Ağır hemofili hastalarında tedavi modelinin kemik metabolizması üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş: Osteoporoz; düşük kemik kütlesi, kemiğin mikro yapısında bozulma ile karakterize ve kemik gücünde kayıp ve frajiliteye bağlı kırıklar ile sonuçlanan bir durumdur. Tüm dünyada yaygın bir halk sağlığı sorunu haline gelmiştir. Osteoporoz; erkeklerde, kadınlardan farklı olarak daha az değerlendirilmekte ve tedavi edilmektedir. Hemofili, X'e bağlı olarak kalıtılan ve erkek cinsiyeti etkileyen doğumsal bir kanama bozukluğudur. Son dönemde yapılan çalışmalarda, hemofili hastalarında osteoporozun önemli bir komorbidite faktörü olduğu gösterilmiştir. Amaç: Profilaksi alan ve almayan hemofili hasta gruplarında biyokimyasal kemik markerlarının ve DEXA ile belirlenecek olan kemik mineral dansitelerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bunun sonucunda; hemofili hastalarında kemik mineral dansitesinin ve kemik metabolizmasının normal popülasyona göre değerlendirmesi yanında profilaksi alan veya almayan grubun karşılaştırılması ile profilaktik tedavinin kemik metabolizması ve osteoporoz gelişimi üzerine etkisi değerlendirilecektir. Hemofilide daha etkin bir tedavi yaklaşımı ile artropatinin önlenebilmesi ve böylece uzun süreli toplumsal maliyetlerde azalmanın sağlanması hedeflenmektedir. Hipotez: Hemofili hastalarında kemik metabolizması tedavi modelinden etkilenmektedir. Profilaksi alan grupta kemik döngüsü markerları ve kemik mineral dansitesi, kanadıkça tedavi alan gruba göre daha iyidir. Yöntem: EÜTF Pediatrik Hematoloji Onkoloji Bilim Dalı tarafından takip edilen 24'ü faktör konsantreleri ile profilaksi alan ve 12'si almayan olmak üzere toplam 36 hemofili hastasının kan örneklerinde kemik metabolizmasıyla ilişkili biyokimyasal parametreler(kalsiyum (Ca), fosfor (P), alkalen fosfataz (ALP), Parathormon (PTH), Kalsitonin , D vitamini (25(OH) vit.D3) çalışılmış ve olgulara DEXA yöntemi ile kemik mineral dansitesi ölçümü yapılmıştır. Elde edilen tüm değişkenler SPSS yazılımı (Statistical Package fort he Social Sciences, 20.versiyon,Chicago,IL,USA) kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Profilaksi grubundaki olguların ortalama yaşları 17,46 ± 6,1 (8-30) ve kanadıkça tedavi alanların ortalama yaşları 16 ± 8,6 (9-30) olarak bulundu. Vücut iii ağırlığı (VA) değerlendirmesinde; profilaksi grubunun ağırlığının diğer gruba göre anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu saptandı (p<0,05). Benzer olarak beden kitle indeksi (BKI) değerlendirilmesinde de profilaksi grubunun BKI'lerinin anlamlı olarak yüksek olduğu görüldü (p<0,05). Profilaksi grubunun kemik mineral dansitesi (BMD) değerlendirmesinde ; L1-L4 Z skorları dikkate alınarak 5 olguda (%20.8) osteoporoz, 6 olguda (%25) osteopeni saptanmıştır. Olguların 13'ünün (%54,2) normal L1-L4 BMD değerlerine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Femur boynu BMD sonuçları ele alındığında ise; olguların Z skorları dikkate alındığında, 4 olguda (%16,7) osteoporoz, 11 olguda (%45,8) osteopeni varlığı saptanmıştır. Olguların 9'unun (%37,5) normal femur boynu BMD değerlerine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Kanadıkça tedavi almakta olan olgu grubunun BMD değerlendirmesinde; L1-L4 Z skorları dikkate alınarak 3 olguda (%25) osteoporoz, 3 olguda (%25) osteopeni saptanmıştır. Olguların 6'sının (%50) normal L1-L4 BMD değerlerine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Femur boynu BMD sonuçları ele alındığında ise; olguların Z skorları dikkate alındığında, 1 olguda (%8,3) osteoporoz, 3 olguda (%25) osteopeni varlığı saptanmıştır. Olguların 8'inin (%66,7) normal femur boynu BMD değerlerine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Tartışma:Kemik mineral dansitesi, çocukluk ve adölesan dönemi boyunca artar ve ortalama yirmili yaşlarda bir plato çizerek zirve kemik kitlesine ulaşılır. Zirve kemik mineral kitlesini etkileyen pek çok faktör bulunmaktadır. Sağlıklı çocuklar ve adölesanlarda yapılan pek çok çalışmada, normal vücut ağırlığı ve ağırlık ilişkili fiziksel aktivite en güçlü belirleyiciler olarak ortaya koyulmuştur. Yaptığımız çalışmada, hastalara ait fiziksel bulgular değerlendirildiğinde; profilaksi grubundaki vücut ağırlığı kanadıkça tedavi alan gruba göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu durum beden kitle indeksi için de geçerlidir. Fakat kemik mineral dansitesi ve D vitamini düzeyleri açısından iki grup arasında anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır. Beden kitle indeksleri ele alındığında, kanadıkça tedavi alan grupta beden kitle indeksi ortalaması 18,4 kg/m2 olarak bulunmuştur ve bu değer zayıf olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. Daha önceki çalışmalarda düşük vücut ağırlığı ile artmış kırık riski varlığının birlikteliği bildirilmiştir. Öte yandan profilaksi grubunda beden kitle indeksi ortalaması 22,4 kg/m2 olarak bulunmuştur ve bu değer normal olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle profilaksi alan grupta, beden kitle iv indekslerinin daha yüksek olması nedeniyle kırık riski azalmış olarak değerlendirilebilir. İki grup arasında 25(OH)VitD3 düzeyleri açısından yapılan karşılaştırmada istatitiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmamıştır. Olgulardan D vitamini düzeyi için alınan kan örneklerinin zamanlaması sonuçları etkileyebileceğinden, aynı mevsimsel şartlar içinde alınmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Profilaksi grubunda sadece 8 (%33,3) olguda ve kanadıkça tedavi alan grupta ise 6 olguda (%50) D vitamini düzeyleri normal sınırlarda saptanmıştır. Diğer olgularda D vitamini "Eksik+Yetersiz" olarak birleştirilerek ele alındığında; profilaksi grubunda 16 (%66,7) ve kanadıkça tedavi alan grupta ise 6 (%50) olguda D vitamini düzeyleri "eksik veya yetersiz" bulunmuştur. D vitamini, kalsiyum hemostazını düzenleyen 3 temel hormondan birisidir. Diğer hormonlar kalsitonin ve parathormondur. Zirve kemik kitlesine ulaşmada etkinliği yüksek bir hormondur. Olgu gruplarımızda, D vitamini düzeylerinin her iki grupta da ≥%50 hastada "eksik veya yetersiz" olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu olgulardan BMD sonuçları normal olanların dahi izleme alınarak gelişebilecek osteoporoz ve osteopeni açısından yakın takipleri gerekmektedir.
Introduction: Osteoporosis is defined as; systemic skeletal disorder that is characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of microarchitecture of bone tissue. Osteoporosis is the commenest metabolic disorder of bone and now is commonest public health issue in all over the world. Unlike women, osteoporosis is less evaluated in men and because of that being less treated. Hemophilia ; is a Xlinked inherited bleeding disorder, that affects male gender. In recently performed studies; osteoporosis has been shown as an important comorbidity factor in patients with hemophilia. Aim: In this study; we aimed to compare biochemical markers of bone and bone mineral density between patients with prophylactic treatment and those without. Therewith ; the effect of prophylactic treatment on bone mineral metabolism and osteoporosis will be evaluated. And besides that, the bone metabolism and bone mineral density of patients with hemophilia will be compared to the healthy population. Proceeding from the results, we aim to ensure more effective therapeutic approaches for hemophilia and long term reduction of social costs. Hypothesis: Bone metabolism of patients with hemophilia is affected by the treatment modality. Bone turnover markers and bone mineral density of the group of profilactic treatment is better than the group of epizodic treatment. Method: A total of 36 patients with hemophilia was evaluated about bone turnover markers and bone mineral density. These paatients are being followed by Ege University Hematology Oncology Department and 24 of them are taking prophylactictreatment while the other 12 are taking epizodic treatment. All the variables were analyzed with SPSS software (Statistical Package fort he Social Sciences, version 20,Chicago,IL,USA). Results: The mean age of patients in the prophylaxis group was found 17.46 ± 6.1 (8-30) and the mean age of the patients in epizodic group was 16 ± 8,6 (9-30). In the assessment of body weight, the weight of the prophylaxis group were found to be significantly higher than other group (p <0.05). Similarly, the body mass index vi (BMI) assessment was found to be significantly higher in the prophylaxis group (p <0.05). In the bone mineral density assessment of prophylaxis group, 5 cases (%20.8) had osteoporotic and 6 cases (%25) had osteopenic Z scores of L1-L4 bone. 13 of the cases (%54.2) were found to have normal bone mineral density of L1-L4. When femoral neck bone mineral density results are discussed, 4 patients (%16.7) found to be osteoporotic and 11 patients (%45.8) found to be osteopenic. Also 9 cases (%37.5) were found to have normal femoral neck bone mineral density scores. In the bone mineral density assessment of epizodic treatment group, considering the L1-L4 Z scores, 3 cases (%25) were found to be osteoporotic and 3 of them (%25) were osteopenic. 