Tip I duane retraksiyon sendromunda iç rektus anslı gerileme sonuçlarımız
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Amaç: Tip l Duane retraksiyon sendromlu olgulara uygulanan iç rektus anslı geriletmesinin cerrahi sonuçlarını sunmak Yöntem: Çalışmaya 1997- 2000 yılları arasında kliniğimizde Tip l Duane retraksiyon sendromu tanısı alan ve iç rektusa anslı geriletme uygulanan 13 olgu dahil edildi. Uygulanan cerrahi yöntemin kayma derecesine, anormal baş pozisyonuna, glob retraksiyonuna ve abdüksi-yoh kısıtlılığına olan etkileri değerlendirildi. Operasyon sonrası ortalama takip süresi 16.7 ay (5-24 ay) idi. Bulgular: Operasyon öncesi +32.0±11.86 (+16 ile +50 arası) prizm diyoptri (PD) olan or-talama kayma derecesi, operasyon sonrasında +1.53±4,48 (-6 ile +10 arası) PD' ye azaldı. Do-kuz olguda (%69.2) primer pozisyonda ortofori sağlandı. Abdüksiyon kısıtlılığı operasyon sonrası beş olguda hafif, altı olguda ise orta derecede düzelirken, iki olguda ise değişim izlenmedi. Anormal baş pozisyonu olan 10 olgunun 9'unda (%90), glob retraksiyonu olan 12 olgunun 10'unda (%83.3) operasyon sonrasında düzelme saptandı. Sonuç: İç rektusun anslı geriletmesi Tip l Duane retraksiyon sendromunda etkili ve güven-li bir cerrahi tekniktir.
Purpose: To present the surgical results of recession of medial rectus muscle with loop suture in cases with Type 1 Duane's retraction syndrome. Method: Thirteen cases with Type 1 Duane's retraction syndrome who underwent medial rectus recession with loop suture in our clinic between 1997 and 2000 were included in this study. The effects of the surgical technique on the angle of deviation, abnormal head position, globe retraction and limitation of abduction were evaluated. Mean post-operative follow up period was 16.7 months (5-24 months).Results: Mean pre-operative angle of deviation of +32.0$\pm$11.86 (between +16 and +50) prism diopters (PD) decreased to +1.53±4.48 (between -6 and +10) PD post- operatively. In nine cases (%69.2) ortophoria was obtained in primary position. Limitation of abduction impro-ved mildly in five cases and moderately in six cases, while remained the same in two cases. Abnormal head position relieved in 9 of 10 cases (90) and globe retraction improved in 10 of 12 cases (83.3%) after the operation. Conclusion: Recession of the medial rectus with loop suture is a safe and effective surgical technique in Type 1 Duane's retraction syndrome
Purpose: To present the surgical results of recession of medial rectus muscle with loop suture in cases with Type 1 Duane's retraction syndrome. Method: Thirteen cases with Type 1 Duane's retraction syndrome who underwent medial rectus recession with loop suture in our clinic between 1997 and 2000 were included in this study. The effects of the surgical technique on the angle of deviation, abnormal head position, globe retraction and limitation of abduction were evaluated. Mean post-operative follow up period was 16.7 months (5-24 months).Results: Mean pre-operative angle of deviation of +32.0$\pm$11.86 (between +16 and +50) prism diopters (PD) decreased to +1.53±4.48 (between -6 and +10) PD post- operatively. In nine cases (%69.2) ortophoria was obtained in primary position. Limitation of abduction impro-ved mildly in five cases and moderately in six cases, while remained the same in two cases. Abnormal head position relieved in 9 of 10 cases (90) and globe retraction improved in 10 of 12 cases (83.3%) after the operation. Conclusion: Recession of the medial rectus with loop suture is a safe and effective surgical technique in Type 1 Duane's retraction syndrome
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