Nüfus hareketi ve açık yeşil alanlar arasındaki ilişkiler-Marmaris ve çevresi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
74 6. ÖZET Marmaris 1965'lerde küçük bir sahil kasabasıyken, günümüzde dünyaca tanınan, ülkenin ünlü bir tacil kentlerinden biridir. Marmaris'te kentleşme eğilimleri yüksektir. Yeşil alanlar günden güne yerlerini beton binalara bırakmaktadır. Kentte, turizm mevsimi süresince aşırı nüfus artışı birçok problemi beraberinde getirmektedir. Marmaris ' in kentleşme sürecinde optimal arazi kullanımını sağlamak ve kent için önem taşıyan ekolojik açıdan önemli biyotopların saptanması ve korunmaya alınması amacıyla, spontan ve dikili, odunsu ve otsu türlerin tespiti yapılmıştır. Bu arada önceden hazırlanan gözlem formlarına, en yüksek bitki boyları, tabakalarıma, çeşitlilik gibi hususlar kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışma alanında yapılan gözlemlerde, biyotopların bulunduğu mevkiler şekil üzerinde işlenmiştir. Son olarak biyotoplar doğallık derecesi ve kullanım durumuna göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Böylece önemli biyotopların ekolojik açıdan önemi, korunması, geliştirme ve bakım önerileri ortaya konmuştur
75 7.SUMMARY Marmaris was a small shore town in 1965, but now it's one of the biggest and famous holiday sites of our country. In Marmaris urbanization tendencies are so high that day by day green areas are occupied by concrete buildings. Seasonal demographic outburst due to tourism creates a lot of problems. In view of this, an attempt has been made here to list spontaneous and planted plant taxa, both herbaceous as well as woody ones in order to ensure optimal land use and put forward ecologically important biotops in Marmaris, which are under urbanization stresses. Abundance cover and sociability values of these taxa have been recorded. In addition to this maximum height of the plants, stratification and species diversity have also been noted down on the observation forms prepared before the studies were undertaken. All sites of biotops are presented in the form of a map and these biotops are classified in accordance with their natural degrees and utilisation potential. Importance of these biotops in the light of their ecological characteristics possibilities for their improvement and maintenance have been put forward.
75 7.SUMMARY Marmaris was a small shore town in 1965, but now it's one of the biggest and famous holiday sites of our country. In Marmaris urbanization tendencies are so high that day by day green areas are occupied by concrete buildings. Seasonal demographic outburst due to tourism creates a lot of problems. In view of this, an attempt has been made here to list spontaneous and planted plant taxa, both herbaceous as well as woody ones in order to ensure optimal land use and put forward ecologically important biotops in Marmaris, which are under urbanization stresses. Abundance cover and sociability values of these taxa have been recorded. In addition to this maximum height of the plants, stratification and species diversity have also been noted down on the observation forms prepared before the studies were undertaken. All sites of biotops are presented in the form of a map and these biotops are classified in accordance with their natural degrees and utilisation potential. Importance of these biotops in the light of their ecological characteristics possibilities for their improvement and maintenance have been put forward.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Muğla-Marmaris, Muğla-Marmaris, Nüfus dağılımı, Distribution of population, Yeşil alanlar, Green areas