Gas and water vapor adsorption on local clinoptilolite

Küçük Resim Yok



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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



IV ABSTRAKT Bu çalışmada, Bigadiç (Türkiye) yöresine ait doğal zeolit türü olan klinoptilolitin karbondioksit ve su buharı adsorpsiyon özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Zeolit yapısında değişiklik oluşturmak için zeolit, -Baryum Klorür -Amonyum Klorür ~Kurşun( II) Nitrat çözeltileri ile temas ettirilmiştir. Yapıdaki değişiklik konsantrasyon aralığının etkisine bağlı olarak, Atomik Absorpsiyon Spectrofotometresi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Doğal, yapısında değişiklik meydana getirilmiş ve asit ile işleme tabi tutulmuş zeolitlerin (29) Karbondioksit ve Su buharı adsorpsiyon özellikleri OMNISORP lOOcx volumetric cihazı ile belirlenmiştir. Bazı zeolit özelliklerine ait deneysel datalara model isothermler (Langmuir, B.E.T., D-A, and D-R ) uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak klinoptilolit mineralince zengin zeolit türleri iyon- değiştirici olarak atık sulardan iyon uzaklaştuılmasmda ve adsorbent olarak gaz ayırma ( Karbondioksit ve Su buharı ) işlemlerinde kullanılabilir
SUMMARY In this study, the Carbondioxide and Water Vapor Adsorption properties of local clinoptilolite, in original and modified forms, from Bigadiç (Türkiye ) were investigated. The structure modification was performed by ion exchange with BaCb, NH4CI, Pb(N03)2 and HC1 as follows: -Modification of zeolite with BaCİ2 exchange at two different concentrations (0.001M, 0.005M) and at 25°C,for 2 weeks. - Modification with BaCİ2 exchange at five different concentration (0.00 1M, 0.005M, 0.01M, 0.05M, 0.1M ) at 25°C, for 3 days. -Modification with 1.5M NH4CI exchange at 25°C, for 3 days. -Modification with 0. 1M Pb(NC>3)2 exchange at 25°C, for 2 weeks. -Modification with Pb(N03)2 exchange at six different concentrations (0.00 1M, 0.005M, 0.0 1M, 0.03M, 0.05M, 0.1M )at, 25°C, for 3 days. -Modification with HC1 at three different concentrations (0.1 6M, 1.6M,.5M) at 100 °C, for 3 days. The chemical analyses of the exchange solutions which were collected against time were obtained by using Varian Model 10BQ Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The removal of cations by Pb(N03)2 solution were much greater than BaCİ2 solutions.In the acid treatment experiments, we could see that acid caused loss the cations especially AT3,Fe +3 ions. The Pb(II) and Ba(II) exchange capacities of lg of local clinoptilolite were found as approximately 54.7 and 29.4 mg, respectively. The CO2 and H2O Vapour Adsorption properties (adsorption isotherm, surface area, pore volume.... )of original, modified samples and synthetic zeolite 4A ( Bayer Baylith T 142) were determined by using OMNISORP lOOcx volumetric system The model adsorption isotherms(Langmuir, B.E.T., D-A, D-R)were applied to the isotherm data.The model isotherms (except BET) were better represented to the experimental CO2 data then the H2O vapor adsorption. The original clinoptilolite mineral has almost two times smaller adsorption capacity and pore volume than syhtetic zeolite 4A. The maximum surface area of CO2 and H2O adsorption of original mineral were obtained as 259 and 383.124 m2/g, respectively, whereas these were obtained as 443.33 and 754.17 m2/g for sythetic zeolite 4A. In the determination of pore size of micropore materials there was investigations and uncertainity there was not the better right method. The CO2 and tfeO vapor adsorption have importance in industry, especially, in gas separation and air drying applications. It has been concluded that, clinoptilolite mineral can be used as ion exchanger and adsorbent in these industrial applications.


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering, Amonyum klorür, Ammonium chloride, Baryum klorür, Barium chloride, Kurşun nitrat, Lead nitrate, Zeolitler, Zeolites, Çanakkale-Bigadiç, Çanakkale-Bigadiç


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