İlaç toksisitesinde mitokondrinin rolünün değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Mitokondri hücresel enerjinin üretildiği, oksidatif solunumun ve diğer birçok yaşamsal öneme sahip olayın gerçekleştiği organeldir. Bu nedenle ilaçların neden olduğu mitokondriyel yapısal ya da işlevsel bozukluklar, organizma açısından ciddi sonuçlar doğurabilmektedir. Bu tez kapsamında toksisite mekanizması tam olarak anlaşılamamış olan bazı ilaçların mitokondri üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Klozapin kullanan hastalarda gözlenen kardiyotoksisite ve parasetamol kullanan hastalarda oluşan nefrotoksisitenin mekanizması henüz anlaşılamamıştır, ancak biyotransformasyonuyla ilişkili olduğu düşünülmektedir. Advers ilaç reaksiyonlarının önemli bir kısmının ilaç molekülünden oluşan reaktif metabolitlerle ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle her iki ilacın toksisitesinde mitokondriyel ve mikrozomal biyoaktivasyonun rolü araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikle hastalardan elde edilen karaciğer ve böbrek dokularından hazırlanan mikrozomlar parasetamolle inkübe edilmiş, oluşan reaktif metabolit miktarları ve biyoaktivasyonu katalize eden enzim aktivitelerinde bireyler arası ve organlar arası farklılıklar ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmanın hipotezlerinden birisi olan "ilaçların mitokondri içerisinde lokal reaktif metabolit üreterek toksisiteye yol açması" olasılığı parasetamol ve klozapin için test edilmiş, bu amaçla öncelikle çeşitli tekniklerle saf mitokondriyel fraksiyonlar elde edilmiş ve saflık Western blot tekniği ile gösterilmiştir. Klozapinin fare karaciğer ve kalp mitokondriyel fraksiyonları ile inkübasyonları gerçekleştirilmiş, mitokondriyel enzimler aracılığıyla stabil metabolitlerin yanı sıra reaktif metabolit oluşumu gösterilmiştir. Benzer şekilde mitokondriler tarafından parasetamolden reaktif metabolit oluşumu da gösterilmiştir. Mitokondrilerin yapısal ve işlevsel bütünlüğünün göstergesi olarak "mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP)" oluşumu ölçülmüş ve 3 ay süreyle doku ya da izole halde -86oC'de saklanan mitokondrilerin bütünlüğünü koruduğu gözlenmiştir. Klozapin ve parasetamol dışında olanzapin, nifedipin, diklofenak, valproik asit, metformin, dapson, tiyaprofenik asit ve sülfafenazolün de kalsiyum varlığında ve yokluğunda mitokondrideki MPTP indükleyici etkileri araştırılmış, diklofenak ve valproik asitin kalsiyum tarafından indüklenen MPTP oluşumunu şiddetlendirdiği, ancak hiçbir ilacın tek başına MPTP oluşturmadığı gözlenmiştir. Genlerin aktivitelerini belirleyen önemli olaylardan birisi olan DNA metilasyonunun mitokondriyel DNA'da çalışılan ilaçlar tarafından değiştirilip değiştirilmediği araştırılmış, tüm incelenen ilaçların anlamlı derecede hipometilasyona yol açtığı, klozapinin bu etkisinin reaktif metaboliti aracılığı ile olduğu gösterilmiştir. Araştırılan ilaçların mitokondrilerde gerçekleşen en önemli metabolik süreç olan oksijen tüketim hızını etkileyip etkilemediği incelenmiş, klozapin, olanzapin, nifedipin, valproik asit, dapson ve tiyaprofenik asitin tüketim hızını düşürdüğü, sülfafenazolün ise ilginç bir şekilde artırdığı gözlenmiştir. Son olarak mitokondriyel ilaç biyotransformasyonu açısından önemli olan insan karaciğer ve kalp mitokondrilerinin antioksidan ve konjugasyon enzim aktiviteleri, otopsi sırasında farklı bireylerden elde edilen dokularda incelenmiş, her iki organ mitokondrilerinde GSTT, GSTM, CAT ve Se-GPx aktiviteleri insanda gösterilmiştir. Tez çalışmasında çalışılan ilaçların mitokondride yapısal ve/veya işlevsel etkilerinin incelenmesiyle sadece toksik değil, olası terapötik hedefler için de veri sağlanmış, klozapin-aracılıklı kardiyotoksisite ve parasetamol-aracılıklı nefrotoksisite mekanizmaları açısından yeni fikirler ortaya konmuştur. Geliştirilen bu deneysel yaklaşımlar farklı ilaç, ilaç adayları ya da diğer kimyasal maddelerin olası mitokondriyel toksisitelerini taramak üzere sonraki çalışmalar için yol gösterici olacaktır.
