Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Ağrı
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AmAÇ: Hemodiyaliz (HD) tedavisi gören hastalarda ağrının sıklığını, nedenlerini ve şiddetini incelemek amacıyla yapılmış tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel bir çalışmadır. GErEÇ ve yÖntEmlEr: Örneklemi; Uşak'ta iki özel HD merkezinde tedavi gören, araştırma sınırlılıklarına uyan ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 150 HD hastası oluşturdu. Veriler, Hasta Tanıtım Formu ve McGill-Melzack Ağrı Soru Formu kullanılarak toplandı ve ortalama, t testi, Mann-Whitney U testi ve Kruskal Wallis H testleri ile değerlendirildi. BUlGUlAr: HD hastalarının neredeyse hepsinin (%96) ağrı hissettiği, büyük bir çoğunluğunun hafif ve rahatsız edici düzeyde, geriye kalanların ise şiddetli, çok şiddetli ya da dayanılmaz düzeyde ağrı yaşadığı saptandı. Ağrının baş, abdomen, alt ve üst ekstremiteler gibi vücudun farklı alanlarına yayıldığı; hastaların ağrı ile başetmede ise, farmakolojik ve non-farmakolojik tedavileri tercih ettikleri görüldü. Cinsiyetin, haftalık HD sıklığının ve yalnız yaşamanın ağrının şiddetini arttıran faktörler olduğu bulundu.SOnUÇ: HD tedavisi alan hastaların neredeyse hepsi ağrı hissetmekte ve ağrının dindirilmesi için, bütüncül bakımın sağlanması önem arz etmektedir. Etkin, bütüncül bir bakım ise, ayrıntılı ağrı tanılamasını, tedavi ve bakımının planlanmasını, ağrı lokalizasyonlarını ve etkileyen etmenleri belirlemeyi gerektirmektedir.
OBJEctIVE: We evaluated the frequency, causes and severity of pain in patients undergoing Hemodialysis (HD) treatment in this descriptive cross-sectional study. mA tErIAl and mEthOdS: The study sample consisted of 150 HD patients undergoing treatment at two HD centers in Uşak, Turkey. Data collection was achieved using a Patient Information Form and the McGill-Melzack Pain Questionnaire, and evaluation was made using means, the t test, and the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests. rESUltS: It was found that nearly all HD patients (96%) experienced pain that was light or at the level of discomfort for most but at a severe, very severe or unbearable level for the rest. The pain spread from various regions of the body such as the head, abdomen, and upper and lower extremities. Patients chose both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments to cope with the pain. We found that gender, a weekly frequency of HD, and living alone were factors that influenced the severity of pain.cOnclUSIOn: Almost all patients undergoing HD experience pain and holistic care is important to relieve this pain. Effective holistic treatment necessitates a specific pain diagnosis, planned treatment and care, localizing the pain and determination of the factors that affect it.
OBJEctIVE: We evaluated the frequency, causes and severity of pain in patients undergoing Hemodialysis (HD) treatment in this descriptive cross-sectional study. mA tErIAl and mEthOdS: The study sample consisted of 150 HD patients undergoing treatment at two HD centers in Uşak, Turkey. Data collection was achieved using a Patient Information Form and the McGill-Melzack Pain Questionnaire, and evaluation was made using means, the t test, and the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests. rESUltS: It was found that nearly all HD patients (96%) experienced pain that was light or at the level of discomfort for most but at a severe, very severe or unbearable level for the rest. The pain spread from various regions of the body such as the head, abdomen, and upper and lower extremities. Patients chose both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments to cope with the pain. We found that gender, a weekly frequency of HD, and living alone were factors that influenced the severity of pain.cOnclUSIOn: Almost all patients undergoing HD experience pain and holistic care is important to relieve this pain. Effective holistic treatment necessitates a specific pain diagnosis, planned treatment and care, localizing the pain and determination of the factors that affect it.
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Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi
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