İmmun kontrol noktası inhibitörlerine bağlı endokrinopati sıklığının retrospektif incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: İmmun kontrol noktası inhibitörleri, kanser tedavisinde yeni umut ışığı olmuşlardır. Malign melanom, RCC, KHDAK, Non Hodgkin Lenfoma gibi malignitelerde sağ kalımı anlamlı olarak uzatmışlardır. Sitotoksik yan etkileri, standart kemoterapötik ilaçlara göre daha az olsa da; tedavi esnasında gelişebilecek yan etkiler ve bunların ortaya çıkış zamanı tahmin edilememektedir. İmmun kontrol noktası inhibitörleri immun sistemin, özellikle T hücrelerinin aktivitesini artırarak anti tümöral etkinlik gösterirler. Bu nedenle yan etki profili de immun sistemin aşırı aktivasyonu ile ortaya çıkmaktadır. Birçok organ ve sistem etkilendiği gibi endokrin organlar da etkilenmektedir. 38 çalışma 7551 hastanın incelendiği bir metaanalizde; immun kontrol noktası inhibitörlerine bağlı endokrinopati sıklığının %10 olarak saptandığı ve endokrinopati olarak en sık hipotiroidi geliştiği belirtilmiştir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda, renal hücreli kanser, KHDAK ve malign melanom nedeni ile Ocak 2016 - Ekim 2019 yılları arasında ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab, durvalumab, atezolizumab ilaçlarından bir veya daha fazlasını alan hastalarda, ortaya çıkan ilaç ilişkili endokrinolojik yan etki insidansını, bu yan etkilerin ortaya çıkış zamanını ve verilen tedavi türü ile ilişkisini incelemeyi amaçladık. Materyal-Metod: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Medikal Onkoloji ve Göğüs Hastalıkları polikliniklerinde takipli, malign melanom, renal hücreli kanser, küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri nedeniyle, Ocak 2016 – Ekim 2019 tarihleri arasında ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab, durvalumab, atezolizumab ilaçlarından bir veya daha fazlasını alan 80 hastanın dosyası değerlendirildi. Hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti, aldığı immunoterapi ajanı, gelişen endokrinopati türü, kaçıncı dozdan sonra endokrinopati geliştiği ve laboratuvar tetkikleri geriye dönük incelendi. İstatistiksel Analiz: IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 programı kullanıldı. Nümerik değişkenler ortalama ve standart sapma veya medyan (min-max) olarak verildi. Kategorik değişkenler sayı ve yüzde olarak verildi. Kategorik değişkenler için Ki-kare testi uygulandı. Bulgular: Çalışmamıza dahil edilen 80 hastanın 31'i kadın (%38.8), 49'u erkekti (%61.2). Yaş ortalaması 62 (31-80) olarak saptandı. Hastaların 36'sı malign melanom, 36'sı KHDAH, 6'sı RCC ve 2'si RCC+KHDAK tanılıydı. İpilimumab alan 13 hasta, nivolumab alan 30 hasta, durvalumab alan 12 hasta, pembrolizumab alan 19 hasta, atezoluzumab alan 1 hasta, ipilimumab ve nivolumab tedavisini birlikte alan ise 5 hasta bulunmaktaydı. İmmun kontrol noktası inhibitörü alan 80 hastanın 18'inde endokrinopati geliştiği ve endokrinopati sıklığının %22.5 olarak saptandı. Tedaviye bağlı en sık görülen endokrin bozukluğun hipotiroidi olduğu saptandı (%11.25). İki hastada ilaç ilişkili hipofizit geliştiği (%2.5) ve her ikisinin de ipilimumab tedavisi aldığı saptandı. İpilimumab tedavisine bağlı hipofizit insidansı %15.3 olarak saptandı. Diyabet gelişen iki hasta da anti PD-1 almaktaydı. Genel olarak endokrinopatinin tedavinin ilk 3 ayında görüldüğü (ortalama 12.3 hafta), ancak bazı hastalarda ilk dozdan sonra ortaya çıktığı saptandı. Literatürde az sayıda vaka bildirimi olan ilaç ilişkili Graves'in ve henüz bildirilmemiş olan ilaç ilişkili Dequervain tiroiditinin; birer hastada geliştiği ve her ikisinin de nivolumab tedavisi aldığı saptandı. Sonuç: İmmun kontrol noktası inhibitörü tedavisi alan hastalarda; tedavi sürecinde gelişebilecek endokrin bozukluk azımsanmayacak kadar sıktır ve genel olarak tedavinin ilk 3 ayında görülmektedir. Tedavi başlangıcından itibaren her 4-6 haftada bir TSH, T4, klinik şüphe halinde kan şekeri, kortizol, ACTH tetkiki yapılmalı ve endokrinoloji uzmanı görüşü alınmalıdır.
