Tragic hera as the outsider in modern English and American novel a study on J. Conrad, J. Joyce and W. Faulkner
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET "Trajik kahraman" kavramı tanımlandığında esasında hiçten bir varlık yaratılmamıştı; tam aksine bu terim mitlerin o derin tuzaklarında fiziksel güçleriyle tanrıların gazabına karşı koymaya çalışan Promete, Herkül gibi lanetlenmiş kişiliklerde zaten yaşıyordu. Onlar tanrıların gücüne, hegemonyasına ve en önemlisi tek-güç olma isteklerine karşı gelerek trajik acılar yaşadılar. Promete sonsuz kez ölmenin gazabını, Herkül ise çıldırarak tüm ailesini katletmenin acısını tattı. O zamanlar kahraman olmanın temel şartı fiziksel güçtü. Oysa zaman/a şekillenen Yunan toplumunda fiziksel üstünlük yavaş yavaş yerini zihinsel üstünlüğe ve bunun getirdiği kibire bıraktı. Aristo'nun evrensel tanımıyla tam olarak şekillenen trajik kahraman dış nedenlerden değil, kendi kişiliğindeki negatif bir özellikten (bu kin, hırs, kibir olabilir) dolayı daha yüksek bir mertebeden "düşen", tanınmış, belli bir saygınlığı olan kişidir. Bu tanımıyla trajik kahramanı en iyi biçimlendiren eski Yunan tragedya yazan Sophocles'tir. Bu incelemede Sophocles'in "Oedipus Rex", "Antigone" ve "Electra" adlı oyunlarında şekillenen ve Aristoteles'in tanımına bir eldiven gibi uyan "trajik kahraman" kavramı incelendikten sonra, bu kavramın Elizabeth döneminde Marlowe ve Shakespeare'deki çağrışımlarına değinilerek asıl odak noktası olan modem romanla birlikte bir anlamda yeniden doğan bu trajik kahramanın kim olduğu konusu irdelenmektedir. Modern trajik kahraman gerçek trajedisini hiç bir zaman tam olarak tanımlayamayan biri, bir "hiç-kimse" olmaktan asla kurtulamaz. O yalnızlıkların,ikilemlerin, anlamsızlıkların ve en önemlisi absürdlüğe varan hiçliklerin dünyasında kendini tanımlamaktan aciz bir zavallıdır artık. Ne Herkül kadar kudretli ne de Oedipus kadar yücedir. Onun ne Hamlet gibi sahiplenebileceği bir ülkesi nede Faustus gibi hayal edebileceği bir rüyası vardır. Çünkü kendi benliği henüz larva döneminden kurtulamamıştır. O bir dışlanmıştır - ya isteyerek, kendi bilinciyle bu kaotik dünyanın kenarında bir yerlerde, tek başına kalmayı yeğler; ya da isteği dışında bir boşluğa sürüklenir. O Christmas gibi ne siyah, ne beyazdır; Kurtz gibi ne tanrı ne insandır; Stephen gibi ne özel ne de toplumsal bir kişiliktir. Hep bir yerlerin ortalarında nefes almaya, daha da ironik olarak nefes alırken ölmeye uğraşır. Kendini tanımlayamadığı, bir topluluğa ait olamadığı sürece içsel hiçliğinden kurtulamayacağını bilir ;oysa bir yanı, zaten etrafını kabuk gibi sarmış bu kozadan kurtulmayı, kalıplaşmayı reddeder, özet/e modern kahramanımız bir hiçtir, ölümü hiç bir şeyi çözümlemez. O metalar, saplantılar, anlamsızlıklar dünyasında adımlarını sayan ama asla tüm adımlarını birleştip yolunu bulamayacak olan bir hiçtir. Dışlanmıştır o ve dışlanmış kalacaktır
199 ABSTRACT When the term 'tragic hero' was first coined, it was not actually created out of nothing, because this term lived inside the dark recesses of myths, in personages who were damned as a result of their desire to rebel against the hegemony of the Gods. Hercules tasted the pain of murdering his own family, while Prometheus suffered the talons of a bird that tortured him for eternity. Then, the seal of the hero was his/her physical strength but as the Greek world progressed, the hero's lot progressed with it; and physical power left its place to the power of mind and the curse of pride which was the accompaniment of that power. Aristotle defined the tragic hero as a renowned man, whose fall was not a result of external circumstances but a flaw within his own character which could be his excessive pride, ambition or desire of revenge. Sophocles painted best, this noble hero whose fall meant peace and harmony to the Greek world. In this thesis three plays of Sophocles {Oedipus the