Çeşitli kaynaklardan fitaz üreticisi fungusların izolasyonu ve termostabil fitaz üretimi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Fitaz (E.C, myo-inozitol hegzakisfosfat fosfohidrolaz) fitik asidin inorganik fosfat ve myo inozitol fosfatlara hidroliz reaksiyonlarını katalizleyen enzimdir. Son yıllarda hayvan yetiştiriciliğinde ve insan beslenmesinde fitik asit fosforundan daha etkin şekilde faydalanılması ve çevre kirliliğinin azaltılması amacıyla fitatı parçalayan enzimlerle ilgili çalışmalar hız kazanmıştır. Ayrıca, myo-inozitol fosfatların hazırlanması ile, kağıt endüstrisi ve toprak iyileştirmede fitaz enzimi kullanılmaktadır. Yem katkısı olarak kullanılan fitazların yemlerin pelletlenme aşamasında yüksek sıcaklıklarda inhibe olmaması için termostabilitesinin yüksek olması aranılan en önemli özelliklerden biridir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda son yıllarda termostabil fitaz enzim arayışları hız kazanmıştır. Fitazlar, mikroorganizmalar, bitkiler ve hayvanlar gibi birçok kaynaktan tanımlanmıştır. Bu kaynaklar içinde mikroorganizmalar özellikle de küfler tercih edilen ticari fitaz üreticileridir. Bu çalışmada, Ege bölgesinde yer alan sıcak su kaynaklarından alınan toprak ve sediment örnekleri ile mantar çiftliklerinden alınan kompost örneklerinden 50 adet termofilik/termotolerant fungus izolasyonu gerçekleştirilmiş ve bu fungus izolatları polifazik yaklaşımla tanımlanmıştır. 50 adet izolatın fitaz aktivitesi kantitatif olarak belirlenmiştir. 50 adet izolattan 44 adedinin (%88) aktif fitaz üreticisi oldukları belirlenmiştir. İçlerinden en yüksek spesifik aktiviteye sahip izolat olan 4.5.37 numaralı izolat ileri çalışmalar için seçilmiştir. İzolata ait fitaz enzimi fermantasyonla üretilmiş ultrafiltrasyon yöntemi ile deriştirilmiştir. Deriştirilmiş enzim preparatı optimum sıcaklık, optimum pH, ısıl ve pH kararlılığı, çeşitli inhibitörlerin, ağır metallerin, denatürantların, deterjanların, etkileri, proteaz kararlılığı, çeşitli organik çözgenlerin etkisi ve substrat spesifitesi gibi özellikler bakımından karakterize edilmiştir. Bu karakterizasyon çalışmaları ve tanımlama çalışması sonucunda Aspergillus tubingensis olarak tanımlanan, 4.5.37 numaralı izolatın ürettiği fitaz enziminin birçok koşul bakımından (geniş bir sıcaklık ve pH aralığında aktivite gösterme, ısıl ve pH kararlılığı, metal iyonlarına, proteazlara karşı kararlılık, substrat spesifitesi) endüstriyel uygulamalarda kullanılması için uygun olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, Aspergillus tubingensis, 4.5.37 fitazının ticari bir fitaz olarak kullanılabilecek bir enzim olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Phytase (E.C, myo-inozitol hegzakisfosfat fosfohidrolaz), is the enzyme catalyses the hydrolysis of phytic acid to inorganic phosphate and myo inositole phosphate. In recent years, studies have been accelerated on the use of phytate-degrading enzymes in livestock farming and human nutrition in order to make more effective use of phytic acid phosphorus and to reduce environmental pollution. In addition, phytase enzyme is used in the paper industry and soil improvement by preparation of myo-inositol phosphates. The high thermostability of the phytases used as feed additives for preventing feeds from being inhibited at high temperatures during the pelleting phase is one of the most demanded characteristics. To this end, the search for thermostable phytase enzymes has accelerated in recent years. Phytases are defined by many sources such as microorganisms, plants and animals. Among these sources, microorganisms, especially molds, are preferred commercial phytase producers. In this study, 50 thermophilic / thermotolerant fungus were isolated from soil samples and sediment samples collected from hot springs in Aegean region and compost samples taken from mushroom farms and these fungus isolates were identified by polyphasic approach. The phytase activity of 50 isolates was quantitatively determined. 44 of 50 isolates (88%) were determined as active phytase producers. 4.5.37 numbered isolate with the highest specific activity, was selected for further studies. The phytase enzyme of this isolate was produced by fermentation and was concentrated by ultrafiltration. Concentrated enzyme preparation is characterized in terms of optimum temperature, optimum pH, thermal and pH stability, properties of various inhibitors, heavy metals, denaturants, detergents effects, protease stability, effect of various organic solvents and substrate specificity. These characterization and identification studies have shown that phytase enzyme produced by isolate No. 4.5.37, which is identified as Aspergillus tubingensis, is suitable for many conditions in industrial applications such as (activity in a wide range of temperature and pH, thermal and pH stability, stability to metal ions, protease stability, substrate specificity). As a result, Aspergillus tubingensis, 4.5.37 phytase is thought to be an enzyme that can be used as a commercial phytase.
Phytase (E.C, myo-inozitol hegzakisfosfat fosfohidrolaz), is the enzyme catalyses the hydrolysis of phytic acid to inorganic phosphate and myo inositole phosphate. In recent years, studies have been accelerated on the use of phytate-degrading enzymes in livestock farming and human nutrition in order to make more effective use of phytic acid phosphorus and to reduce environmental pollution. In addition, phytase enzyme is used in the paper industry and soil improvement by preparation of myo-inositol phosphates. The high thermostability of the phytases used as feed additives for preventing feeds from being inhibited at high temperatures during the pelleting phase is one of the most demanded characteristics. To this end, the search for thermostable phytase enzymes has accelerated in recent years. Phytases are defined by many sources such as microorganisms, plants and animals. Among these sources, microorganisms, especially molds, are preferred commercial phytase producers. In this study, 50 thermophilic / thermotolerant fungus were isolated from soil samples and sediment samples collected from hot springs in Aegean region and compost samples taken from mushroom farms and these fungus isolates were identified by polyphasic approach. The phytase activity of 50 isolates was quantitatively determined. 44 of 50 isolates (88%) were determined as active phytase producers. 4.5.37 numbered isolate with the highest specific activity, was selected for further studies. The phytase enzyme of this isolate was produced by fermentation and was concentrated by ultrafiltration. Concentrated enzyme preparation is characterized in terms of optimum temperature, optimum pH, thermal and pH stability, properties of various inhibitors, heavy metals, denaturants, detergents effects, protease stability, effect of various organic solvents and substrate specificity. These characterization and identification studies have shown that phytase enzyme produced by isolate No. 4.5.37, which is identified as Aspergillus tubingensis, is suitable for many conditions in industrial applications such as (activity in a wide range of temperature and pH, thermal and pH stability, stability to metal ions, protease stability, substrate specificity). As a result, Aspergillus tubingensis, 4.5.37 phytase is thought to be an enzyme that can be used as a commercial phytase.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fitaz, Fitat, Termofilik/Termotolerant Fungus, Enzim Karakterizasyonu, Aspergillus Tubingensis, Phytase, Phytate, Thermophilic/Thermotolerant Fungi, Enzyme Characterization