Mitochondria are organelles where the cellular energy is produced and oxidative respiration as well as many other vital physiological processes take place. Therefore any structural or functional disorders in mitochondria may cause drastic reasults in the organism. In this thesis, it has been aimed to investigate the effects of various drugs on mitochondria whose toxic mechanisms are unclear. Mechanisms of clozapine-induced cardiotoxicity and paracetamol-induced nephrotoxicity have not been enlightened yet, but is thought to be related with the biotransformation of the drugs. Many adverse drug reactions are known to be mediated by the reactive metabolites of the drug molecules. Therefore the role of mitochondrial and microsomal bioactivation is investigated in the toxicity of the two drugs. To achieve this aim, microsomes that are obtained from liver and kidney tissues of the patients were incubated with paracetamol. Inter-individual differences between the amounts of reactive metabolites and inter-organ variations in enzyme activities that catalyze the bioacitvation of paracetamol were evaluated. Possibility of one of the hypotheses of the present study, "drugs can cause toxicity via producing local reactive metabolites in mitochondria" was tested for paracetamol and clozapine. For this aim, pure mitochondrial fractions were obtained by using various techniques and their purity was proven by Western blot analysis. Clozapine was incubated with mice liver and heart mitochondrial fractions and formation of reactive metabolite as well as several stable metabolites were shown. Similarly, reactive metabolite formation was shown for paracetamol following incubation with liver mitochondria. Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore (MPTP) formation was measured and utilized as an indicator of the structural and functional integrity of mitochondria. Our data indicated that mitochondria maintain their integrity for 3 months when they are kept in -86oC as the whole tissue or as isolated mitochondria. Next to clozapine and paracetamol, the effects of olanzapine, nifedipin, diclofenac, valproic acid, metformin, dapsone, tiaprofenic acid and sulphafenazole on mitochondria were investigated in the presence or absence of calcium as MPTP inducers. Diclofenac and valproic acid have been found to increase the formation of calcium-induced MPTP, but none of the drugs was found to induce MPTP formation alone. DNA methylation as an important determinant of the gene activity, has been further evaluated in mitochondrial DNA in the presence of the above drugs. All tested drugs were shown to cause statistically significant hypomethylation, and clozapine was shown to cause this effect via its reactive metabolite. The effect of the drugs on oxygen consumption rates, the most important metabolic process taking place in mitochondria, was further investigated. Clozapine, olanzapine, nifedipin, valproic acid, dapsone ve tiaprofenic acid were shown to decrease the oxygen consumption rates, where sulphafenazol interestingly caused an increase. Finally human liver and heart antioxidant and phase II conjugation enzyme activities that are important in terms of mitochondrial drug biotransformation, were evaluated in human tissues obtained via autopsy, and GSTT, GSTM, CAT and Se-GPx activities were shown in mitochondria from both organs in humans. By investigating the structural and/or functional effects of the drugs on mitochondria, data were obtained not only for toxic, but also for possible therapeutic targets in this thesis. As well as novel opinions have been put forward for the mechanisms of clozapine-associated cardiac toxicity and paracetamol-associated kidney toxicity. Developed experimental approaches may be used for screening the mitochondrial toxicity of other drugs, drug candidates or chemicals.
Mitochondria are organelles where the cellular energy is produced and oxidative respiration as well as many other vital physiological processes take place. Therefore any structural or functional disorders in mitochondria may cause drastic reasults in the organism. In this thesis, it has been aimed to investigate the effects of various drugs on mitochondria whose toxic mechanisms are unclear. Mechanisms of clozapine-induced cardiotoxicity and paracetamol-induced nephrotoxicity have not been enlightened yet, but is thought to be related with the biotransformation of the drugs. Many adverse drug reactions are known to be mediated by the reactive metabolites of the drug molecules. Therefore the role of mitochondrial and microsomal bioactivation is investigated in the toxicity of the two drugs. To achieve this aim, microsomes that are obtained from liver and kidney tissues of the patients were incubated with paracetamol. Inter-individual differences between the amounts of reactive metabolites and inter-organ variations in enzyme activities that catalyze the bioacitvation of paracetamol were evaluated. Possibility of one of the hypotheses of the present study, "drugs can cause toxicity via producing local reactive metabolites in mitochondria" was tested for paracetamol and clozapine. For this aim, pure mitochondrial fractions were obtained by using various techniques and their purity was proven by Western blot analysis. Clozapine was incubated with mice liver and heart mitochondrial fractions and formation of reactive metabolite as well as several stable metabolites were shown. Similarly, reactive metabolite formation was shown for paracetamol following incubation with liver mitochondria. Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore (MPTP) formation was measured and utilized as an indicator of the structural and functional integrity of mitochondria. Our data indicated that mitochondria maintain their integrity for 3 months when they are kept in -86oC as the whole tissue or as isolated mitochondria. Next to clozapine and paracetamol, the effects of olanzapine, nifedipin, diclofenac, valproic acid, metformin, dapsone, tiaprofenic acid and sulphafenazole on mitochondria were investigated in the presence or absence of calcium as MPTP inducers. Diclofenac and valproic acid have been found to increase the formation of calcium-induced MPTP, but none of the drugs was found to induce MPTP formation alone. DNA methylation as an important determinant of the gene activity, has been further evaluated in mitochondrial DNA in the presence of the above drugs. All tested drugs were shown to cause statistically significant hypomethylation, and clozapine was shown to cause this effect via its reactive metabolite. The effect of the drugs on oxygen consumption rates, the most important metabolic process taking place in mitochondria, was further investigated. Clozapine, olanzapine, nifedipin, valproic acid, dapsone ve tiaprofenic acid were shown to decrease the oxygen consumption rates, where sulphafenazol interestingly caused an increase. Finally human liver and heart antioxidant and phase II conjugation enzyme activities that are important in terms of mitochondrial drug biotransformation, were evaluated in human tissues obtained via autopsy, and GSTT, GSTM, CAT and Se-GPx activities were shown in mitochondria from both organs in humans. By investigating the structural and/or functional effects of the drugs on mitochondria, data were obtained not only for toxic, but also for possible therapeutic targets in this thesis. As well as novel opinions have been put forward for the mechanisms of clozapine-associated cardiac toxicity and paracetamol-associated kidney toxicity. Developed experimental approaches may be used for screening the mitochondrial toxicity of other drugs, drug candidates or chemicals.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mitokondri, Biyoaktivasyon, Toksisite, Reaktif Metabolit, Klozapin, Parasetamol, Mitochondria, Bioactivation, Toxicity, Reactive Metabolite, Clozapine, Paracetamol