King, Antigone, Elecira) are examined and after noting the Elizabethan tragic hero of Marlowe and Shakespeare, the modern tragic hero and his world is focused upon. The modem tragic hero is a 'no-one* whose real tragedy could never be thoroughly defined. He is a lost man inside a world of absurdities, obsessions, dualities and meaninglessness, who can never define himself and he is never as noble as Hamlet or as fearless as Atcides. He lacks a place he can belong or a place he can dream of. He is an outsider - either willingly or unwillingly by the force200 of a community he abhors to belong. In this state he declares power, dissects life, tortures others and dies a meaningless death or lives as a stuffed mummy; listening to organs, running with phantom horses. He tries to breathe in the middle of nothing and his inner duality chokes him in its massiveness - that he can never define himself without belonging and that belonging means the death of self. Briefly, modem hero is a no-one who can never ever find his footing. He refuses to be the ethical man, refuses to belong, refuses to brace life and dies an unwanted, brutal death. His salvation lies in bracing humanity, yet he is too obsessed to brace anything. He is the outsider waiting outside the doorstep; looking in, but refusing to take a step. 'İâS
199 ABSTRACT When the term 'tragic hero' was first coined, it was not actually created out of nothing, because this term lived inside the dark recesses of myths, in personages who were damned as a result of their desire to rebel against the hegemony of the Gods. Hercules tasted the pain of murdering his own family, while Prometheus suffered the talons of a bird that tortured him for eternity. Then, the seal of the hero was his/her physical strength but as the Greek world progressed, the hero's lot progressed with it; and physical power left its place to the power of mind and the curse of pride which was the accompaniment of that power. Aristotle defined the tragic hero as a renowned man, whose fall was not a result of external circumstances but a flaw within his own character which could be his excessive pride, ambition or desire of revenge. Sophocles painted best, this noble hero whose fall meant peace and harmony to the Greek world. In this thesis three plays of Sophocles {Oedipus the King, Antigone, Elecira) are examined and after noting the Elizabethan tragic hero of Marlowe and Shakespeare, the modern tragic hero and his world is focused upon. The modem tragic hero is a 'no-one* whose real tragedy could never be thoroughly defined. He is a lost man inside a world of absurdities, obsessions, dualities and meaninglessness, who can never define himself and he is never as noble as Hamlet or as fearless as Atcides. He lacks a place he can belong or a place he can dream of. He is an outsider - either willingly or unwillingly by the force200 of a community he abhors to belong. In this state he declares power, dissects life, tortures others and dies a meaningless death or lives as a stuffed mummy; listening to organs, running with phantom horses. He tries to breathe in the middle of nothing and his inner duality chokes him in its massiveness - that he can never define himself without belonging and that belonging means the death of self. Briefly, modem hero is a no-one who can never ever find his footing. He refuses to be the ethical man, refuses to belong, refuses to brace life and dies an unwanted, brutal death. His salvation lies in bracing humanity, yet he is too obsessed to brace anything. He is the outsider waiting outside the doorstep; looking in, but refusing to take a step. 'İâS
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Anahtar Kelimeler
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Linguistics and Literature, Amerikan edebiyatı, American literature, Kahramanlar, Heroes, Roman, Novel, Trajedi, Tragedy, İngiliz edebiyatı, English literature