Avrupa kent panoramaları (1787-1914) (Gravür-litografi-resim-fotoğraf)
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Panorama, Robert Barker tarafından 1787 yılında icat edilen 360 derecelik görüş açısına sahip dairesel bir resimdir. Panoramalar konu bakımından çok geniş bir yelpazeye sahiptirler. Kent panoramaları bu panoramaların sadece bir kısmını oluştururlar. Panoramalar 18. yüzyılın sonundan 19. yüzyıl sonuna kadar sergilenmiş ve Avrupa'da büyük ilgi çekmiştir. Bu çalışmada Avrupa kentlerine ait panoramalar incelenmiş, ele alınan dönemin öncesi ve sonrası araştırılmış ve panoramanın kökenleri, ortaya çıkışı ve tarihsel gelişimi kapsamlı bir şekilde anlatılmıştır. Kent görünümleri Antikçağ'dan 17. yüzyıla kadar genellikle resimlerde dini ve mitolojik konular ardında birer fon olarak yer almıştır, 17. yüzyılda ise bağımsız bir tür haline gelmiştir. Panorama icat edildikten sonra ise Edinburgh, Londra, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt ve İstanbul gibi kentlerin çok büyük panoramaları resmedilmiş ve izleyiciler de bu kentlerin görünümleri karşısında büyülenmişlerdir. Gravür sanatında ise panoramanın icadından önce de kentlerin kuşbakışı görünümlerinin baskıları yapılmıştır. Ne var ki, panoramanın icadından önce her türlü teknikle yapılan kent görünümleri ancak panoramanın icadından sonra "panorama" adını almıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında panoramalar tarihsel bir bakış açısından yola çıkılarak sınıflandırıldı ve günümüzdeki panorama uygulamaları bu bakış açısına göre değerlendirildi. Panorama kelimesi günümüzde 360 derecelik bakış açısına sahip sanat eserlerini değil de genel görünüme sahip olan eserleri de tanımlayan, kullanımı çok geniş bir kelimedir. Panorama, sanatta yeni bir dönemin başlamasını sağlamış ve panorama ile birlikte sanatta yeni bir bakış açısı oluşmuştur. Bu yeni bakış açısı fotoğraf gibi yeni icatlarda da başarıyla uygulanmıştır. 1839'da fotoğrafın icadıyla birlikte fotoğrafçılar panoramik kent fotoğrafına yönelmiş ve birçok kent fotoğrafı çekerek izleyicilere sunmuşlardır. Günümüzde ise panoramaya olan ilgi devam etmektedir ve çağdaş sanatçılar da en son teknolojiler ile yeni kent panoramaları üretmektedirler.
Panorama is a circular painting invented by Robert Barker, in 1787, with a 360- degree vantage point. Panoramas are widely diversified in subject-matter. City panoramas constitute only a small part of all types of panoramas. Panoramas were exhibited from the late 18th century until the late 19th century, and have attracted a great interest in Europe. In this study, the panoramas of the European cities were examined, the periods before and after the period in question were investigated, and the origins, the emergence and the historical development of the panorama were described in a comprehensive way. From antiquity to the 17th century city views were generally used as a background behind predominant religious and mythological themes in paintings, but they became an independent genre in the 17th century. After the panorama was invented, large panoramas of cities such as Edinburgh, London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and Istanbul were depicted, and the audiences were fascinated by the appearances of the cities. In gravure art, however, prints of the bird's-eye view were made even before the panorama was invented. But city views created with all kind of techniques, which were made before the invention of the panorama, were described as “panorama” only after the invention. In this thesis a historical perspective were used on the classification of panoramas, and contemporary panoramas were evaluated from this point of view. Today, the term panorama not only defines artworks with a 360-degree panoramic view but is also used to describe more general views. Therefore, it has a very wide area of application. Panorama initiated a new era in art, and with panoramas art gained a new perspective. This new point of view was successfully applied to the new inventions like photography. In 1839, with the invention of photography, photographers started to take city photographs and presented them to the audiences. Nowadays, this enthusiasm for panorama continues, and contemporary photographers produce new city panoramas with the latest technologies.
Panorama is a circular painting invented by Robert Barker, in 1787, with a 360- degree vantage point. Panoramas are widely diversified in subject-matter. City panoramas constitute only a small part of all types of panoramas. Panoramas were exhibited from the late 18th century until the late 19th century, and have attracted a great interest in Europe. In this study, the panoramas of the European cities were examined, the periods before and after the period in question were investigated, and the origins, the emergence and the historical development of the panorama were described in a comprehensive way. From antiquity to the 17th century city views were generally used as a background behind predominant religious and mythological themes in paintings, but they became an independent genre in the 17th century. After the panorama was invented, large panoramas of cities such as Edinburgh, London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and Istanbul were depicted, and the audiences were fascinated by the appearances of the cities. In gravure art, however, prints of the bird's-eye view were made even before the panorama was invented. But city views created with all kind of techniques, which were made before the invention of the panorama, were described as “panorama” only after the invention. In this thesis a historical perspective were used on the classification of panoramas, and contemporary panoramas were evaluated from this point of view. Today, the term panorama not only defines artworks with a 360-degree panoramic view but is also used to describe more general views. Therefore, it has a very wide area of application. Panorama initiated a new era in art, and with panoramas art gained a new perspective. This new point of view was successfully applied to the new inventions like photography. In 1839, with the invention of photography, photographers started to take city photographs and presented them to the audiences. Nowadays, this enthusiasm for panorama continues, and contemporary photographers produce new city panoramas with the latest technologies.
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