Background and Aim: Immune checkpoint inhibitors have become a novel and promising therapy in cancer treatment. They significantly prolonged survival in malignancies such as malignant melanoma, RCC, NSCLC, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. Although cytotoxic side effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors are less than standard chemotherapeutic drugs; side effects that may develop during treatment and their emergence time can not be predicted. Immune checkpoint inhibitors show anti tumoral activity by activating immune system, particularly of the T cells. For this reason, side effects also occur with excessive activation of the immune system. In this context, many organs and systems are affected, including the endocrine organs. In a recent metaanalysis that includes 38 studies 7551 patients; it has been stated that the frequency of endocrinopathy due to immune checkpoint inhibitors is 10 %, and hypothyroidism is the most common endocrinopathy. In our study, we investigated the data of the patients having renal cell cancer, NSCLC and malignant melanoma that received one or more of the immune checkpoint inhibitors. In these patients, we examined the incidence of immune-related endocrinological side effects, the time of occurrence of side effects and the relationship between the type of treatment and the number of doses. Material-Method: Between January 2016 and October 2019 in Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital Medical Oncology and Chest Diseases clinics, the files of 80 malignant melanoma, renal cell cancer, or non-small cell lung cancer patients who received one or more of ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab, durvalumab, atezolizumab medications, were evaluated. The patients' age, gender, immunotherapy agent, developed endocrinopathy type, dose frequency and time of endocrinopathy presentation and laboratory tests were retrospectively analyzed. Statistical Analysis: IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 Program was used. Numerical variables are given as mean and standard deviation or median (min-max). Categorical variables were given as numbers and percentages. Chi-square test was applied for categorical variables. Results: Among the 80 patients included in our study, 31 were female (38.8%) and 49 were male (61.2%). The average age was 62 (31-80). 36 of the patients were diagnosed as malignant melanoma, 36 were NSCLC, 6 were RCC and 2 were RCC + NSCLC. There were 13 patients received ipilimumab, 30 patients received nivolumab, 12 patients received durvalumab, 19 patients received pembrolizumab, 1 patient received atezoluzumab, and 5 patients received ipilimumab and nivolumab therapy together. Eighteen of the 80 patients who received immune control point inhibitors developed endocrinopathy and the frequency of endocrinopathy was 22.5%. Hypothyroidism was the most common endocrine disorder due to treatment (11.25%). It was determined that two patients developed drug related hypophysitis (2.5%) and both received ipilimumab therapy. Both patients who developed diabetes received anti PD-1. In general, it was found that endocrinopathy was seen in the first 3 months of treatment (average 12.3 weeks), but in some patients it occurred after the first dose. Dequervain thyroiditis was detected in one patient due to nivolumab treatment and Graves in one patient. Conclusion: In patients received immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy; the endocrine disorder that may develop during the treatment process is very frequent and generally seen in the first 3 months of treatment. TSH, T4 should be examined every 4-6 weeks from the start of treatment, and in case of clinical suspicion, blood glucose, cortisol, ACTH should be examined and the opinion of the endocrinologist should be obtained.
Background and Aim: Immune checkpoint inhibitors have become a novel and promising therapy in cancer treatment. They significantly prolonged survival in malignancies such as malignant melanoma, RCC, NSCLC, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. Although cytotoxic side effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors are less than standard chemotherapeutic drugs; side effects that may develop during treatment and their emergence time can not be predicted. Immune checkpoint inhibitors show anti tumoral activity by activating immune system, particularly of the T cells. For this reason, side effects also occur with excessive activation of the immune system. In this context, many organs and systems are affected, including the endocrine organs. In a recent metaanalysis that includes 38 studies 7551 patients; it has been stated that the frequency of endocrinopathy due to immune checkpoint inhibitors is 10 %, and hypothyroidism is the most common endocrinopathy. In our study, we investigated the data of the patients having renal cell cancer, NSCLC and malignant melanoma that received one or more of the immune checkpoint inhibitors. In these patients, we examined the incidence of immune-related endocrinological side effects, the time of occurrence of side effects and the relationship between the type of treatment and the number of doses. Material-Method: Between January 2016 and October 2019 in Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital Medical Oncology and Chest Diseases clinics, the files of 80 malignant melanoma, renal cell cancer, or non-small cell lung cancer patients who received one or more of ipilimumab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab, durvalumab, atezolizumab medications, were evaluated. The patients' age, gender, immunotherapy agent, developed endocrinopathy type, dose frequency and time of endocrinopathy presentation and laboratory tests were retrospectively analyzed. Statistical Analysis: IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 Program was used. Numerical variables are given as mean and standard deviation or median (min-max). Categorical variables were given as numbers and percentages. Chi-square test was applied for categorical variables. Results: Among the 80 patients included in our study, 31 were female (38.8%) and 49 were male (61.2%). The average age was 62 (31-80). 36 of the patients were diagnosed as malignant melanoma, 36 were NSCLC, 6 were RCC and 2 were RCC + NSCLC. There were 13 patients received ipilimumab, 30 patients received nivolumab, 12 patients received durvalumab, 19 patients received pembrolizumab, 1 patient received atezoluzumab, and 5 patients received ipilimumab and nivolumab therapy together. Eighteen of the 80 patients who received immune control point inhibitors developed endocrinopathy and the frequency of endocrinopathy was 22.5%. Hypothyroidism was the most common endocrine disorder due to treatment (11.25%). It was determined that two patients developed drug related hypophysitis (2.5%) and both received ipilimumab therapy. Both patients who developed diabetes received anti PD-1. In general, it was found that endocrinopathy was seen in the first 3 months of treatment (average 12.3 weeks), but in some patients it occurred after the first dose. Dequervain thyroiditis was detected in one patient due to nivolumab treatment and Graves in one patient. Conclusion: In patients received immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy; the endocrine disorder that may develop during the treatment process is very frequent and generally seen in the first 3 months of treatment. TSH, T4 should be examined every 4-6 weeks from the start of treatment, and in case of clinical suspicion, blood glucose, cortisol, ACTH should be examined and the opinion of the endocrinologist should be obtained.