Tarım toprakları kimi özelliklerinin zemin mekaniği laboratuvar analizleri ile ilişkileri üzerine bir çalışma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Verimli tarım topraklanma, aşırı yağışlar, yüzeysel ve yer içi suları akışlan başta olmak üzere rüzgar, donma-çözülme gibi fiziksel etmenler ve kimi kimyasal olaylar ile aşınıp dağılması, özellikle sert eğimli arazilerde yamaçlardan akıp, akarsular ile göllere ve denizlere taşınması sonucu yitirilmesi olarak genel bir tanımı yapılabilen erozyon, yeryüzünün çoğu ülkesinde olduğu gibi yurdumuzda da gecikilmeksizin önlenilmesi gereken, çok önemli bir sorundur. Bilindiği gibi 'erozyon' sözcüğünün kökeni, Latince "erosio' sözcüğü olup, bir şeyin aşınması, kemirilmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Bu konuda başlatılmış araştırmalar ilerletilmeli, kurum ve kuruluşlar arasında da etkin bir işbirliği sağlanmalıdır. Erozyon, tarım alanları dışında ormanlan, büyük yatırımlar ile gerçekleştirilen barajlar, sulama kanallan ve limanlar gibi bayındırlık yapılarını da olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Erozyon araştırmaları ve erozyona karşı. alınacak önlemler, Ziraat Mühendisliği Toprak Anabilimdalı başta olmak üzere toprak koruma, kültür-teknik, bağ-bahçe ve tarla tarımı, tanmsal mekanizasyon gibi Ziraat Mühendisliği diğer dalları ile birlikte jeoloji, ormancılık ve İnşaat Mühendisliği uzmanlannca da konularına göre işlevler üstlenilen, bir araştırma ve uygulama alanıdır. Erozyon araştırmaları ve alınacak önlemlerin belirlenmesi için fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak özeliklerine ilişkin laboratuar çalışmaları ile birlikte, arazi morfolojisi, iklim koşullan ve bitki örtüsü de ayrıntılı olarak araştırılmaktadır. Toprakların granüler veya kohezyonlu yapıda olmaları, su geçirimliği, kumlu çakıllı zeminlerin yerleşim sıkılığı, killi zeminlerin plastisite kıvamı gibi fizikler özelikleri ve bunlar kadar önemli olarak toprakların dayanım ve sıkışma gibi mekanik özeliklerinin, 'Zemin Mekaniği' ilke, kavram ve laboratuar deneyleri ile de incelenmesi, ayrıca su ve toprak ilişkilerinin zemin hidrodinamiği açısından ele alınıp aydınlatılması, erozyon araştırmaları kapsamında özel, ayrı bir yeni alan oluşturmak potansiyelini arz etmektedir. Erozyon araştırmalarının çok geniş spektrumu içerisinde bu yeni araştırma konusu bu çalışmada bir yüksek lisans tezi düzeyinde bir başlagıç olarak ele alınmış; literatür taraması yapılarak tez metninde zemin mekaniği kavranılan, laboratuar deneyleri ve bulguların değerlendirilmesi, yeterli ayrıntılarda olarak, özlüce sunulmuştur. Anahtar sözcükler: Zemin mekaniği, zemin mekaniği laboratuar deneyleri, zemin mekaniği laboratuar bulgularının erozyon açısından değerlendirilmesi
VI ABSTRACT Erosion is the gradual but continuous wearing down of the earth's land surface. It involves the loosening and removal of rock particles and soil materials, generally carrying them from higher to lower levels. This is brought about both by chemical and by physical processes, working sometimes together, some times separately. The chief agents of erosion are the rains and the running water, while the others are underground water, waves and currents along shores, glacial ice, and the wind. Considerable amounts of fertile agricultural soils are lost each year, as these are wearied off by the erosive effects of rains and run-offs, and carried down to the lakes and sea as the sediments transported by streams and rivers. Besides the agriculture, erosion is also detrimental for the forests and for the civil works. The basins of dams, irrigation channels and harbours, realized with great investments, are filled up by the transported sediments, before their economical service life. The huge lost of fertile soils of cultivated areas, and the other detrimental effects of the erosion, is one of the most important problems of the word, as in our country, and as in many other countries of the Globe. Thus the precautions should be taken without delay, and for this end, the already started research and investigations should be advanced in all respects of the erosion studies. In this spectrum, a joint utilization and evaluation of the concepts and techniques of the 'Soil Science' of the agricultural engineering and the 'Soil Mechanics' of the civil engineering appears to be a potential candidate for a novel field of research. In this thesis work, which is a partial fulfilment leading to a first graduate degree as the Masters', just as a start in this new research field for a beginning at least, a careful read up as a sufficiently comprehensive literature survey, has been made, on the investigation of some physical properties of agricultural soils, and further on the determination of strengths and deformations, the so-called engineering properties of soils, by the soil mechanics laboratory test facilities. Soil mechanics concepts and laboratory test techniques are presented in the text in clear details, keeping the chapters in optimum volumes, considering the balance between the readability and completeness in technicalities. Key words: Soil mechanics, soil mechanics laboratory tests, evaluation of soil mechanics laboratory test results in erosion investigations.
VI ABSTRACT Erosion is the gradual but continuous wearing down of the earth's land surface. It involves the loosening and removal of rock particles and soil materials, generally carrying them from higher to lower levels. This is brought about both by chemical and by physical processes, working sometimes together, some times separately. The chief agents of erosion are the rains and the running water, while the others are underground water, waves and currents along shores, glacial ice, and the wind. Considerable amounts of fertile agricultural soils are lost each year, as these are wearied off by the erosive effects of rains and run-offs, and carried down to the lakes and sea as the sediments transported by streams and rivers. Besides the agriculture, erosion is also detrimental for the forests and for the civil works. The basins of dams, irrigation channels and harbours, realized with great investments, are filled up by the transported sediments, before their economical service life. The huge lost of fertile soils of cultivated areas, and the other detrimental effects of the erosion, is one of the most important problems of the word, as in our country, and as in many other countries of the Globe. Thus the precautions should be taken without delay, and for this end, the already started research and investigations should be advanced in all respects of the erosion studies. In this spectrum, a joint utilization and evaluation of the concepts and techniques of the 'Soil Science' of the agricultural engineering and the 'Soil Mechanics' of the civil engineering appears to be a potential candidate for a novel field of research. In this thesis work, which is a partial fulfilment leading to a first graduate degree as the Masters', just as a start in this new research field for a beginning at least, a careful read up as a sufficiently comprehensive literature survey, has been made, on the investigation of some physical properties of agricultural soils, and further on the determination of strengths and deformations, the so-called engineering properties of soils, by the soil mechanics laboratory test facilities. Soil mechanics concepts and laboratory test techniques are presented in the text in clear details, keeping the chapters in optimum volumes, considering the balance between the readability and completeness in technicalities. Key words: Soil mechanics, soil mechanics laboratory tests, evaluation of soil mechanics laboratory test results in erosion investigations.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Erozyon, Erosion, Toprak, Soil, Zemin mekaniği, Soil mechanics