Kemik paget hastalığı ve frontotemporal demans ile gözlenen inklüzyon cisimcik miyopati hastalığıyla (IBMPFD) ilişkili bazı vcp mutant proteinlerin rekombinant DNA teknolojisi ile saflaştırılması ve in vitro bağlanma modellerinin incelenmesi
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Erzurumlu, Yalçın
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Kemik Paget hastalığı ve frontotemporal demans ile gözlenen inklüzyon cisimcik miyopati hastalığı (IBMPFD), p97/VCP genindeki mutasyonların neden olduğu nadir rastlanan,otozomal domainant kalıtım gösteren bir multisistem bozukluğudur. p97/VCP, endoplazmik retikulum ilişkili yıkım (ERAD), organel biyogenezi, DNA tamiri, transkripsiyon faktörlerinin regülasyonu, otofaji ve hücre döngüsü kontrolü gibi çeşitli hücresel süreçlerde rol alan hekzamerik tip II AAA ATPaz?dır. Bu tez çalışmasında IBMPFD ilişkili p97/VCP mutant proteinlerinin ERAD substratları ve p97/VCP?nin partnerleri ile olan ilişkileri incelendi. Ayrıca p97/VCP mutant proteinlerinin çözünürlükleri, subsellüler lokalizasyonları ve oksidatif sterese yanıtları araştırıldı. Bu amaçla, IBMPFD ile ilişkilendirilen 12 p97/VCP mutantının ERAD substratı olan CFTR?F508 ve Tirozinaz C89R üzerindeki etkilerine bakıldı. p97/VCP mutantlarının p47, ubikitin ve gp78 ile olan etkileşimleri immünopresipitasyon yöntemi ile incelendi. Bu mutantların subsellüler lokalizasyonları ve çözünürlükleri immünoblotlama ile belirlendi. Oksidatif strese karşı olan duyarlılıkları hücre proliferasyonuna etkisi üzerinden WST-1 reaktifi kullanılarak incelendi. İmmünofluoresans mikroskopi yöntemi ile yabanıl tip, R155C ve P137L p97/VCP mutantlarının CD3?, Ufd1, gp78, ubikitin ile olan kolokalizasyonları incelendi. Ayrıca saflaştırılan rekombinant R155C ve P137L mutantlarının Ufd1 ve gp78 VIM ile olan etkileşimleri in vitro olarak incelendi. Sonuçlarımıza göre, tüm mutantlar ERAD substrat akümülasyonuna neden olurken, p97/VCP mutantı P137L diğer IBMPFD ilişkili mutantlardan subsellüler lokalizasyonu ve çözünürlüğü açısından farklılıklar göstermiştir. İlginç olarak, neredeyse tüm mutantlar p47 ve ubikitin bağlanmasını kuvvetlendirirken, P137L mutasyonu ubikitin ve p47 ile etkileşimini tamamiyle kaybetmişken, gp78 ile bağlanmasını korumuştur. Benzer şekilde rekombinant R155C mutant proteini Ufd1 ve gp78 VIM ile etkileşimini sürdürürken, P137L mutant proteini Ufd1 ile bağlanma özelliğini kaybetmesine rağmen VIM ile sürdürmüştür. p97/VCP?nin fonksiyonel partnerleri ile etkileşimleri ve fonksiyonundaki bozulmalar, IBMPFD?nin moleküler patogenezinin anlamamıza yardımcı olacaktır
Inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget disease of the bone and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD) is a rare autosomal dominant multi system disease caused by mutations in p97/VCP gene. p97/VCP is a hexameric type II AAA ATPase that functions in the variety of cellular processes such as endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation (ERAD), organelle biogenesis, DNA repair, regulation of transcription factors, autophagy and cell-cycle regulation. In this thesis, we analyzed the effect of IBMPFD associated p97/VCP mutant proteins on its interaction with ERAD substrates and its partners. In addition, we investigated the solubility profile, subcellular localization and oxidative stress response of p97/VCP mutant proteins. For this purpose, we examined the effect of 12 IBMPFD associated p97/VCP mutations on ERAD substrates CFTR?F508 and Tirozinaz C89R. Interaction of p97/VCP mutants with p47, ubiquitin and gp78 were examined by immunoprecipitation. Solubility profiles and subcelluler localizations of these mutants were determined using immunoblotting. Susceptibility to oxidative stress were examined via their effect on cell