İzmir Körfezi'nde yaşayan mytilus galloprovincialis (lamarck) da bazı iz element (Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Mn) konsantrasyonlarının mevsimsel ve lokaliteye göre değişimlerinin araştırılması
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
- 19 - ¥1. O E E T Bu çalışraada İzzıiz Körfezi 'nin farklı kirlilikte olan bölgelerinden (Sakil i) Mytilus galloprovincialiş örneklerinin içerdiği Derair (Fe) p Çinko (Zn) j Bakır (Cu) " Kurşun (Pb) ve Mangan (Mn) ' m konsantrasyonları t mevsimsel ve böl
SUMMARY The purpose of this study is to investigate seasonal and geographical variations of Fe., Zn, Cuf ?b and Mn concentrations, which are included by Mytilus gailoprovincialis,, in İZMİR Bay (Fig. 1), Samples j which are taken from 7 stations in different seasons, are analysed by flame atomic absorption instrument. The measurements which are carried out from the shell and soft parts of Mytilus gailoprovincialis (Lamarck) are in the range as given be low. Soft parts: iron (Fe): 87.6-243.6 /fg/g. Zinc (Zn) : 144.3-295.1 /4%l%f Cupper (Cu) : 5.5-19.3 /f.g/g, Lead (Fb) : 4.8-9.9 y^g/g? Manganese (Mn) : 10.7-12.8y*f.g/g (Dry weight). Shell; iron (Fe) : 29.8-38.5 /^g/gP Zinc (Zn): 7.5-14.7/*g/g, Cupper (Cu) : S.Z-l?.Sy.g/g.. lead (Pb) : 38.2- 44.7y-?g/g. Manganese (Mn) : 18. 3-19.1 /^g/g (Dry weight). It is observed that the trace element concentrations in My t i lu s gailoprovincialis.« which, acts as indicator, shows seasonal and geographical variations in Izmir Bay.
SUMMARY The purpose of this study is to investigate seasonal and geographical variations of Fe., Zn, Cuf ?b and Mn concentrations, which are included by Mytilus gailoprovincialis,, in İZMİR Bay (Fig. 1), Samples j which are taken from 7 stations in different seasons, are analysed by flame atomic absorption instrument. The measurements which are carried out from the shell and soft parts of Mytilus gailoprovincialis (Lamarck) are in the range as given be low. Soft parts: iron (Fe): 87.6-243.6 /fg/g. Zinc (Zn) : 144.3-295.1 /4%l%f Cupper (Cu) : 5.5-19.3 /f.g/g, Lead (Fb) : 4.8-9.9 y^g/g? Manganese (Mn) : 10.7-12.8y*f.g/g (Dry weight). Shell; iron (Fe) : 29.8-38.5 /^g/gP Zinc (Zn): 7.5-14.7/*g/g, Cupper (Cu) : S.Z-l?.Sy.g/g.. lead (Pb) : 38.2- 44.7y-?g/g. Manganese (Mn) : 18. 3-19.1 /^g/g (Dry weight). It is observed that the trace element concentrations in My t i lu s gailoprovincialis.« which, acts as indicator, shows seasonal and geographical variations in Izmir Bay.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Çevre Mühendisliği, Environmental Engineering