Yumurta tavuklarında yumurtanın kolesterol içeriği ile diğer bazı özelliklerine etki eden etkenler üzerinde bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET YUMURTA TAVUKLARINDA YUMURTANIN KOLESTEROL İÇERİĞİ İLE DİĞER BAZI ÖZELLİKLERİNE ETKİ EDEN ETKENLER ÜZERİNDE BİR ARAŞTDİMA BASMACIOGLU, Hatice Doktora Tezi, Zootekni Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERGÜL Ekim 1999, 195 sayfa Bu çalışmada yaş, genotip, yetiştirme tipi, rasyona katılan yağ türü ve rasyon yapısının yumurta tavuklarında yumurta ve serum kolesterol içeriği ile yumurtanın diğer bazı özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada 400 adet Beyaz (Babcock-300) ve 440 adet Kahverengi (IsaBrown) olmak üzere 21 haftalık iki yumurtacı genotipten toplam 840 adet tavuk kullanılmıştır. Her iki genotipteki hayvanlar yer ve kafes şeklinde iki farklı yetiştirme tipinde barmdınlmışlardır. İzonitrojenik (% 17 Ham Protein) ve îzokalorik (2750 keal ÇE/kg) olacak şekilde hazırlanan deneme rasyonlanmn yansında enerji açığı soya yağı, diğer yansında da hayvansal yağ (sığır iç yağı) ile kapatılmıştır. Aynca rasyonlarda % 0, 2 ve 4 oranında uygulanan sellüloz artırımı hızar talaşı ile sağlanmış olup +%2 ile +%4 sellülozlu rasyonlann yansına da 250 mg/kg düzeyinde Vitamin C ilavesi yapılmıştır. Böylece her yağ türündeki grup sayısı 5, toplam grup sayısı da 40 olmuştur. Deneme, hayvanlann % 50 yumurta verimine ulaştığı tarihten (Ekim/97) itibaren altı ay devam etmiştir.VI Çalışmada yumurta şansı kolesterol içeriği (mg/g Y.S'da) yumurtlama başlangıcına göre deneme sonunda (6. ay) 1.23 mg azalarak 12.97 mg' a düşmüş ve bu düşüş istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Benzer önemli etki (P<0.01) genotipte (Beyaz yumurtalarda % 3.2 azalma), yetiştirme tipinde (yerde yetiştirmede % 2.6 azalma), yağ türünde (soya yağı tüketenlerde % 4.4 azalma) ve rasyon yapısında da (+% 2 sellüloz katkısı % 3.5 azalma, +% 4 sellülozda % 2.3 azalma) belirlenmiştir. Serum kolesterol'ü üzerine ise genotip ve yağ türü 0.05'e; yaş ve yetiştirme tipi (yerde ve kafeste) 0.01 'e göre önemli etki yapmış; yaş' in ilerleyişi ve yerde yetiştirme serum kolesterol'ünü azaltırken, kahverengi yumurtalarda ve hayvansal yağ tüketiminde daha yüksek değerlerle karşılaşılmıştır. İncelenen etkenlerden yumurta kalite kriterlerindeki etkilenmeler farklı yönlerde ve farklı önemlilik derecelerinde olmuştur. İlerleyen yaş yumurta verimini 6. ay 'da, başlangıca göre, % 19 artırırken (P<0.01) aynı düzeyde etkilenme yem tüketimi ve yemden yararlanmada da görülmüştür. Bu arada Beyaz yumurtacılarda % 2 daha fazla yumurta verimi önemli ölçüde (P<0.01) daha az yem tüketimi ile (122 g' a karşılık 117 g) sağlanmıştır. Yerde yetiştirilen hayvanların yem tüketimi daha fazla (113 g'a karşılık 125 g ) yemden yararlanma daha kötü (2.25' e karşılık 2.48) belirlenmiştir. Rasyonda kullanılan yağ türü sadece yem tüketiminde farklı (PO.05) bir etkilenme sağlamıştır (soya yağı: 1 18.5 g, hayvansal yağ: 120.7 g). Anahtar Kelimeler: Kolesterol, yumurta, serum, sağlık, genotip, yer, kafes, rasyon, sellüloz, soya ve hayvansal yağ
vn ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING CHOLESTEROL CONTENT AND SOME OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF EGG IN LAYING HENS. BASMACIO?LU, Hatice PhD in Department of Animal Science Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERGÜL October 1999, 195 pages In this study, the effects of age, genotype, rearing system, fat type added to ration and ration structure on egg and serum cholesterol content and some other characteristics of egg have been investigated. From two laying genotypes, 21 weeks of age 840 hens consisting of 400 White (Babcock-300) and 440 Brown (IsaBrown) have been used. Animals of both genotype have been housed in two different rearing systems as in floor and cages. Energy shortage in experimental rations prepared as Isonitrogenic (17 % CP) and Isocaloric (2750 kcal ME/kg) has been completed using soybean oil in the half of rations and, animal fat (beef tallow) in the other half of rations. Furthermore, increment of cellulose applied to rations at the rates of 0 %, 2 % and 4 % has been carried out using sawdust and, 250 mg/kg Vitamin C has been added to half of the rations containing +2 % and +4 % cellulose. Finally, group numbers belong to each fat type were 5 and, total number of groups were 40. The experiment lasted for six months from the date (October/97) which the layers reached to 50 % of their egg production.vm In the study, cholesterol content of egg yolk (mg/g in egg yolk) decreased to 12.97 mg at the end of trial (6 * month), showing a decrease