Diş hekimlerinin cıvanın sağlığa ve çevreye verdiği zararları konusundaki bilgi düzeyleri ve cıva hijyenine uyum düzeylerinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
125 G. Özet Aktif çalışma hayatı süresince dişhekimi bir çok hastalık riskiyle karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Amalgam bünyesinde bulunan civanın neden olduğu sağlık zararları da bunlardan biridir. Civa oda sıcaklığında bile buharlaşabilen, sağlık ve çevre zararları olan ağır bir metaldir. Düşük konsantrasyonlarda civa buharı içeren havanın solunması belirgin semptomlara yol açmamasına rağmen 10-30 yıl sonra ortaya çıkan kronik civa zehirlenmesine neden olur. Civanın sağlığa ve çevreye olan zararları, kolay tedbirler içeren civa hijyeni uygulamaları ile önlenebilir ve bu tamamen dişhekiminin kontrolündedir. 394 dişhekimine uygulanan anket formları ile dişhekimlerinin civanın sağlığa ve çevreye zararları konusunda bilgi düzeyleri ve civanın hijyenine uyum düzeyleri araştırılmıştır. Dişhekimlerinin %64.4 'ünün civanın sağlığa ve çevreye zararları konusunda bilgi düzeyi iyi olmasına rağmen civa hijyenine uyum düzeyi %31.5 'inde iyidir. Bu sonuçlara göre dişhekimlerinin civanın sağlığa ve çevreye zararları ve civa hijyenine uyum konularında yeterince yönlendirilmediği gözlenmiştir.126 Civanın sağlığa ve çevreye zararları bilgi düzeyi ile civa hijyeine uyum düzeyi arasında olumlu bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Dişhekimlerinin bilgi düzeyini arttırıcı çalışmalar yapılmalıdır. Bağımsız değişkenler olarak kullanılan cinsiyet ve yaş, civanın sağlığa ve çevreye zararları konusundaki bilgi düzeylerini ve civa hijyenine uyum düzeylerini etkilemektedir. Dişhekimlerinin uzman veya pratisyen olmaları civanın sağlığa ve çevreye zararları konusundaki bilgi düzeylerini etkilememesine rağmen civa hijyenine uyum düzeylerini etkilemektedir. Uzman dişhekimlerinin civa hijyenine uyum düzeyleri pratisyen dişhekimlerine oranla daha yüksektir. Kongre ve sempozyumlara katılım civanın sağlığa ve çevreye zararları konusundaki bilgi düzeylerini ve civa hijyenine uyum düzeylerini olumlu şekilde etkilemektedir. Araştırmaya katılan dişhekimlerinin hiçbiri kan ve idrar civa düzeylerini ve muayenehane ortamının havasındaki civa buhar konsantrasyonunu ölçtürmemiştir. Dişhekimlerinin bu konuya dikkati çekilmelidir
127 H. SUMMARY A dentist carries out the risks of getting a variety of diseases throughout his/her active professional life. The harm of mercury included in amalgam is among those illnesses. Mercury is a heavy metal, with environmental and health hazards which can evaporate even at room temperatures. Although it doesn't cause significant symptoms, inhalation of air containing low levels of mercury vapour causes chronicle mercury poisoning between 10 - 30 year's time. The harms of mercury can be prevented by applying very unsophisticated mercury hygiene techniques that are totally controllable by the dentist. The information level of dentists on the subject of " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " is researched through questionnaire applied to 394 dentists. Although 64.4% of the dentist's information on the subject of " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " is good, their compliance level with mercury hygiene applications is 31.5%. Regarding these results it's observed that the dentists are not sufficiently directed about the " The hazards of mercury on health128 and environment " as well as their compliance with mercury hygiene applications. There is a direct ratio between the level of information on " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " and compliance with hygiene applications. Regarding this situation; more efforts should be made on improve dentist?s information about the subject. As independent variables, age and sex have no influence on the level of information about " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " and compliance of hygiene applications. As a dentist, although being a general practitioner or a specialist does not affect the information level on the subject, it has an influence on complying the hygiene applications. Specialists have a higher ratio on applying the hygiene requirements compared to general practitioners. Participating in congresses and symposiums about the subject has positive effects on the level of information and hygiene applications. None of the dentists joined to the study has ever got measured their blood and urine mercury levels as well as the atmosphere of their dental offices. Dentists should be warned about this issue.
127 H. SUMMARY A dentist carries out the risks of getting a variety of diseases throughout his/her active professional life. The harm of mercury included in amalgam is among those illnesses. Mercury is a heavy metal, with environmental and health hazards which can evaporate even at room temperatures. Although it doesn't cause significant symptoms, inhalation of air containing low levels of mercury vapour causes chronicle mercury poisoning between 10 - 30 year's time. The harms of mercury can be prevented by applying very unsophisticated mercury hygiene techniques that are totally controllable by the dentist. The information level of dentists on the subject of " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " is researched through questionnaire applied to 394 dentists. Although 64.4% of the dentist's information on the subject of " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " is good, their compliance level with mercury hygiene applications is 31.5%. Regarding these results it's observed that the dentists are not sufficiently directed about the " The hazards of mercury on health128 and environment " as well as their compliance with mercury hygiene applications. There is a direct ratio between the level of information on " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " and compliance with hygiene applications. Regarding this situation; more efforts should be made on improve dentist?s information about the subject. As independent variables, age and sex have no influence on the level of information about " The hazards of mercury on health and environment " and compliance of hygiene applications. As a dentist, although being a general practitioner or a specialist does not affect the information level on the subject, it has an influence on complying the hygiene applications. Specialists have a higher ratio on applying the hygiene requirements compared to general practitioners. Participating in congresses and symposiums about the subject has positive effects on the level of information and hygiene applications. None of the dentists joined to the study has ever got measured their blood and urine mercury levels as well as the atmosphere of their dental offices. Dentists should be warned about this issue.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Sağlığı, Public Health, Cıva, Mercury, Diş hekimleri, Dentists, Halk sağlığı, Public health, Çevre kirliliği, Environmental pollution