Kentlileşme sürecinde evli kadının dinsel tutum, değer ve davranışlarında meydana gelen değişmeler: Karşıyaka örneği
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın konusu, kentleşme süreci içinde evli kadının dinsel tutum, değer ve davranışlarında meydana gelen değişmelerin nasıl, ne yönde olduğunu araştırmaktır. Yapısal-işlevselci yaklaşımın yardımıyla ve karşılaştırmalı yöntem ile konu kuramsal ve araştırma verilerinin değerlendirilmesi olarak iki kısımda ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın bağımsız değişkenleri: yaş, eğitim durumu, gelir düzeyi, çalışma durumu ve kentte kalış süresidir. Bağımsız değişkenlere bağlı olarak oluşturulan denencelerin sınanması için, İzmir-Karşıyaka ilçesi kentlileşmiş-kısmi gecekondu (geçiş tipi) ve gecekondu olarak üç gruba ayrılmış ve çalışmanın amacına uygun üç mahalle saptanarak 300 kişilik örneklem grubu seçilmiştir. Bu mahalleler Donanmacı mahallesi (kentlileşmiş): 150 kişi, Bayraklı mahallesi (kısmi gecekondu-geçiş tipi): 20 kişi ve Yamanlar mahallesi (gece-kondu): 130 kişi. Örneklem seçerken, kadınların 25 yaşın üzerinde evli ve çocuk sahibi olmaları istenmiştir. Kadınların dinsel gerekleri yerine getirme durumu, anne-babası, eşi ve çocukları ile dinsel etkileşimi, dinsel tutum, değer ve davranışları bağımsız değişkenler ışığında analiz edilmiş, denenceler sınanmıştır.
This research is intended to investigate the direction and extent of the changes that emerge in religions tendencies, values and attitudes of married women during urbanization process. The research has been carried out by the help of structural-functional approach in comparative method and it has been divided into two sections: The theoretical analysis of the collected data and the application of the findings obtained. The independent variables of the research: the age, education, economic status, occupation and duration of stay in the city. For measurement and scaling of the individuals according to the given independent variables, Karşıyaka in İzmir has been chosen and it has been divided into three groups: urbanized, partly-slums (transition type) and slums; and three districts, one from each, have been chosen in accordance with the aim of the research, to interview 300 individuals. These districts are: Donanmaci District (urbanized) 150 interviewee; Bayraklı District (partly-slum-transition type) 20 interviewe; Yamanlar District (slums) 130 interviewe. The interviewees selected for analysis were women over 25 years of age, married and with children. The data related to the fulfillment of the religions obligations by the married women, their religions relationships with their mothers, fathers, husbands and children, and their religions tendencies, values and attitudes were analyzed in the light of the independent variables and the obtained findings were tested.
This research is intended to investigate the direction and extent of the changes that emerge in religions tendencies, values and attitudes of married women during urbanization process. The research has been carried out by the help of structural-functional approach in comparative method and it has been divided into two sections: The theoretical analysis of the collected data and the application of the findings obtained. The independent variables of the research: the age, education, economic status, occupation and duration of stay in the city. For measurement and scaling of the individuals according to the given independent variables, Karşıyaka in İzmir has been chosen and it has been divided into three groups: urbanized, partly-slums (transition type) and slums; and three districts, one from each, have been chosen in accordance with the aim of the research, to interview 300 individuals. These districts are: Donanmaci District (urbanized) 150 interviewee; Bayraklı District (partly-slum-transition type) 20 interviewe; Yamanlar District (slums) 130 interviewe. The interviewees selected for analysis were women over 25 years of age, married and with children. The data related to the fulfillment of the religions obligations by the married women, their religions relationships with their mothers, fathers, husbands and children, and their religions tendencies, values and attitudes were analyzed in the light of the independent variables and the obtained findings were tested.
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