Berrak hücreli tip epitelyal over kanserlerinin incelenmesi
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Amaç: Berrak hücreli tip epitelyal over kanserlerinin özellikleri, klinik yaklaşım ve sağkalımlarının incelenmesi Gereç ve yöntemler: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim dalında Ocak 1994 ile Eylül 2007 tarihleri arasında histopatolojik olarak berrak hücreli tip epitelyal over kanseri tanısı konmuş 63 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların yaşları, tanı anındaki evreleri, cerrahi işlem sonrası histopatolojik tanıları ve sağkalım süreleri incelendi. Eksiksiz verilere toplam 18 hastada ulaşılabilmiştir. Bulgular: Otuz iki hastada saf berrak hücreli karsinom (12'si çift taraşı), 12 hastada berrak hücreli ve endometrioid, 2 hastada berrak hücreli ve musinöz, 11 hastada berrak hücreli ve seröz (2 hastada çift taraşı) bulundu. Altı hastada ise hem seröz hem berrak hem de endometrioid tip bileşen birlikte bulundu. Eksiksiz olarak verilerine ulaşılabilen 18 hastanın yaş ortalaması 55,5 yıl olarak saptandı. Hastaların 10'u cerrahi evrelemeye göre evre I' de tanı alırken diğer 8 hasta evre 3 olarak saptandı. Hastaların hepsi cerrahi işlem sonrasında kemoterapi aldılar. Hastalar 5 yıl içinde evrelerine göre incelendiğinde Evre 1 için %60'ı cerrahi işlem sonrasında sağ iken, evre 3 için bu oran %12,5 olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Erken evre berrak hücreli tip epitelyal over kanserleri diğer erken evre epitelyal kanserlerle benzer sağkalıma sahip olmalarına rağmen, ileri evrelerde daha kötü sağkalım ortaya çıkar.
Objective: To review the characteristics, clinical management and survival of clear cell type of epithelial ovarian cancers Material and methods: Between January 1994 and September 2007, 63 patients diagnosed with clear cell type epithelial overian cancer in department of obstetrics and gynecology Ege University Faculty of Medicine was included in the study. The age of the patients, surgical stage at the time of diagnosis, histopathological diagnosis after and the survival of the patients were reviewed. Complete data was present for 18 cases. Results: Thirty-two patients had pure clear cell carcinoma (12 of them bilateral), clear cell and endometrioid in 12 cases, clear cell and mucinous in 2 cases, clear cell and serous in 11 cases (2 of them bilateral). In 6 patients clear cell, serous and endometriod types existed together. The mean age of the 18 patients with complete data was 55.5 years. Ten patients were at stage 1 after surgical staging while 8 patients stage 3. All the patients received chemotherapy after the surgery. When the patients were evaluated by the stage, 60% of stage 1 patients and 12.5% of stage 3 patients were alive at the end of 5 years. Conclusion: Early stage clear cell type epithelial ovarian cancers have the same survival like other epithelial ovarian cancer types, worse survival rates are seen in advanced stages.
Objective: To review the characteristics, clinical management and survival of clear cell type of epithelial ovarian cancers Material and methods: Between January 1994 and September 2007, 63 patients diagnosed with clear cell type epithelial overian cancer in department of obstetrics and gynecology Ege University Faculty of Medicine was included in the study. The age of the patients, surgical stage at the time of diagnosis, histopathological diagnosis after and the survival of the patients were reviewed. Complete data was present for 18 cases. Results: Thirty-two patients had pure clear cell carcinoma (12 of them bilateral), clear cell and endometrioid in 12 cases, clear cell and mucinous in 2 cases, clear cell and serous in 11 cases (2 of them bilateral). In 6 patients clear cell, serous and endometriod types existed together. The mean age of the 18 patients with complete data was 55.5 years. Ten patients were at stage 1 after surgical staging while 8 patients stage 3. All the patients received chemotherapy after the surgery. When the patients were evaluated by the stage, 60% of stage 1 patients and 12.5% of stage 3 patients were alive at the end of 5 years. Conclusion: Early stage clear cell type epithelial ovarian cancers have the same survival like other epithelial ovarian cancer types, worse survival rates are seen in advanced stages.
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Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derneği Dergisi
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