Kolesterolü azaltılmış tereyağı üretimi ve bazı özelliklerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ÖZET KOLESTEROLÜ AZALTILMIŞ TEREYAĞI VE BAZI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI URKUN, Tülin Doktora Tezi, Süt Teknolojisi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Gülderen Oysun Mart 1998, 134 sayfa Çalışmamızda sütten klasik tereyağ üretim metoduyla normal mutfak ve normal kahvaltılık, kolesterolü sütten ayırarak da kolesterolü azaltılmış mutfak ve kolesterolü azaltılmış kahvaltılık tereyağları olmak üzere 4 çeşit üretim yapılmıştır. Sütten kolesterolü ayırmak için û-siklodekstrin' le muamele yöntemi seçilmiştir. Tereyağı örnekleri 4°C de 2 ay, -18°C'de 6 ay muhafaza edilmiştir. Kolesterolü azaltılmış tereyağları normal tereyağlarıyla kimyasal, mikrobiyolojik, duyusal özellikleri yönünden karşılaştırılarak incelenmiştir. Kimyasal yönden; kurumadde, rutubet, yağsız kurumadde, asittik, RM sayısı, polenske sayesi, peroksit sayesi, iyot sayısı, kolesterol miktarı, yağ asiti metil esterleri analiz sonuçlarının çeşitler arasında ve depolama süresince farklılıkları incelenmiştir. Mikrobiyolojik yönden; koliform grubu bakteriler, E. coli S. aureus, lipolitik, proteolitik bakteriler, maya ve küf analizleri yapılarak +4eC ve - 18t' de depolama sureleri boyunca tereyağı çeşidine göre değişimleri araştırılmıştır. Duyusal değerlendirmeyle de kolesterolü azaltılmış tereyağlarının normal tereyağlarından farkı tüketici açısından yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmamız sonucunda, mutfak tereyağında kolesterol miktarı normal tereyağına göre ortalama % 60 dolayında, kahvaltılık tereyağlarında ise ortalama % 64 dolayında azaltılmıştır. Normal mutfak tereyağında 346,27 mg/ 100 g, normal kahvaltılık tereyağında 268,30 mg/ 100 g, kolesterolü azaltılmış mutfak tereyağında 138,13 mg/ 100 g, kolesterolü azaltılmış kahvaltılık tereyağında 95,83 mg/ 100 g saptanmıştır. Kolesterolü azaltılmış tereyağlarıyla, normal tereyağları arasında organoleptic özellikler açısından önemli farklılıklar bulunmamıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Kolesterol, tereyağı, kolesterolü azalana yöntemleri, sütyağı
V ABSTRACT. URKUN, Tülin PhD Thesis, Mfflc Technology Supervisor: Assoc. Pro£ Dr. Gûlderen Oysun March 1998, 134 pages. hi the research, 4 different types of production were done by separating kolesterol from mük and with the classical butter production method. The production types were raw and pasteurize butter reduced cholesterol, normal raw and pasteurized butter samples, fi-siklodextrin treatment method was chosen to seperate cholesterol from milk. The butter samples were stored in 4°C for 2 monts and -1 8°C for6monts. The samples were investigated by comparing their microbiological, chemical, sensorial and other features during storage time. Chemically; Dry matter, moisture, non-fat dry matter, acidity, RM, polenske, peroxide and iodine values, cholesterol content and difference in analytical results of fatty acid methyl esters were determined during storage time. Microbiologically; Conform bacteria, E. coH S. aureus, lipolitic, proteoMc bacteria, yeast and mould analysis were maden for all samples and during storage time and temperatures. The differences between reduced cholesterol and normal butter samples were commented by sensorial evaluations considering the view of consumers. As a result of the research, cholesterol levels in raw and pasteurized butter samples were decreased at the proportion of 60 and 64 % according to the normal ones. Cholesterol contents were found as fallows; 346,27 mg/ 100 g in normal raw butter, 268,50 mg/ 100 g in normal pasteurized butter, 138, 13 mg/ 100 g in raw butter reduced cholesterol, 95, 83 mg/ 100 g in pasteurized butter reduced cholesterol. In terms of organoleptical features, considerable differences between reduced and normal samples couldn' t befound. Keywords: Cholesterol, butter, reduced methods of cholesterol, mük fatty.
V ABSTRACT. URKUN, Tülin PhD Thesis, Mfflc Technology Supervisor: Assoc. Pro£ Dr. Gûlderen Oysun March 1998, 134 pages. hi the research, 4 different types of production were done by separating kolesterol from mük and with the classical butter production method. The production types were raw and pasteurize butter reduced cholesterol, normal raw and pasteurized butter samples, fi-siklodextrin treatment method was chosen to seperate cholesterol from milk. The butter samples were stored in 4°C for 2 monts and -1 8°C for6monts. The samples were investigated by comparing their microbiological, chemical, sensorial and other features during storage time. Chemically; Dry matter, moisture, non-fat dry matter, acidity, RM, polenske, peroxide and iodine values, cholesterol content and difference in analytical results of fatty acid methyl esters were determined during storage time. Microbiologically; Conform bacteria, E. coH S. aureus, lipolitic, proteoMc bacteria, yeast and mould analysis were maden for all samples and during storage time and temperatures. The differences between reduced cholesterol and normal butter samples were commented by sensorial evaluations considering the view of consumers. As a result of the research, cholesterol levels in raw and pasteurized butter samples were decreased at the proportion of 60 and 64 % according to the normal ones. Cholesterol contents were found as fallows; 346,27 mg/ 100 g in normal raw butter, 268,50 mg/ 100 g in normal pasteurized butter, 138, 13 mg/ 100 g in raw butter reduced cholesterol, 95, 83 mg/ 100 g in pasteurized butter reduced cholesterol. In terms of organoleptical features, considerable differences between reduced and normal samples couldn' t befound. Keywords: Cholesterol, butter, reduced methods of cholesterol, mük fatty.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Kolesterol, Cholesterol, Süt ürünleri, Milk products, Tereyağı, Butter