Konvansiyonel retina dekolman cerrahisi sonrasında gelişen oküler hareket bozuklukları ve binoküler fonksiyon
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Amaç: Konvansiyonel retina dekolman cerrahisi sonrasında gelişen oküler hareket bozukluklarını incelemek ve binoküler görme sonuçlarını değerlendirmek Olgular ve Metod: Konvansiyonel retina dekolman operasyonu geçiren 32 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tüm olgulara hem çevresel silikon eksplant hem de radyal sponj uygulanmıştı. Operasyon öncesi ve sonrasındaki muayenede en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği, refraksiyon, primer ve sekonder deviasyon ölçümü yapıldı, oküler hareketler ve göz dışı kasların kuvveti değerlendirildi. Torsiyonel kaymalar çift Maddoks testi ile tespit edildi. Füzyon için Bagolini' nin çizgili camları, sinoptofor ve Worth 4 nokta testi kullanılırken, stereopsis Titmus testi ile değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar: Konvansiyonel retina dekolman cerrahisi sonrası 21 olguda (%65.6) hafif oküler hareket kısıtlılığı gelişti. Olguların 6' sında latent horizontal kayma, 2 olguda torsiyonel kayma ve l olguda da manifest vertikal kayma mevcuttu. Bu olguların hiçbirinde ciddi diplopi yakın-ması bulunmuyordu. Bagolini'nin çizgili camları ile test edildiğinde 26 olguda (%81.2) füzyon saptandı. Operasyon sonrasında 32 olgunun 12'sinde (%37.5) stereopsis tespit edildi. Tartışma: Konvansiyonel retina dekolman cerrahisi oküler hareket kısıtlılıkları, kalıcı şaşılık ve çift görmeye neden olabilmektedir. Dekolman operasyonu sonucunda elde edilen görme artışının binoküler görme potansiyeli üzerine olumlu etkisi olmaktadır.
Purpose: To examine ocular motility disturbances developed after conventional retinal detachment surgery and to evaluate binocular visual outcome. Patients and Methods: Thirty- two patients who underwent conventinal retinal detachment surgery were enrolled. All patients had both circumferential silicone explants and radial sponges. Preoperative and postoperative examination included measurement of best corrected visual acuity, refractive error, primary and secondary deviations and ocular motility and extraocular muscle strength evaluation. Double Maddox test was used for determination of cyclodevi-ation. Bagolini striated lenses, synoptophore and Worth 4 dot test were used for determination of fusion while stereopsis was evaluated with Titmus test. Results: After conventional retinal detachment surgery, mild restriction of ocular motility developed in 21 cases (65.6%). Six cases had latent horizontal deviation, 2 had torsional deviation and 1 case had manifest vertical deviation. None of these patients were complaining of intractable diplopia. Testing with Bagolini striated lenses suggested fusion in 26 cases (81.2%). Twelve of 32 cases (37.5%) had stereopsis postoperatively. Discussion: Conventional retinal detachment surgery could induce ocular motility disturbances, persistant strabismus and diplopia. Visual acuity gain obtained after detachment surgery had a positive effect on binocular vision potential.
Purpose: To examine ocular motility disturbances developed after conventional retinal detachment surgery and to evaluate binocular visual outcome. Patients and Methods: Thirty- two patients who underwent conventinal retinal detachment surgery were enrolled. All patients had both circumferential silicone explants and radial sponges. Preoperative and postoperative examination included measurement of best corrected visual acuity, refractive error, primary and secondary deviations and ocular motility and extraocular muscle strength evaluation. Double Maddox test was used for determination of cyclodevi-ation. Bagolini striated lenses, synoptophore and Worth 4 dot test were used for determination of fusion while stereopsis was evaluated with Titmus test. Results: After conventional retinal detachment surgery, mild restriction of ocular motility developed in 21 cases (65.6%). Six cases had latent horizontal deviation, 2 had torsional deviation and 1 case had manifest vertical deviation. None of these patients were complaining of intractable diplopia. Testing with Bagolini striated lenses suggested fusion in 26 cases (81.2%). Twelve of 32 cases (37.5%) had stereopsis postoperatively. Discussion: Conventional retinal detachment surgery could induce ocular motility disturbances, persistant strabismus and diplopia. Visual acuity gain obtained after detachment surgery had a positive effect on binocular vision potential.
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