Reşadiye (Datça) yarımadası herpotofaunası üzerinde taksonomik ve biyolojik araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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112 5. ÖZET Reşadiye (Datça) Yarımadası ' nda 14 amfibi ve reptil familyasından 27 tür tespit edilmiştir. Bu türlerin dördü kuyruksuz kurbağa, ikisi kaplumbağa, on biri kertenkele. onu yılanlar grubuna dahildir. *\ v^^s^i.*,o^/>'<, t5H ] tA^h^- c-^aJ m Çalışmada bu türlerin morfolojik karakterleri J \ 'S, / / (Pholidosis, renk-desen. vücut ölçüm ve oranları) incelenmiştir. Yeterli sayıda örnek temin edilen türlerin i taksonomik durumlarına açıklık getirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Reşadiye (Datça) Yarımadası Herpetofaunası olarak i/îp" tespit edilen türler sırasıyla şunlardır: Bufo bufo, Bufo viridis. Hyla arborea. Rana r^dibunda, Mauremys caspica. Testudo crraeca. Cyrtodactylus kotschyi. Hemidactylus turcicus. Ağama stellio, Chamaeleo chamaeleon, Lacerta oertzeni. Lacerta trilineata. Ophisops elegans. Ablepharus kitaibeli. Chalcides ocel latus, Mabuya aurata. Blanus strauchi. Typhi ops vermicularis. Eryx jaculus. Coluber jucrularis. Coluber naiadum. Coluber ruurnmrp^c. Eirenis modestus. Malpolon monspessu 1 anus, Natrix natrix, Natrix tessellata. Telescopus fal lax. C Ayrıca çalışmada, toplanan herpetolojik materyale ait biyolojik ve ekolojik özellikler incelenmiştir
113 SUMMARY 27 species from 14 families of Amphibia and Reptilia have been found in the Reşadiye (Datça) Peninsula. Among these species there were four anurans. two turtles, eleven lizards and ten snakes. In this survey the morphological characteristics such as pholidosis, color-pattern and bodily measurements and ration have been investigated. Systematical positions the species of which we have a sufficient number of samples were more accurate in terms of morphological characteristics. The list of herpetological material, obtained during our study period from the Reşadiye (Datça) Peninsula, is as follows: Bufo bufo. Bufo viridis. Hyla arborea, Rana ridibunda. Mauremys caspica. Testudo graeca. Cyrtodactylus kotschyi. Hemidactylus turcicus. Agama stellio. Chamaeleo chamaeleon. Lacerta oertzeni, Lacerta trilineata. Ophisops eleoans. Ableph&rus kitaibeli. Chalcides ocellatus. Mabuya aurata, Blanus strauchi. Typhi ops vermicular is, Eryx jaculus. Coluber juaularis. Coluber na jadum. Coluber numgoJ-P^-n.. Eirenis mode s t us, Mal polon roonspessulanus, Natrix natrix, Natrix tessellata, Telescopus fallax. The biological and ecological characteristics of the above-mentioned species were also investigated in the study.
113 SUMMARY 27 species from 14 families of Amphibia and Reptilia have been found in the Reşadiye (Datça) Peninsula. Among these species there were four anurans. two turtles, eleven lizards and ten snakes. In this survey the morphological characteristics such as pholidosis, color-pattern and bodily measurements and ration have been investigated. Systematical positions the species of which we have a sufficient number of samples were more accurate in terms of morphological characteristics. The list of herpetological material, obtained during our study period from the Reşadiye (Datça) Peninsula, is as follows: Bufo bufo. Bufo viridis. Hyla arborea, Rana ridibunda. Mauremys caspica. Testudo graeca. Cyrtodactylus kotschyi. Hemidactylus turcicus. Agama stellio. Chamaeleo chamaeleon. Lacerta oertzeni, Lacerta trilineata. Ophisops eleoans. Ableph&rus kitaibeli. Chalcides ocellatus. Mabuya aurata, Blanus strauchi. Typhi ops vermicular is, Eryx jaculus. Coluber juaularis. Coluber na jadum. Coluber numgoJ-P^-n.. Eirenis mode s t us, Mal polon roonspessulanus, Natrix natrix, Natrix tessellata, Telescopus fallax. The biological and ecological characteristics of the above-mentioned species were also investigated in the study.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Zooloji, Zoology, Biyoloji, Biology, Datça yarımadası, Datça peninsula, Ekoloji, Ecology, Kaplumbağalar, Turtles, Kertenkeleler, Lizards, Kurbağalar, Frogs, Sürüngenler, Reptiles, Yılan, Snake, İki yaşamlılar, Amphibians