The intiation processes of characters and quest motive in the Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan and in Beauty and Love by Şeyh Galip
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada alegorik iki eser olan Hüsn ü Aşk ve Hac Yolunda ilkörneksel eleştiri metoduyla incelenmiştir. Farklı kültürel, coğrafik, sosyal, tarihsel ve dinsel arka planlarına sahip olmalarına karşın, iki eserde de aym anlatı yapılan belirlenmiştir. Hüsn ü Aşk ve Hac Yolunda adlı eserlere iki önemli ilkörneksel eleştirmen olan Northrop Frye ve Joseph Campbell' in edebi kuramları uygulanmıştır. Hüsn ü Aşk (Love and Beauty) Türk Edebiyatında bir dervişin seyr ü sülukunu anlatan mistik bir eserdir. Hac Yolunda (The Pilgrim's Progress) ise İngiliz Edebiyatında, bir Hınstiyanm İncile göre mükemmel insanın serüvenim anlatan bir eserdir. Her iki eserde de, Aşk ile Hıristiyan'ın kişiler arzularını terk ederek değişimlerini gözlemlemek mümkündür. Aşk ve Hıristiyan, uzun ve zor psikolojik disiplin içersinde, kişisel sınır, umut ve korkularından tamamen sıyrılırlar. Uzun bir çabadan sonra, her ikisi de sonsuzluk derecesine kavuşur. İnsan zekasının böyle bir dereceyi kavramasına imkan yoktur. Ruhun değişim imgesi genellikle simya ile ifade edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çağlardan beri gelen normal maddelerden altın yapma tahayyülü tinsel manada bu iki eserde gerçekleşmiştir
In this study, two allegorical works, Beauty and Love and The Pilgrim 's Progress are analised according to archetypal criticism. Despite their different cultural, geographical, social, historical and religious backgrounds, the same narrative structure is found in both literary works. The theories of Joseph Campbell and Northrop Frye, two important archetypal critics, have been applied to Beauty and Love and The Pilgrim 's Progress Beauty and Love represents mystical quest-romance theme in Turkish Literature; The Pilgrim's Progress represents the Biblical quest- romance in English Literature. In these works, it is possible to observe the transfiguration of Love and Christian by extinguishing their personal wills. Love and Christian, through prolonged psychological disciplines, give up completely all attachment of their personal limitations, hopes and fears. After a long struggle, both of them reach a degree of infinity. It is possible to perceive such a degree by human intellect. The image of transformation of the soul is often expressed in the imagery of alchemy. The age-old dream of producing gold from base material is realised on the spiritual level in Beauty and Love and in The Pilgrim's Progress.
In this study, two allegorical works, Beauty and Love and The Pilgrim 's Progress are analised according to archetypal criticism. Despite their different cultural, geographical, social, historical and religious backgrounds, the same narrative structure is found in both literary works. The theories of Joseph Campbell and Northrop Frye, two important archetypal critics, have been applied to Beauty and Love and The Pilgrim 's Progress Beauty and Love represents mystical quest-romance theme in Turkish Literature; The Pilgrim's Progress represents the Biblical quest- romance in English Literature. In these works, it is possible to observe the transfiguration of Love and Christian by extinguishing their personal wills. Love and Christian, through prolonged psychological disciplines, give up completely all attachment of their personal limitations, hopes and fears. After a long struggle, both of them reach a degree of infinity. It is possible to perceive such a degree by human intellect. The image of transformation of the soul is often expressed in the imagery of alchemy. The age-old dream of producing gold from base material is realised on the spiritual level in Beauty and Love and in The Pilgrim's Progress.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat, Comparative Literature, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Linguistics and Literature, Bunyan, John, Bunyan, John, Edebiyat, Literature, Hüsn ü Aşk, Hüsn ü Aşk, Roman, Novel, Roman karakterleri, Novel characters, Türk edebiyatı, Turkish literature, İngiliz edebiyatı, English literature, Şeyh Galib, Sheikh Galib