Nohutta(cicer arietinum L. ) hasat indeksi , biyolojik verim performansı ve bunların tane verimi ve bazı agronomik özellikler ile ilişkileri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET ~JZ ^S& 5X NOHUTTA (Cicer arietinum L.) HASAT İNDEKSİ, BİYOLOJİK VERİM PERFORMANSI VE BUNLARIN TANE VERİMİ VE BAZI AGRONOMİK ÖZELLİKLER İLE İLİŞKİLERİ ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR ÖNCAN, Feride Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç Dr. Metin ALTINBAŞ EYLÜL 2000, 53 Sayfa Bu çalışmada, 1999 yılında İzmir-Bornova koşullarında denenen yeni geliştirilmiş bazı kabuli tip nohut hatlarından oluşan ve birinde 10 diğerinde de 15 genotipin yer aldığı iki populasyonda hasat indeksi, biyolojik verim, tane verimi ve verim özellikleri bakımından genotip performanslarının ve özellikler arası ilişkilerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Varyans analizleri, 10 genotipi içeren birinci populasyonda ikincil dal sayısı ve diğer populasyonda da bitki boyu dışındaki tüm özellikler yönünden genotipler arasında önemli farklılıkların bulunduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Korelasyon ve path analizlerinden elde edilen bulgular; incelenen özelliklerden bitkide bakla sayısının sadece birinci populasyonda, biyoloijk verimin ise her iki populasyonda da bitki tane verimini etkileyen en önemli özellikler olduğunu göstermiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Nohut, Cicer arietinum, kabuli tip, hasat indeksi, biyolojik verim, bitki tane verimi, verim özellikleri, korelasyon, path analizi
vn ABSTRACT THE STUDIES ON THE PERFORMANCE FOR HARVEST INDEX, BIOLOGICAL YIELD AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH SEED YIELD AND SOME AGRONOMIC TRAITS IN CHICKPEA (Cicer arietinum L.) ÖNCAN, Feride MSc in Department of Field Crops Supervisor: Doç. Dr. Metin ALTINBAŞ September 2000, 53 Pages İn this investigation, it was intended to determine the performance of genotypes for harvest index, biological yield, seed yield and yield components and relationships among traits studied in two populations consisted of newly-developed kabuli chickpea lines. Both populations, 10 genotypes were included in one of them and also 1 5 ones did in other, were evaluated in two experiments using a randomized complete block desing with three replications at İzmir-Bornova in 1999. Analyses of variance indicated to be significant differences among genotypes for all characters except number of secondary branches/ plant in first population in which 10 genotypes included and also plant height in other population. The results from correlation and path analysis implied that biological yield/ plant in both populations and also number of pods/ plant in only first population were most important traits which had highest effect on seed yield/ plant. Key words: Chickpea, Cicer arietinum, kabuli type, harvest index, biological yield, seed yield per plant, yield components, correlation, path analysis.
vn ABSTRACT THE STUDIES ON THE PERFORMANCE FOR HARVEST INDEX, BIOLOGICAL YIELD AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH SEED YIELD AND SOME AGRONOMIC TRAITS IN CHICKPEA (Cicer arietinum L.) ÖNCAN, Feride MSc in Department of Field Crops Supervisor: Doç. Dr. Metin ALTINBAŞ September 2000, 53 Pages İn this investigation, it was intended to determine the performance of genotypes for harvest index, biological yield, seed yield and yield components and relationships among traits studied in two populations consisted of newly-developed kabuli chickpea lines. Both populations, 10 genotypes were included in one of them and also 1 5 ones did in other, were evaluated in two experiments using a randomized complete block desing with three replications at İzmir-Bornova in 1999. Analyses of variance indicated to be significant differences among genotypes for all characters except number of secondary branches/ plant in first population in which 10 genotypes included and also plant height in other population. The results from correlation and path analysis implied that biological yield/ plant in both populations and also number of pods/ plant in only first population were most important traits which had highest effect on seed yield/ plant. Key words: Chickpea, Cicer arietinum, kabuli type, harvest index, biological yield, seed yield per plant, yield components, correlation, path analysis.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Hasat, Harvesting, Nohut, Chickpea, Tane verimi, Grain yield, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Varyans analizi, Variance analysis, Verim, Yield