Kıtlık kuşağı İrlandalı-Amerikan hikayeleri (1845-1875)
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Amerika Birleşik Devletleri on dokuzuncu yüzyıl boyunca yoğun bir şekilde göç almıştır. Göç nedenleri genellikle sosyo-ekonomik sıkıntılar, yönetimi elinde bulunduranların uyguladığı dinsel ve politik baskılar ya da kötü yaşam şartları. Pek çok göçmen, Amerika'nın onlara ev, iş, sosyal hayat ve dini özgürlük sağlayacağına inanıyordu.İşte bu gruplar arasında, İngiliz hükümetinin siyasi ve dini baskılarından ve 1840'lı yıllarda ortaya çıkan Büyük Kıtlık nedeniyle gelen Katolik İrlandalılarda bulunmaktaydı. Katolik İrlandalılar kendi topraklarında hiçbir sosyal, ekonomik ve siyasi hakka sahip değillerdi. Bu nedenle, akrabasını, evini ve toprağını kaybeden pek çok İrlandalı ?tabut gemiler? adı verilen yük gemileriyle yasal ya da yasal olmayan yollarla Amerika'ya göç etmeye başladılar. Amerika'ya gelen diğer etnik grup gibi onlarda ekonomik bağımsızlık, dinsel özgürlük ve sosyal ve siyasi haklar elde etmeyi umuyorlardı.1840'larda bu göç dalgasıyla gelen gruplar kendilerine ?kıtlık kuşağı? (famine generation) adını vermektedirler. Bu dönemde pek çok Katolik yazar ortaya çıkmıştır. Onlar İrlanda'da, Atlantik yolculuğunda ve Amerika'da edindikleri deneyimleri yazmışlardır. Bu yazarlar, İrlandalı göçmenlere yardım etmek için öğretici kıtlık kuşağı İrlandalı-Amerikan öykülerini üretmişlerdir. Bu dönemde üretilen üç yazın türü şöyledir: ?Katolik ahlakını işleyen roman?, (catholic-tract-fiction), ?göç rehber kitabı? (immigration-guide-book) ve ?milliyetçi siyasi roman? (nationalistic-political-ficton).1845'ten 1875 yılına kadar olan bir dönemin irdeleneceği bu tez çalışmasında, öncelikle İrlandalıları göçe zorlayan nedenler, göç esnasında karşılaştıkları zorluklar, deneyimleri ve Amerika'da karşılaştıkları sıkıntılar anlatılacaktır. Daha sonra, bu öykülerle İrlandalı-Amerikan göç edebiyatının nasıl oluşturulduğu incelenecektir. Bunun için öykülerdeki olay örgüsü, karakterler ve yazarların bakış açıları, dinsel ve milliyetçi söylemlerine bakılarak aydınlatılacaktır.Tez için incelenecek sekiz eser şöyledir: Hugh Quigley'nin The Cross and the Shamrocks; or, How to Defebd the Faith adlı öyküsü, John T. Roddon'ın John O'Brien; or, The Orphon of Boston adlı öyküsü, Marry Anne (Madden) Sadlier'ın The Blakes and Flanagans adlı öyküsü, Charles James Cannon'ın Bickerton; or, The Immigrant's Daughter adlı öyküsü, John Boyce'un Mary Lee, or the Yankee in Ireland adlı öyküsü, Charles G. Halpine'ın The Life and Adventures of Private Miles O'Reilly adlı öyküsü, Peter McCorry'nin The Lost Rosary; or, Our Irish girls, Trials, Temptations ve Triumphs adlı öyküsü, John McElgun'ın Annie Relly; or The Fortunes of an Irish Girl in New York adlı öyküsü.Tezde ayrıca, günlükler, mektuplar, şiirler, şarkılar, yolculuk öyküleri ve yasal dokümanlar Yeni Tarihselcilik yaklaşımınına uygun şekilde kullanılacaktır. Bu öyküler ve kültürel metinler göçün yarattığı dramatik değişimin yanı sıra sınıf, inanç, dil, ahlak, gelenek ve ideoloji gibi kavramlara yeni bir pencere açmaktadır. Amerika'ya yeni gelen her İrlandalı-Katolik kendisine şu soruyu sormaktadır: Amerika'da yeni bir kimlik oluştururken kendi kültürümüzü ve değerlerimizi nasıl koruyabiliriz? İşte bu tez boyunca İrlandalı Katoliklerin kendi kimliklerini ve Katolik dinini korumak için nasıl bir çaba gösterdikleri incelenecektir
The United States of America experienced tremendous immigration during the 19th century owing to primarily to immigrants? socio-economic difficulties, religious and political restrictions of the ruler class, and poor living conditions in their home lands. For many immigrants America would provide them housing, work, social life and religious freedom.Among these immigrant groups were Irish Catholics who escaped from political and religious domination of the British government, and in the 1840, the ?Great Famine.? The Catholic Irish had no social, economic and political rights in their native land. As a result, many Irish lost their relatives, homes and lands, started to immigrate to America legally or illegally in the infamous ?coffin ships.? Like other ethnic groups that moved to America, they hoped to gain economic independence, religious freedom and political rights.Those groups who formed this wave of immigration in the 1840s called themselves the ?famine generation.? During these years, many Catholic writers emerged. They wrote what they experienced, felt and observed in Ireland, during their Atlantic crossing, and in america. These writers produced didactic Irish-American tales to help their fellow immigrants learn how to survive as Catholic Irish in a Protestant land. They produced three distict genres: Catholic-tract-fiction, immigration-guide-book and nationalistic-political-fiction.This thesis which will cover the period between 1845 and 1875, will first discuss the reasons