Günümüzdeki ve gelecekteki iklim koşullarında farklı sulama uygulamalarının ikinci ürün soya fasulyesi verimine etkisinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, Ege Bölgesi II. ürün soya fasulyesi yetiştiriciliğinde soya fasulyesinin su ihtiyacı ve su kullanım etkinliğinin belirlenmesi amacı ile 2 yıl süre ile 2018-2019 yıllarında Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi'nde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada farklı sulama yöntemleri ve kısıntılı sulamanın soya fasulyesinin verim ve verim öğeleri üzerine etkisi ve olası iklim değişikliği koşullarının verime olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneme, tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme deseninde üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Yüzey altı damla sulama, damla sulama ve karık sulama konuları ana konuyu, dört farklı (%100, %75, %50 ve %25) sulama dozları alt konuyu oluşturmuştur. Bitki su tüketimleri ortalama damla sulama için 296-441 mm, yüzey altı damla sulama için 252-375 mm, karık sulama için 324-516 mm arasında hesaplanmıştır. Ortalama verim damla sulama, yüzey altı damla sulama ve karık sulama için yılında sırasıyla 366 kg da-1, 354 kg da-1, 330 kg da-1 arasında değişmiştir. AquaCrop modelinin kalibrasyonu 2018 yılı verileri ile yapılırken, doğrulanması 2019 yılı verileri ile yapılmıştır. Modelin performansı, R2 (0.82-0.95), RMSE (0.068-0.17 t ha-1), NRMSE (%2-5.4), EF (0.5-0.85) ve Willmott'ın endeksi-d (0.79-0.97) ile belirlenmiştir. Tam ve kısıtlı sulama koşullarında RCP 4.5 ve RCP 8.5 iklim senaryoları kapsamında HADGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-MR ve GFDL-ESM2M küresel iklim modelleri tarafından öngörülen CO2 konsantrasyonundaki ve hava sıcaklığındaki artışın, bu yüz yılın sonuna kadar soya fasulyesi verimindeki artışa katkıda bulunacağı tahmin edilmektedir.
This research was carried out in order to determine water demand and water use efficieny of second crop soybean cultivation in Aegean Region in 2018 and 2019 at International Agriculture Research and Training Center. Effects of different irrigation methods and deficit irrigation on soybean yield, yield elements and effects of climate change on yield were studied. Experiment was designed with three repetitions on split plot in randomized blocks. The main plots were created by subsurface drip irrigation, drip irrigation and furrow irrigation and subplots were created by four different irrigation levels (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%). The evapotranspiration was calculated for drip irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation and furrow irrigation 296-441 mm, 252-375 mm and 324-516 mm, respectively. The mean yield ranged for drip irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation and furrow irrigation 366 kg da-1, 354 kg da-1 and 330 kg da-1, respectively. The AquaCrop model was calibrated with data of 2018 and validated with those of 2019, using parameters. The model performance was evaluated using the following statistical indicators: R2 (0.82-0.95), RMSE (0.068-0.17 t ha-1), NRMSE (%2-5.4), EF (0.5- 0.85) and Willmott’s index of agreement-d (0.79-0.97). The increase in CO2 concentration and in the air temperature, projected by the climate models HADGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-MR and GFDL-ESM2M under the scenario RCP4.5 and the scenario RCP 8.5 have contributed to the increase in soybean yield by the end of this century under the full irrigation and deficit irrigation conditions.
This research was carried out in order to determine water demand and water use efficieny of second crop soybean cultivation in Aegean Region in 2018 and 2019 at International Agriculture Research and Training Center. Effects of different irrigation methods and deficit irrigation on soybean yield, yield elements and effects of climate change on yield were studied. Experiment was designed with three repetitions on split plot in randomized blocks. The main plots were created by subsurface drip irrigation, drip irrigation and furrow irrigation and subplots were created by four different irrigation levels (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%). The evapotranspiration was calculated for drip irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation and furrow irrigation 296-441 mm, 252-375 mm and 324-516 mm, respectively. The mean yield ranged for drip irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation and furrow irrigation 366 kg da-1, 354 kg da-1 and 330 kg da-1, respectively. The AquaCrop model was calibrated with data of 2018 and validated with those of 2019, using parameters. The model performance was evaluated using the following statistical indicators: R2 (0.82-0.95), RMSE (0.068-0.17 t ha-1), NRMSE (%2-5.4), EF (0.5- 0.85) and Willmott’s index of agreement-d (0.79-0.97). The increase in CO2 concentration and in the air temperature, projected by the climate models HADGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-MR and GFDL-ESM2M under the scenario RCP4.5 and the scenario RCP 8.5 have contributed to the increase in soybean yield by the end of this century under the full irrigation and deficit irrigation conditions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sulama Yöntemi, Kısıtlı Sulama, Soya Fasulyesi, İklim Değişikliği, AquaCrop, Irrigation Method, Deficit Irrigation, Soybean, Climate Change, AquaCrop