Toraks travmaları: 6 yıllık deneyimlerimiz
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Bu çalışma, 1991-1997 yılları arasında, toraksa travması nedeniyle Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dah'na acil olarak yatırılan 270 hastayı kapsamaktadır. Retrospektif olarak incelenen olgular yaş, cins, travma etkeni, eşlik eden organ yaralanmaları, uygulanan tedavi yöntemi ,morbitide ve mortalite açısından araştırılmıştır. Erkek/kadın oranı 5.0,yaş aralığı ve ortalaması sırasıyla 19-68 ve34.8 olarak bulundu. Yaralanmaların!85'i (%69) kunt travma sonucu ortaya çıkmış olup etyolojide trafik kazaları ilk sırayı almaktaydı. Kayıtlara geçen 85(%31) penetreyaralanmadan STsi kesici-delici aletler tarafindan oluşturulmuştu. Yandaş yaralanmalar arasında en sık extremite fraktürleri, majör vasküler yaralanmalar ve batın, yaralanmaları izlendi. Olguların STsine (%14) torakotomi uygulanması gerekti ve bunlardan 19'u acil koşullarda öpere edildi. Ortalama yatış süresi 8.7 gündü .Mortalite 6 olgu ile %2 oranında saptandı. Ateşli silah yaralanmalarının morbiditeye ve yatış süresine etkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (sırasıylap<0.001 vep<0.05).
This trial comprises 270 cases of thoracic trauma urgently hospitalized at the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of Ege University Medical Faculty, between 1991-1997. The cases were retrospectively assessed regarding of trauma, accompaning injury, treatment modality .morbidity and mortality. The male/female ratio was 5.0, while the age range and mean age were 19-68 and 34.8, respectively. 185 (69%) of the injuries were due to blunt thoracic trauma, and traffic accidents were the first-line in theetiology. Of the recorded 85 (31%) penetrating injuries, 57 were created with stabbing instruments. Among the associated injuries, extremity fractures, major vascular and abdominal injuries were encountered most frequently. Thoracotomy was required in 37 (14%) of the cases, and of these, 19 were operated under emergency conditions. The mean hospital stay was 8.7 days. The mortality rate was 2%, representing 6 patients, The effect of gunshot wounds to the morbidity and to the length of stay was determined to be statistically significant (p<0.001andp<0.05, respectively).
This trial comprises 270 cases of thoracic trauma urgently hospitalized at the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of Ege University Medical Faculty, between 1991-1997. The cases were retrospectively assessed regarding of trauma, accompaning injury, treatment modality .morbidity and mortality. The male/female ratio was 5.0, while the age range and mean age were 19-68 and 34.8, respectively. 185 (69%) of the injuries were due to blunt thoracic trauma, and traffic accidents were the first-line in theetiology. Of the recorded 85 (31%) penetrating injuries, 57 were created with stabbing instruments. Among the associated injuries, extremity fractures, major vascular and abdominal injuries were encountered most frequently. Thoracotomy was required in 37 (14%) of the cases, and of these, 19 were operated under emergency conditions. The mean hospital stay was 8.7 days. The mortality rate was 2%, representing 6 patients, The effect of gunshot wounds to the morbidity and to the length of stay was determined to be statistically significant (p<0.001andp<0.05, respectively).
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Ulusal Travma Dergisi
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