Hidroelektrik Santrallerle Gelen Yıkım
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Su kaynakları suyun kâr elde etmek için metalaştırılmasının bir sonucu olarak tükenmekte ve kirletilmektedir. Neoliberal politikalar suyu kıt bir kaynak olarak tanımlamakta ve bu kıt kaynağı ekonomik bir değ er olarak ele almaktadır. Suyu bir hak olarak değ il, bir ihtiyaç maddesi olarak algılanmaktadır. 2015 yılı sonu itibariyle üretilen 259,7 milyar kWh elektriğin %25,8'i hidrolik kaynaktan sağlanmıştır. Planlanan projeler de tamamlandığında toplam Hidroelektrik Santral (HES) sayısı 1383 olacaktır. HES inşa etme görevi özel sektöre devredilmiştir. Mevzuatta yapılan değişikliklerle mini ve mikro HES'lerin yapımına ve özel sektöre yapacağı HES'lerden elektrik ü retip satabilme izin verilmiştir. HES'lerin sorumluluğu İl Özel İdarelerine geçmiştir. Bitki örtüsü, orman alanları, endemik türlerin doğal yaşam ortamlarının tahribatı, su kalitesinin bozulması ve sucul yaşam, delta, sulak alan, yeraltı suları, tarih ve tabiat varlıkları üzerine olumsuz etkileri HES'lerin çevresel etkileridir. Göç ve yarattığı sosyal sorunlar, ekonomik etkiler, elektrik iletim hatlarından kaynaklı sorunlar ve paraziter hastalıkların artışı insanlar üzerine olan etkileridir. Çevre etki değerlendirme raporlarının hazırlanması sürecinde de birçok eksik ve hata bulunmaktadır. Halkın katılımı toplantıları ve incelemedeğerlendirme komisyonu toplantıları da işlevsizdir. Tü rkiye'de su politikaları uluslararası ö zelleş tirme politikalarına paralel olarak ş ekillenmektedir. Gerçekleştirilen neoliberal reformların amacı nehirlerin özel sektörün hizmetine sunularak, akarsuyun varlığı ile yaşamını devam ettiren insan ve diğer canlılardan su kullanım haklarını ellerinden almaktır.
Water resources are depleted and polluted as a result of the commodization of water for profit. Neoliberal policies define water as a scarce resource and that scarce resource is assessed as an economic asset. Water is perceived as a need item, not as a right. By the end of 2015, 25.8%of the produced electricity, which is 259.7 billion kWh in total, is provided from the hidrolic source. When the whole planned Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) projects are completed, there will be 1383 HPP. HPP construction tasks have been transferred to private sector. the construction of mini and micro hydroelectric power is permitted with the amendments made in the legislation and private sector is allowed to produce and sell electricity from its constructed HPP. the responsibility of HPP passed to the Provincial Administration. Destruction of vegetation, forests, natural habitats of endemic species, water quality degradation and negative impact on aquatic life, deltas, wetlands, groundwater, historical are the environmental eff ects of HES. Migration and its social problems, the economic eff ects, electricity transmission lines related problems and the increase of parasitic diseases are the eff ects on humans. There are many deficiencies and errors. during the preparation process of the environmental impact assessment report. Community participation meetings and review and evaluation committee meetings are also nonfunctional. Water policies in Turkey are formed parallel to the international privatization policies. the objective of the performed neoliberal reforms is to present the rivers to the private sector and to take away the water rights of people and other living things that sustain their lives with the presence of rivers.
Water resources are depleted and polluted as a result of the commodization of water for profit. Neoliberal policies define water as a scarce resource and that scarce resource is assessed as an economic asset. Water is perceived as a need item, not as a right. By the end of 2015, 25.8%of the produced electricity, which is 259.7 billion kWh in total, is provided from the hidrolic source. When the whole planned Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) projects are completed, there will be 1383 HPP. HPP construction tasks have been transferred to private sector. the construction of mini and micro hydroelectric power is permitted with the amendments made in the legislation and private sector is allowed to produce and sell electricity from its constructed HPP. the responsibility of HPP passed to the Provincial Administration. Destruction of vegetation, forests, natural habitats of endemic species, water quality degradation and negative impact on aquatic life, deltas, wetlands, groundwater, historical are the environmental eff ects of HES. Migration and its social problems, the economic eff ects, electricity transmission lines related problems and the increase of parasitic diseases are the eff ects on humans. There are many deficiencies and errors. during the preparation process of the environmental impact assessment report. Community participation meetings and review and evaluation committee meetings are also nonfunctional. Water policies in Turkey are formed parallel to the international privatization policies. the objective of the performed neoliberal reforms is to present the rivers to the private sector and to take away the water rights of people and other living things that sustain their lives with the presence of rivers.
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