of 1.23 mg according to onset of laying, and the decrease was statistically important. Similar important effect (P<0.01) was determined for genotype ( 3.2 % decrease for white eggs), rearing system ( 2.6 % decrease for floor rearing), fat type ( 4.4 % decrease for those consumed soybean oil), and ration structure ( 3.5 % decrease for +2 % cellulose addition, 2.3 % decrease for +4 % cellulose addition). Serum cholesterol were affected by genotype, fat type (P<0.05), age and rearing system (floor and cage) (P<0.01). Increasing of age and floor rearing reduced serum cholesterol, however, higher values were found brown eggs and in case of animal fat consumption. The effects of factors considered on egg quality criteria were in different ways and different significance levels. Older age was increased egg production 19 % (P<0.01) in 6 * month (P<0.01) compared to the onset and, feed consumption and feed conversion were also affected at the same level. Furthermore, egg production of white layers was higher 2 % and, feed consumption was lower (1 17 g compared to 122 g) (PO.01). Feed consumption of animals reared in floor was higher (125 g compared to 113 g) and, feed conversion was worse (2.48 compared to 2.25). Fat type used in ration affected only feed consumption (118.5 g for rations with soybean oil, 120.7 g for rations with animal fat). Key words: Cholesterol, egg, serum, health, genotype, floor, cage, ration, cellulose, soybean oil and animal fat.
vn ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING CHOLESTEROL CONTENT AND SOME OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF EGG IN LAYING HENS. BASMACIO?LU, Hatice PhD in Department of Animal Science Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERGÜL October 1999, 195 pages In this study, the effects of age, genotype, rearing system, fat type added to ration and ration structure on egg and serum cholesterol content and some other characteristics of egg have been investigated. From two laying genotypes, 21 weeks of age 840 hens consisting of 400 White (Babcock-300) and 440 Brown (IsaBrown) have been used. Animals of both genotype have been housed in two different rearing systems as in floor and cages. Energy shortage in experimental rations prepared as Isonitrogenic (17 % CP) and Isocaloric (2750 kcal ME/kg) has been completed using soybean oil in the half of rations and, animal fat (beef tallow) in the other half of rations. Furthermore, increment of cellulose applied to rations at the rates of 0 %, 2 % and 4 % has been carried out using sawdust and, 250 mg/kg Vitamin C has been added to half of the rations containing +2 % and +4 % cellulose. Finally, group numbers belong to each fat type were 5 and, total number of groups were 40. The experiment lasted for six months from the date (October/97) which the layers reached to 50 % of their egg production.vm In the study, cholesterol content of egg yolk (mg/g in egg yolk) decreased to 12.97 mg at the end of trial (6 * month), showing a decrease of 1.23 mg according to onset of laying, and the decrease was statistically important. Similar important effect (P<0.01) was determined for genotype ( 3.2 % decrease for white eggs), rearing system ( 2.6 % decrease for floor rearing), fat type ( 4.4 % decrease for those consumed soybean oil), and ration structure ( 3.5 % decrease for +2 % cellulose addition, 2.3 % decrease for +4 % cellulose addition). Serum cholesterol were affected by genotype, fat type (P<0.05), age and rearing system (floor and cage) (P<0.01). Increasing of age and floor rearing reduced serum cholesterol, however, higher values were found brown eggs and in case of animal fat consumption. The effects of factors considered on egg quality criteria were in different ways and different significance levels. Older age was increased egg production 19 % (P<0.01) in 6 * month (P<0.01) compared to the onset and, feed consumption and feed conversion were also affected at the same level. Furthermore, egg production of white layers was higher 2 % and, feed consumption was lower (1 17 g compared to 122 g) (PO.01). Feed consumption of animals reared in floor was higher (125 g compared to 113 g) and, feed conversion was worse (2.48 compared to 2.25). Fat type used in ration affected only feed consumption (118.5 g for rations with soybean oil, 120.7 g for rations with animal fat). Key words: Cholesterol, egg, serum, health, genotype, floor, cage, ration, cellulose, soybean oil and animal fat.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Genotip, Genotype, Kolesterol, Cholesterol, Yumurta tavukları, Laying hens, Yumurtalar, Eggs, Zootekni, Zootechnics