A new species of Monocystis stein, 1848 (Protista: Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) from the Indian earthworm, amynthas hawayanus rosa, 1891 (Annelida: Oligochaeta)
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Batı Bengal'in oligoket konaklarının aseptat gregarin biyoçeşitliliği ile ilgili araştırma esnasında, Darjeeling Bölgesi'den toplanan Amynthas hawayanus türüne dahil toprak solucanlarının çoğunun bir Monocystis türü ile enfekte oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Bu monocystid türü toprak solucanlarının seminal vesiküllerinde saptanmış ve yeni bir tür, Monocystis amynthae sp. nov. şeklinde tanımlanmıştır. Bu yeni türün gamontu 49.0-77.0 (66.0±1.3) µm x 32.0-41.0 (37.0±2.8) µm boyutlarında olup, bariz bir yapı ile daha dar posterior uçtan ayrılan, genişçe anterior uca sahip olacak şekilde uzamış bir vücuda sahip olmasıyla karakterize olur. 40.0-65.0 (58.0±2.1) µm boyularında ölçülen gametokistleri oval şekillidir. Ookistleri navikular şekilli olup uzunlukları 8.0-12.0 (10.5±1.1) µm ve genişlikleri 4.0-6.0 (5.5±1.1) µm arasında değişir.
As a part of an ongoing biodiversity survey of aseptate gregarine fauna of oligochaete hosts of West Bengal, an expedition was carried out in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal and most of the earthworms collected were found to be infested with a species of Monocystis Stein, 1848. The monocystid species was collected from the seminal vesicles of the earthworm and was identified as a new species, Monocystis amynthae sp. nov. The gamont of the new species is characterized by having an elongated body with broad anterior end, separated from the narrow posterior end by a prominent constriction measuring 49.0-77.0 (66.0±1.3) µm x 32.0-41.0 (37.0±2.8) µm. The gametocysts are oval-shaped, measuring 40.0-65.0 (58.0±2.1) µm. The oocysts are navicular, measuring 8.0-12.0 (10.5±1.1) µm x 4.0-6.0 (5.5±1.1) µm.
As a part of an ongoing biodiversity survey of aseptate gregarine fauna of oligochaete hosts of West Bengal, an expedition was carried out in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal and most of the earthworms collected were found to be infested with a species of Monocystis Stein, 1848. The monocystid species was collected from the seminal vesicles of the earthworm and was identified as a new species, Monocystis amynthae sp. nov. The gamont of the new species is characterized by having an elongated body with broad anterior end, separated from the narrow posterior end by a prominent constriction measuring 49.0-77.0 (66.0±1.3) µm x 32.0-41.0 (37.0±2.8) µm. The gametocysts are oval-shaped, measuring 40.0-65.0 (58.0±2.1) µm. The oocysts are navicular, measuring 8.0-12.0 (10.5±1.1) µm x 4.0-6.0 (5.5±1.1) µm.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri