Bazı fungus türlerinden yüzey kültür fermentasyonu yöntemi ile mikrobiyal yağ üretimi

Küçük Resim Yok



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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



128 7.SÜMMARY Besides their economical value, industrial wastes cause enviromental pollution. Utilization of industrial wastes started as a result of the limitation of raw material sources in the world. in this study the microbial fat production from the mycelium of Aspergillua terreus NRLL 13030, Aspergillus terreus (TEM), Aspergillua flavus (TEM) and Aspergillua ochraceua (TEM) by means of surface culture method using a by product of our sugar industry- molasses as a substrate, was investigated. Before using in the media, the molasses is pretreated chemically and physically, then its sugar content is diluted to 5-20%. As inoculum, spor suspension cultures grown on slant malt ektract ağar incubated at 27'C, 3 to 4 days were used. At the end of the experiments, mycelium were dried in air f ör 2 to 3 days at room temperature and then in an öven at 60'C to a constant weight, and oil contents of mycelium were determined. 5%,10%,15% and 20% as sugar concentrations; KNC^, (N^^SC^ and NaN03 as inorganic with C.S.L. and urea as organic nitrogen sources; 3,5; 4,5; 5,5 and 6,5 as pH values; 30:1,50:1,70:1 and 100:1 as (C/N) rations; 3,6,9, 12 and 15 as incubation periods were experimented in point of different fat production of each fungi. The most suitable values obtained were used f at production on optimum conditions of each organism, and methyl esters contents of fatty acids of these fats were determined by gas-chromatography. These value obtained f rom optimum conditions were also checked on media containing sucrose. 15% of sugar concentration and 70:1 of C/N were the most129 suitable f ör f at production of ali our fungi. Urea f ör Aapergillua ochraceus (TEM) and NaNO3 f ör the other three fungi were the most suitable nitrogen sources on fat production. 6,5 pH value and 12 days of incubation f ör Aapergillua ochraceus and 5,5 pH value and 9 days of incubation för the other fungi were the most suitable. in the optimum conditions on molasses media from Aapergillua terreua NRLL 13030 10,9% fat and 6,07 fat caoefficient, from Aapergillua terreua (TEM) 8,5% fat and 5,16 fat coefficient, from Aapergillua flavua (TEM) 1,92% and 0,44 fat coefficient and from Aapergillua ochraceua (TEM) 5,67% fat and 2,37 fat coefficient were determined. At the end of our experiments, the composition of fatty acids produced from the fats of the moulds are seem like to which are obtained before. it was seem that palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids were found mostly, and fatty acids composition is more similar to the vegetable oils.


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Biyoloji, Biology, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus terreus, Atıklar, Wastes, Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Fermentasyon, Fermentation, Mantarlar, Fungi, Melas, Molasses, Mikrobiyal yağlar, Microbial oils, Şeker endüstrisi, Sugar industry


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