6 of the cases (%50) were found to have normal bone mineral density scores in L1-L4. When femoral neck bone mineral density results are discussed, 1 patient (%8.3) found to be osteoporotic and 3 patients (%25) found to be osteopenic. Also 8 cases (%66.7) were found to have normal femoral neck bone mineral density scores. Discussion: Bone mineral density increases during childhood and adolescence, then at twenties the peak bone mass is reached with drawing a plateau. Ther are so many factors that affect peak bone mineral mass. In studies which have done with healthy children and adolescents, normal body weight and weight-related physical activity have been revealed as the most powerful determinants. In our study, when the physical symptoms of the patients were evaluated; body weight was significantly higher in the prophylaxis group compared to the epizodic treatment group. This is also true for the body mass index. But in terms of bone mineral density and vitamin D levels were not significantly different two groups. Considering the body mass index, the avarage body mass index of epizodic treatment group was found 18.4 kg/m2 which is classified as poor. In previous studies, an association between low body mass and increased risk of fracture has been reported. On the other hand, avarage body mass index of prophylaxis group have been found 22.4 kg/m2 and this value is classified to be normal. Hence, the prophylaxis group have higher body mass index, considered as reduced risk of fractures. The comparison of 25(OH)vitamin D3 levels between two groups has no significant difference. Because of the timing may affect the result of vitamin D levels, all the paatients were taken care of within the same climatic conditions. In the vii prophylaxis group only 8 patients (%33.8) and in the epizodic group only 6 patients (%50) have vitamin D levels within the normal limits. When the vitamin D levels are taken "deficient + insufficient", in the prophylaxis group 16 patients (%66.7) and in the epizodic treatment group 6 patients (%50) have the vitamin D levels of deficient or insufficient. Vitamin D is one of the three main hormones that regulate calcium homeostasis. Other hormones are calcitonin and parathormone. Vitamin D has high effectiveness in achieving peak bone mass. In our patient groups , in both groups, the vitamin D levels was found to be deficient or insufficient almost >%50 of the patients. These cases , even the bone mineral density levels are normal, must be followed closely for the risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia development.
Introduction: Osteoporosis is defined as; systemic skeletal disorder that is characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of microarchitecture of bone tissue. Osteoporosis is the commenest metabolic disorder of bone and now is commonest public health issue in all over the world. Unlike women, osteoporosis is less evaluated in men and because of that being less treated. Hemophilia ; is a Xlinked inherited bleeding disorder, that affects male gender. In recently performed studies; osteoporosis has been shown as an important comorbidity factor in patients with hemophilia. Aim: In this study; we aimed to compare biochemical markers of bone and bone mineral density between patients with prophylactic treatment and those without. Therewith ; the effect of prophylactic treatment on bone mineral metabolism and osteoporosis will be evaluated. And besides that, the bone metabolism and bone mineral density of patients with hemophilia will be compared to the healthy population. Proceeding from the results, we aim to ensure more effective therapeutic approaches for hemophilia and long term reduction of social costs. Hypothesis: Bone metabolism of patients with hemophilia is affected by the treatment modality. Bone turnover markers and bone mineral density of the group