Investigation of red mud as a catalyst for converting of polyethylene / polyvinyl chloride mixture into fuels
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET Kırmızı Çamurun, Polietilen /Polivinil Klorür Karışımının Yakıtlara Dönüştürülmesinde Katalizör Olarak Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması ÇOTURA, Sergen Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Jale YANIK Ağustos 2000, 81 Sayfa Bu tezde, alüminyum üretiminde bir yan ürün olan kırmızı çamurun polietilen (PE) / polivinil klorür (PVC) karışımının yakıtlara dönüştürülmesinde katalizör olarak kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, ağır vakum gaz yağı (HVGO) içindeki PVC (%5), PE(%20), karışımına ilk başta kırmızı çamur yokluğunda ve varlığında dekorlanma işlemi uygulandı. Sonra dekorlanmış karışım gaz ve sıvı yakıtları ele geçirmek için hidrokrakinge uğratıldı. Kırmızı çamursuz dekorlanan örneğe, kırmızı çamur bidrokraking basamağı sırasında kondu. Hidrokrakingte işlem koşullarının (örneğin besleme tipi, sıcaklık ve süre) ürün dağılımı (gaz, sıvı, vaks, asfalten ve kok) ve sıvı ürünlerin özellikleri üzerine etkisi incelendi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Üçüncül Geri Kazanım, Kırmızı Çamur, Parçalama
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF RED MUD AS A CATALYST FOR CONVERTING OF POLYETHYLENE / POLYVINYL CHLORIDE MIXTURE INTO FUELS ÇOTURA, Sergen MSc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jale YANIK August 2000, 81 pages In this thesis, it was investigated that the usage of red mud which is a by-product from aluminium production, as a catalyst for converting, of polyethylene (PE) / polyvinyl chloride (PVC) mixture into fuels. For this purpose PVC (%5), PE (%20) mixture in heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) was initially dechlorinated in absence and presence of red mud. Then dechlorinated mixture was hydrocracked to obtain the gas and liquid fuels. In case of the dechlorinated sample without RM, RM was added into mixture during hydrocracking step. The effect of process conditions in hydrocracking (such as feedstock type, temperature and time) on the product distribution (gas, liquid, wax, asphaltene and coke) and the properties of liquid products were investigated. The main objective of this study was to investigate the evaluation of a waste as a catalyst in recycling of another waste. Keywords: Tertiary Recycling, Red Mud, Hydrocracking
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF RED MUD AS A CATALYST FOR CONVERTING OF POLYETHYLENE / POLYVINYL CHLORIDE MIXTURE INTO FUELS ÇOTURA, Sergen MSc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jale YANIK August 2000, 81 pages In this thesis, it was investigated that the usage of red mud which is a by-product from aluminium production, as a catalyst for converting, of polyethylene (PE) / polyvinyl chloride (PVC) mixture into fuels. For this purpose PVC (%5), PE (%20) mixture in heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) was initially dechlorinated in absence and presence of red mud. Then dechlorinated mixture was hydrocracked to obtain the gas and liquid fuels. In case of the dechlorinated sample without RM, RM was added into mixture during hydrocracking step. The effect of process conditions in hydrocracking (such as feedstock type, temperature and time) on the product distribution (gas, liquid, wax, asphaltene and coke) and the properties of liquid products were investigated. The main objective of this study was to investigate the evaluation of a waste as a catalyst in recycling of another waste. Keywords: Tertiary Recycling, Red Mud, Hydrocracking
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Hidrokraking, Hydrocracking, Kırmızı çamur, Red mud, Polietilen, Polyethylene, Yeniden kazanma, Recycling