaları için sütun ve preparatif İ.T.K. yöntemleri ile gerektiğinde kristalizasyondan yararlanılmıştır. Saflaştınlan bileşiklerin yapıları modern spektroskopik yöntemler kullanılarak aydınlatılmıştır. Bu çalışmaların sonucunda Galanthus plicatus Bieb. subsp. byzantinus (Baker) D. A. Webb bitkisinden plicamine alt grubuna ait (+)-plicamine, (-)- secoplicamine ve (+)-plicane; tazettine alt grubuna ait (+)-tazettine, (+)-3-0- demethyl-3-epimacronine ve (+)- 3-0-(3-hydroxybutyril)tazettinol; phenanthridine alt grubuna dahil N-formylismine ile bunun enantiomeri, trisphaeridine ve 5,6-277 dihydrobicolorine ile lycorenine alt grubuna ait (+)- 9-O-demethylhomolycorine adlı alkaloitler izole edilip, yapıları aydınlatılmıştır. Bunlardan, tazettine hariç bütün alkaloitler tür için, 5,6-dihydrobicolorine genus için, (+)-plicamine, (-)-secoplicamine, (+)-plicane, (+)-3-0-demethyl-3- epimacronine, (+)-3-0-(3-hydroxybutyril)tazettinol, N-formylismine ile bunun enantiomeri doğa için yeni Amaryllidaceae alkaloitleri olup, ilk defa bu çalışma ile rapor edilmiştir. Doğa için yeni olan bu alkaloitlerden (+)-plicamine, (-)- secoplicamine ve (+)-plicane tarafımızdan plicamine olarak adlandırılan Amaryllidaceae için yeni bir alt grubun ilk örnekleridir
SUMMARY In this study, the combined aerial and underground parts of Galanthus plicatus Bieb. subsp. byzantinus (Baker) D. A. Webb, a wild growing and an endemic plant of Turkey, have been thoroughly investigated for its alkaloidal content. The material, initially dried at room temperature and powdered, was first extracted with ethanol. The residue obtained after the evaporation of the extraction solvent was dissolved in acid and filtered. This acidic solution was basified and then it was extracted with chloroform. An extract of total tertiary bases found in the plant was obtained. Column and preparative thin layer chromatography methods and also crystallization were utilized for the purification of the alkaloids present in the total extract of tertiary bases. The structures of the pure compounds were elucidated by using modern spectroscopic methods. As a result of these studies, (+)-plicamine, (-)-secoplicamine and (+)-plicane from the plicamines subgroup; (+)-tazettine, (+)-3-0-demethyl-3-epimacronine and (+)-3-0-(3-hydroxybutyril)tazettinol from the tazettine subgroup; trisphaeridine, 5,6- dihydrobicolorine, N-formylismine and its enantiomer from the phenanthridine279 subgroup and (+)-9-0-demethylhomolycorine from the lycorenine subgroup were isolated from Galanthus plicatus Bieb. subsp. byzantinus (Baker) D. A. Webb and their structures were elucidated. From this plant, all of the alkaloids except (+)-tazettine and from the genus Galanthus, 5,6-dihydrobicolorine have been isolated for the first time, in this study. (+)-Plicamine, (-)-secoplicamine, (+)-plicane, (+)-3-0-demethyl-3-epimacronine, (+)-3-0-(3-hydroxybutyril)tazettinol, N-formylismine and its enantiomer are novel Amaryllidaceae alkaloids which are reported for the first time in this study. Of these novel alkaloids, (+)-plicamine, (-)-secoplicamine and (+)-plicane are the first examples of the novel subgroup of Amaryllidaceae, named as plicamine.
SUMMARY In this study, the combined aerial and underground parts of Galanthus plicatus Bieb. subsp. byzantinus (Baker) D. A. Webb, a wild growing and an endemic plant of Turkey, have been thoroughly investigated for its alkaloidal content. The material, initially dried at room temperature and powdered, was first extracted with ethanol. The residue obtained after the evaporation of the extraction solvent was dissolved in acid and filtered. This acidic solution was basified and then it was extracted with chloroform. An extract of total tertiary bases found in the plant was obtained. Column and preparative thin layer chromatography methods and also crystallization were utilized for the purification of the alkaloids present in the total extract of tertiary bases. The structures of the pure compounds were elucidated by using modern spectroscopic methods. As a result of these studies, (+)-plicamine, (-)-secoplicamine and (+)-plicane from the plicamines subgroup; (+)-tazettine, (+)-3-0-demethyl-3-epimacronine and (+)-3-0-(3-hydroxybutyril)tazettinol from the tazettine subgroup; trisphaeridine, 5,6- dihydrobicolorine, N-formylismine and its enantiomer from the phenanthridine279 subgroup and (+)-9-0-demethylhomolycorine from the lycorenine subgroup were isolated from Galanthus plicatus Bieb. subsp. byzantinus (Baker) D. A. Webb and their structures were elucidated. From this plant, all of the alkaloids except (+)-tazettine and from the genus Galanthus, 5,6-dihydrobicolorine have been isolated for the first time, in this study. (+)-Plicamine, (-)-secoplicamine, (+)-plicane, (+)-3-0-demethyl-3-epimacronine, (+)-3-0-(3-hydroxybutyril)tazettinol, N-formylismine and its enantiomer are novel Amaryllidaceae alkaloids which are reported for the first time in this study. Of these novel alkaloids, (+)-plicamine, (-)-secoplicamine and (+)-plicane are the first examples of the novel subgroup of Amaryllidaceae, named as plicamine.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Abant gölü, Abant lake, Alkaloidler, Alkaloids, Galanthus plicatus, Galanthus plicatus, Tıbbi bitkiler, Plants-medicinal