Alar uygulamasının zeytin de meyve dökümü ve meyve kalitesi üzerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Akdeniz orijinli zeytin bitkisi (Olea europaea var. europaea) ülkemizde geniş yayılış gösteren ve ekonomik potansiyele sahip do ğal bir bitkisel varlığımızdır. vıllık düzenli ürün oluşturmada pe- riyodisite göstermesi ile, meyve olgunlaşmasının aşamalı oluşması, meyve tutunma kuvvetinin yüksek oluşundan dolayı meyve hasatındaki güçlükler, bu tarımsal ürünümüzün önemli sorunlarını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma, zeytin meyve haşatında yardımcı olarak alar kullanılmasının meyve dökümü ve meyve kalitesi üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Materyal olarak, 18 yaşlı Memecik zeytin çeşidine ait 6 ağaç ele alınmıştır. Ağaçlardan ikisi kontrol olarak bırakılmış, ikisine 2000 ppm, kalan iki ağaca da 4000 ppm alar uygulanmıştır. İlk alar uygulaması hasat öncesinde, ikinci alar uygulaması ise hasat döneminde yapılmıştır. Alar uygulamalarından bir hafta sonra, ağaçlardan kendili ğinden dökülen meyvelerde, meyve döküm oranı, meyve boyut, hacim, ve ağırlık değerleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca meyvelerde % yağ miktarı, yağ asit içeriği ile bitki yapraklarında klorofil miktarı analizleri yapılmıştır. Her iki uygulamadan sonra, meyve boyutlarında, meyve hacmi ve meyve ağırlığına ilişkin olarak elde edilen değerlerin kontrollar- dan istatistik bir fark göstermediği saptanmıştır. Meyve döküm üze rinde, uygulanan iki konsantrasyondan, 4000 ppm alar' in daha etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer taraftan, elde edilen sonuçlar, alar uygulamasının meyvedeki yağ içeriği üzerinde istatistik, önemde bir etkisi olmadı ğını ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak bu açıdan, alarm uygulama zamanı nın olumsuz bir etkisi söz konusu olmaktadır.32 Gaz kromatografisiyle elde edilen sonuçlara göre, ardışık olarak yapılan iki konsantrasyondaki alar uygulamasının, zeytin ya ğındaki palmitik, palmitoleik, oleik, linoleik ve iinolenik asit miktarı üzerinde önemli bir etkisi saptanmamıştır. Diğer yandan, zeytin yağındaki miktarı % 1-2 gibi düşük düzeyde olan stearik asit oranının, alar uygulamasıyla, ortalama % 2,24 ile % 2,27 oranına yükseldiği bulunmuştur. Bitki yapraklarından hazırlanan ekstraktlarda spektrofoto- metre ile ölçülen absorbans değerlerinin Kirk nomogramına uygulanma sıyla bulunan klorofil a, b ve toplam klorofil miktarı sonuçlarına göre, alarm yapraklarda senesens üzerine bir etkisi görülmemiştir. Elde edilen bu sonuçlara dayalı olarak, aların zeytin mey ve kalitesi üzerinde olumsuz bir etkisi görülmemektedir. Bu nedenle, çeşit özellikleri ve iklim koşulları dikkate alınarak, uygulama za manı ve konsantrasyonunun iyi belirlenmesi durumunda, zeytin haşa tını kolaylaştırmada alarm kullanılabileceği kanısındayız
The olive plant (Olea europaea var. europaea) of mediterra nean origin is one of the naturally growing plants, having great economical potential and is widely distributed in Turkey. The impor tant problems concerning this agricultural crop are, difficulties in the fruit harvesting due to a great attachment of the fruits, Stepwise maturation of the fruits and periodicity in the annual fruit production. This work has been carried out with the aim of studying the use of alar as a helper in the olive fruit harvesting and its effects on fruit drop and fruit quality. Six trees belonging to 18 years old Memecik olive variety were used as the material. 2 trees were left as control, two were sprayed with 2000 ppm and two with 4000 ppm alar. First alar appli cation was done before harvesting and second during harvesting. The fruit weight, size and ratio of fruit drop in the self- dropped fruits were noted down one week after alar application. In addition, oil content of the fruits, their fatty acid content and amount of chlorophyll in the leaves were also analysed. No difference was observed between the controls and plants with two types of treatments as regards the size and weight of the fruits. 4000 ppm application of alar was more effective in fruit drop out of the two concentrations applied. On the other hand, the results obtained showed alar appli cation did not produce a statistically significant effect on the oil content of fruits. However, the time of alar application seems to play a role in this connection. The results obtained with gas chromatography depicted that, no important effect was produced on the palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid content in the plants subjected to successive alar application. At the same time, the ratio of stearic acid in the olive oil increased from a low level of to 2 percent by 2,24 - 2,27 percent, due to alar application.34 Alar application did not effect leaf senescence as per our results, concerning the chlorophyll a,b and its total content in the leaves, which were determined from the leaf extracts with the help of spectrophotometer, using absorbance values applied to Kirk nomogram. In wiev of the results obteined by us, alar does not pro duce a bad effect on the fruit quality. As such we believe that, alar can be used in the olive fruit harvesting, if its time of app lication and concentration are well determined and variety characte ristics as well as climatic conditions are also taken into cosidera- tion.
The olive plant (Olea europaea var. europaea) of mediterra nean origin is one of the naturally growing plants, having great economical potential and is widely distributed in Turkey. The impor tant problems concerning this agricultural crop are, difficulties in the fruit harvesting due to a great attachment of the fruits, Stepwise maturation of the fruits and periodicity in the annual fruit production. This work has been carried out with the aim of studying the use of alar as a helper in the olive fruit harvesting and its effects on fruit drop and fruit quality. Six trees belonging to 18 years old Memecik olive variety were used as the material. 2 trees were left as control, two were sprayed with 2000 ppm and two with 4000 ppm alar. First alar appli cation was done before harvesting and second during harvesting. The fruit weight, size and ratio of fruit drop in the self- dropped fruits were noted down one week after alar application. In addition, oil content of the fruits, their fatty acid content and amount of chlorophyll in the leaves were also analysed. No difference was observed between the controls and plants with two types of treatments as regards the size and weight of the fruits. 4000 ppm application of alar was more effective in fruit drop out of the two concentrations applied. On the other hand, the results obtained showed alar appli cation did not produce a statistically significant effect on the oil content of fruits. However, the time of alar application seems to play a role in this connection. The results obtained with gas chromatography depicted that, no important effect was produced on the palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid content in the plants subjected to successive alar application. At the same time, the ratio of stearic acid in the olive oil increased from a low level of to 2 percent by 2,24 - 2,27 percent, due to alar application.34 Alar application did not effect leaf senescence as per our results, concerning the chlorophyll a,b and its total content in the leaves, which were determined from the leaf extracts with the help of spectrophotometer, using absorbance values applied to Kirk nomogram. In wiev of the results obteined by us, alar does not pro duce a bad effect on the fruit quality. As such we believe that, alar can be used in the olive fruit harvesting, if its time of app lication and concentration are well determined and variety characte ristics as well as climatic conditions are also taken into cosidera- tion.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Meyve dökümü, Fruit drop, Meyve kalitesi, Fruit quality, Zeytin, Olive