Koroner arter bypass greftlemede kullanılan internal mammarian arter rezistif indeksinin emzirme ile ilişkisinin saptanması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Koroner arter bypass cerrahisinde arteriyel greft olarak kullanılan internal mammarian arterin önemi büyüktür . Çalışmamızda internal mammarian arterlerin renkli doppler ultrasonografi ile rezistif indekslerini hesaplamayı , emziren ve emzirmeyen bayanlar arasında rezistif indeks yönünden farklılıkları saptamayı amaçladık.
Çalışmamızda Şubat – Nisan 2016 tarihleri arasında Şifa Üniversitesi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’ ne başvuran ve yazılı onamları alınmış olan 23- 43 yaş arası 82 bayandan ayrıntılı anamnez alındı ve fizik muayeneleri yapıldı . Gönüllülerin 16’ sı çeşitli sebeplerle çalışma dışı bırakıldı . 66 bayan medeni durumları, doğum sayıları, emzirdikleri çocuk sayıları, toplam emzirme süreleri, emzirmede dominant kullandıkları taraf, son emzirmeden bugüne kadar geçen sürelerine göre gruplandırıldı. Menstruasyon bitimlerini takiben 1 hafta içinde renkli doppler ultrasonografi yapıldı ve İMA akımları ölçülerek rezistif indeksleri hesaplandı. 1 kişi , akım net olarak değerlendirilemediğinden , rezistif indeks karşılaştırmalarına dahil edilmedi.
Evli ve bekar bayanların İMA rezistif indeksleri karşılaştırıldığında , iki grup arasındaki farkın anlamlı olduğu ; toplam emzirme sürelerinin sağ ve sol İMA rezistif indeksleri üzerine etkisi değerlendirildiğinde emzime süresi arttıkça rezistif indeksin düştüğü ; emziren bayanların dominant emzirdikleri taraf ile diğer taraf rezistif indeksleri karşılaştırıldığında, iki taraf rezistif indeksleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı görüldü . Yaş ve İMA rezistif indeks değişkenleri arasında negatif yönde zayıf düzeyde korelasyon saptandı .
Çalışmamızın sonucunda emzirmenin İMA rezistif indeksini anlamlı oranda düşürdüğü, toplam emzirme süresi ve yaşın artması ile İMA rezistif indeksinin düştüğünü saptadık.
Internal mammary artery is very important for coronary artey bypass surgery as a graft . We aim to determine the differences between breastfeeding and not-breastfeeding women’s internal mammary artery resistive index using color doppler ultrasonography. In our study, 82 women whom refer to Şifa University Training and Research Hospital ; ages range between 23 -43 and agree to participate in the study were placed . Detailed history was taken and physical examination was performed . 16 volunteers excluded from the study couse of various reasons. 66 women were grouped according to marital status,number of births, number of breastfeeding children , total breastfeeding time, which breast they use dominant for breastfeeding, last breastfeeding date . Their internal mammary arteries were evaluated by colour doppler ultrasound , one week after the end of the menstruation , resistive index were calculated by measuring the flow of IMAs . 1 volunteer’s IMA flow couldn’t measure and she didn’t include in the resistive index comparisons. When we compare married women’s IMA resistive index to single women’s IMA resistive index, the difference was significant between two groups.comparison of total breastfeeding time and the resistive index of the left and right IMA , resistive index were decreased during total breastfeeding time were increased . we didn’t see a statistically difference between breastfeeding women’s nondominant breasts’ IMA resistive index and dominant breasts’ IMA resistive index . A weak negative correlation was found between age and IMA resistive index. The result of our study , breastfeeding is significantly reduse the IMA resistive index . we found that , IMA resistive index was decreasing while total breastfeeding time and age are increasing .
Internal mammary artery is very important for coronary artey bypass surgery as a graft . We aim to determine the differences between breastfeeding and not-breastfeeding women’s internal mammary artery resistive index using color doppler ultrasonography. In our study, 82 women whom refer to Şifa University Training and Research Hospital ; ages range between 23 -43 and agree to participate in the study were placed . Detailed history was taken and physical examination was performed . 16 volunteers excluded from the study couse of various reasons. 66 women were grouped according to marital status,number of births, number of breastfeeding children , total breastfeeding time, which breast they use dominant for breastfeeding, last breastfeeding date . Their internal mammary arteries were evaluated by colour doppler ultrasound , one week after the end of the menstruation , resistive index were calculated by measuring the flow of IMAs . 1 volunteer’s IMA flow couldn’t measure and she didn’t include in the resistive index comparisons. When we compare married women’s IMA resistive index to single women’s IMA resistive index, the difference was significant between two groups.comparison of total breastfeeding time and the resistive index of the left and right IMA , resistive index were decreased during total breastfeeding time were increased . we didn’t see a statistically difference between breastfeeding women’s nondominant breasts’ IMA resistive index and dominant breasts’ IMA resistive index . A weak negative correlation was found between age and IMA resistive index. The result of our study , breastfeeding is significantly reduse the IMA resistive index . we found that , IMA resistive index was decreasing while total breastfeeding time and age are increasing .
Anahtar Kelimeler
Emzirme, İnternal Mammarian Arter, Rezistif İndeks, Breastfeeding, Internal Mammary Artery, Resistive Index