proliferation using WST-1 reagent. The colocalization of wt VCP, R155C and P137L mutants with CD3?, Ufd1, gp78 and ubikitin were analyzed using immunofluorescence studies. Moreover interaction of purified recombinant R155C and P137L mutants with Ufd1 and gp78 VIM proteins were also analyzed in vitro. Our results revealed that while all mutants of p97/VCP proteins cause ERAD substrate acumulation, P137L differs from other IBMPFD mutants by having a unique solubility profile and subcellular localization. Interestingly, even though almost all mutants exhibits enhanced p47 and ubiquitin binding, the P137L mutation completely abolishes p97/VCP interactions with p47 and ubiquitin, while retaining its ability to interact with gp78. Consistently, our results show that recombinant R155C protein maintains interaction with Ufd1 and gp78 VIM. On the other hand P137L mutant protein lost its ability to interact with Ufd1 in contrast to gp78 VIM. The differential impairments in p97/VCP interactions with its functional partners and function may increase our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of IBMPFD.
Inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget disease of the bone and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD) is a rare autosomal dominant multi system disease caused by mutations in p97/VCP gene. p97/VCP is a hexameric type II AAA ATPase that functions in the variety of cellular processes such as endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation (ERAD), organelle biogenesis, DNA repair, regulation of transcription factors, autophagy and cell-cycle regulation. In this thesis, we analyzed the effect of IBMPFD associated p97/VCP mutant proteins on its interaction with ERAD substrates and its partners. In addition, we investigated the solubility profile, subcellular localization and oxidative stress response of p97/VCP mutant proteins. For this purpose, we examined the effect of 12 IBMPFD associated p97/VCP mutations on ERAD substrates CFTR?F508 and Tirozinaz C89R. Interaction of p97/VCP mutants with p47, ubiquitin and gp78 were examined by immunoprecipitation. Solubility profiles and subcelluler localizations of these mutants were determined using immunoblotting. Susceptibility to oxidative stress were examined via their effect on cell proliferation using WST-1 reagent. The colocalization of wt VCP, R155C and P137L mutants with CD3?, Ufd1, gp78 and ubikitin were analyzed using immunofluorescence studies. Moreover interaction of purified recombinant R155C and P137L mutants with Ufd1 and gp78 VIM proteins were also analyzed in vitro. Our results revealed that while all mutants of p97/VCP proteins cause ERAD substrate acumulation, P137L differs from other IBMPFD mutants by having a unique solubility profile and subcellular localization. Interestingly, even though almost all mutants exhibits enhanced p47 and ubiquitin binding, the P137L mutation completely abolishes p97/VCP interactions with p47 and ubiquitin, while retaining its ability to interact with gp78. Consistently, our results show that recombinant R155C protein maintains interaction with Ufd1 and gp78 VIM. On the other hand P137L mutant protein lost its ability to interact with Ufd1 in contrast to gp78 VIM. The differential impairments in p97/VCP interactions with its functional partners and function may increase our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of IBMPFD.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Moleküler Tıp, Molecular Medicine, DNA, DNA, DNA-rekombinant, DNA-recombinant, Endoplazmik retikulum, Endoplasmic reticulum, Genler, Genes, Kemik hastalıkları, Bone diseases, Kemik ve kemikler, Bone and bones, Mutasyon, Mutation, Osteitis, Osteitis, Osteitis deformans, Osteitis deformans, İn vitro, In vitro