of profilactic treatment is better than the group of epizodic treatment. Method: A total of 36 patients with hemophilia was evaluated about bone turnover markers and bone mineral density. These paatients are being followed by Ege University Hematology Oncology Department and 24 of them are taking prophylactictreatment while the other 12 are taking epizodic treatment. All the variables were analyzed with SPSS software (Statistical Package fort he Social Sciences, version 20,Chicago,IL,USA). Results: The mean age of patients in the prophylaxis group was found 17.46 ± 6.1 (8-30) and the mean age of the patients in epizodic group was 16 ± 8,6 (9-30). In the assessment of body weight, the weight of the prophylaxis group were found to be significantly higher than other group (p <0.05). Similarly, the body mass index vi (BMI) assessment was found to be significantly higher in the prophylaxis group (p <0.05). In the bone mineral density assessment of prophylaxis group, 5 cases (%20.8) had osteoporotic and 6 cases (%25) had osteopenic Z scores of L1-L4 bone. 13 of the cases (%54.2) were found to have normal bone mineral density of L1-L4. When femoral neck bone mineral density results are discussed, 4 patients (%16.7) found to be osteoporotic and 11 patients (%45.8) found to be osteopenic. Also 9 cases (%37.5) were found to have normal femoral neck bone mineral density scores. In the bone mineral density assessment of epizodic treatment group, considering the L1-L4 Z scores, 3 cases (%25) were found to be osteoporotic and 3 of them (%25) were osteopenic. 6 of the cases (%50) were found to have normal bone mineral density scores in L1-L4. When femoral neck bone mineral density results are discussed, 1 patient (%8.3) found to be osteoporotic and 3 patients (%25) found to be osteopenic. Also 8 cases (%66.7) were found to have normal femoral neck bone mineral density scores. Discussion: Bone mineral density increases during childhood and adolescence, then at twenties the peak bone mass is reached with drawing a plateau. Ther are so many factors that affect peak bone mineral mass. In studies which have done with healthy children and adolescents, normal body weight and weight-related physical activity have been revealed as the most powerful determinants. In our study, when the physical symptoms of the patients were evaluated; body weight was significantly higher in the prophylaxis group compared to the epizodic treatment group. This is also true for the body mass index. But in terms of bone mineral density and vitamin D levels were not significantly different two groups. Considering the body mass index, the avarage body mass index of epizodic treatment group was found 18.4 kg/m2 which is classified as poor. In previous studies, an association between low body mass and increased risk of fracture has been reported. On the other hand, avarage body mass index of prophylaxis group have been found 22.4 kg/m2 and this value is classified to be normal. Hence, the prophylaxis group have higher body mass index, considered as reduced risk of fractures. The comparison of 25(OH)vitamin D3 levels between two groups has no significant difference. Because of the timing may affect the result of vitamin D levels, all the paatients were taken care of within the same climatic conditions. In the vii prophylaxis group only 8 patients (%33.8) and in the epizodic group only 6 patients (%50) have vitamin D levels within the normal limits. When the vitamin D levels are taken "deficient + insufficient", in the prophylaxis group 16 patients (%66.7) and in the epizodic treatment group 6 patients (%50) have the vitamin D levels of deficient or insufficient. Vitamin D is one of the three main hormones that regulate calcium homeostasis. Other hormones are calcitonin and parathormone. Vitamin D has high effectiveness in achieving peak bone mass. In our patient groups , in both groups, the vitamin D levels was found to be deficient or insufficient almost >%50 of the patients. These cases , even the bone mineral density levels are normal, must be followed closely for the risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia development.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemofili, Profilaktik Tedavi, Kanadıkça Tedavi, Osteoporoz, Hemophilia, Prophylactic Treatment, Epizodic Treatment, Osteoporosis