for Irish immigration and the problems and experiences the Irish met in the US., before moving on to a consideration of the way Irish-American tales contributed to a growing Irish American diaspora literature. Plotst, characters and point of view will be analyzed, and writers? ideologies will be examined through and nationalistic discourses.Eight novellas will be analyzed using the principles of New Historicism. The tales include The Cross and the Shamrock; or, How to Defend the Faith by Hugh Quigley, John O?Brien; or, The Orphon of Boston by John T. Roddan, The Blakes and Flanagans by Marry Anne (Madden) Sadlier, Bickerton; or, The Immigrant?s Daughter by Charles James Cannon Mary Lee, or the Yankee in Ireland by John Boyce, The Life and Adventures of Private Miles O?Reilly by Charles G. Halpine, The Lost Rosary; or, Our Irish girls, Trials, Temptations, ve Triumphs by Peter McCorry, Annie Relly; or The Fortunes of an Irish Girl in New York by John McElgun.In addition, the thesis will also consider a variety of diaries, letters, poems, songs, travel narratives, and legal documents in the New Historicist approach. Each of the tales and cultural texts opens a window onto such cultural phenomena as class, faith, language, morality, tradition and ideology as well as experience of the dramatic transition of immigration. And ezch explores the way Irish-Catholic newcomers to America asked themselves the critical question, how can we preserve our own culture and values while establishing new identities as Americans? In the thesis, it will be researched how İrish-Catholics were in a struggle to preserve their identity and Catholic religion.
The United States of America experienced tremendous immigration during the 19th century owing to primarily to immigrants? socio-economic difficulties, religious and political restrictions of the ruler class, and poor living conditions in their home lands. For many immigrants America would provide them housing, work, social life and religious freedom.Among these immigrant groups were Irish Catholics who escaped from political and religious domination of the British government, and in the 1840, the ?Great Famine.? The Catholic Irish had no social, economic and political rights in their native land. As a result, many Irish lost their relatives, homes and lands, started to immigrate to America legally or illegally in the infamous ?coffin ships.? Like other ethnic groups that moved to America, they hoped to gain economic independence, religious freedom and political rights.Those groups who formed this wave of immigration in the 1840s called themselves the ?famine generation.? During these years, many Catholic writers emerged. They wrote what they experienced, felt and observed in Ireland, during their Atlantic crossing, and in america. These writers produced didactic Irish-American tales to help their fellow immigrants learn how to survive as Catholic Irish in a Protestant land. They produced three distict genres: Catholic-tract-fiction, immigration-guide-book and nationalistic-political-fiction.This thesis which will cover the period between 1845 and 1875, will first discuss the reasons for Irish immigration and the problems and experiences the Irish met in the US., before moving on to a consideration of the way Irish-American tales contributed to a growing Irish American diaspora literature. Plotst, characters and point of view will be analyzed, and writers? ideologies will be examined through and nationalistic discourses.Eight novellas will be analyzed using the principles of New Historicism. The tales include The Cross and the Shamrock; or, How to Defend the Faith by Hugh Quigley, John O?Brien; or, The Orphon of Boston by John T. Roddan, The Blakes and Flanagans by Marry Anne (Madden) Sadlier, Bickerton; or, The Immigrant?s Daughter by Charles James Cannon Mary Lee, or the Yankee in Ireland by John Boyce, The Life and Adventures of Private Miles O?Reilly by Charles G. Halpine, The Lost Rosary; or, Our Irish girls, Trials, Temptations, ve Triumphs by Peter McCorry, Annie Relly; or The Fortunes of an Irish Girl in New York by John McElgun.In addition, the thesis will also consider a variety of diaries, letters, poems, songs, travel narratives, and legal documents in the New Historicist approach. Each of the tales and cultural texts opens a window onto such cultural phenomena as class, faith, language, morality, tradition and ideology as well as experience of the dramatic transition of immigration. And ezch explores the way Irish-Catholic newcomers to America asked themselves the critical question, how can we preserve our own culture and values while establishing new identities as Americans? In the thesis, it will be researched how İrish-Catholics were in a struggle to preserve their identity and Catholic religion.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı, American Culture and Literature