Hipomani Soru Listesi-32-Yenilenmiş Sürümün Türkçe Güvenilirlik ve Geçerlilik Çalışması
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada amaç Hipomani Soru Listesi-32-Yenilenmiş Sürü- mün Türkçe sürümünün güvenilirlik ve geçerliliğini ortaya koymaktır. Yöntem: Araştırma üç üniversite hastanesi psikiyatri anabilim dalına ve bir eğitim hastanesi duygudurum bozuklukları birimine ayaktan ve veya yatarak başvuran ve bipolar I bozukluk tanısı konan 80, bipolar II bozukluk tanısı konan 26, majör depresif bozukluk tanısı konan 42 hasta ile üniversite öğrencilerinden oluşan 116 sağlıklı gönüllülerini içeren gruplarla yürütülmüştür. Hastalık süresi ise bipolar bozukluk grupları için ortalama 15,1 yıl ve major depresif bozukluk grubu için 9,3 yıldır. Birlikte geçerlilik amacıyla Duygudurum Bozuklukları Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirmede iç tutarlılık katsayısı, madde-toplam puan bağıntı katsayıları, açımlayıcı faktör analizi, diğer ölçeklerle bağıntı ve ROC eğrisi hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Hipomani Soru Listesi-32-Yenilenmiş Sürümün önce Türk- çeye sonra İngilizceye çevirisi yapılmış ve çeviriler sonunda dil birliğiyle ölçek metni elde edilmiştir. İç tutarlılık analizinde Cronbach alfa katsayısı 0,914 ve madde-toplam puan bağıntı katsayıları 0,235-0,743 arasında elde edilmiştir. Yalnızca 23. maddenin katsayısı 0,110 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Açımlayıcı faktör analizinde 6 faktör elde edilmiş, iki faktörlü çözüme zorlanmıştır. Varyansın %44,5'ini açıklayan toplam 2 faktör elde edilmiştir ve birinci faktör aşırı etkinlik veya taşkın olmayı, ikinci faktör ise dürtüselliği ve riskli davranışları temsil etmektedir. Hipomani Soru Listesi-32-Yenilenmiş Sürümün Duygudurum Bozuklukları Ölçeği ile bağıntısı r=0,379 olarak hesaplanmıştır. ROC analizinde ölçeğin kesme puanı özgüllük değeri 69,8 ve duyarlılık değeri 71,0 ile 14 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ölçeğin bipolar bozukluk gruplarını diğer gruplardan iyi ayırt ettiği görülmüştür. Sonuç: Hipomani belirtilerini taramaya yarayan Hipomani Soru Listesi-32-Yenilenmiş Sürümün Türkçe formunun, 23. madde ölçekten çıkarıldıktan sonra güvenilir ve geçerli olduğu gösterilmiştir.
Objective: In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Hypomania Checklist-32-Revised. Method: The study was carried out with 80 patients diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, 26 patients diagnosed with bipolar II disorder and 42 patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder attending the out- and in-patient psychiatry departments of three university hospitals and one training hospital, and 116 healthy volunteers consisting of university students. Mean duration of illness was 15,1 years for the bipolar disorder group, and 9,3 years for the major depressive disorder group. For concurrent validity, Mood Disorder Questionnaire was used. In the statistical analysis, internal consistency coefficient, item-total score correlation coefficients, exploratory factor analysis, correlation with concurrent scale and ROC curve were calculated. Results: Translation into Turkish and back-translation into English of Hypomania Checklist-32-Revised were performed and thus the semantic harmony of the scale was obtained. In the internal consistency, Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0,914 and item-total score correlations were between 0,235-0.743. Solely the coefficient of item #23 was found as 0,110. In factor analysis, six factors were obtained but a two-factor solution representing 44,5% of the total variance was accepted and first factor represents overactivity and being expansive, second factor represents impulsivity and risky behaviors. Correlation of Hypomania Checklist-32-R with Mood Disorder Questionnaire was r=0,379. In the ROC analysis, the cut off point of the scale was calculated as 14 with a sensitivity of 71,0 and specificity of 69,8. The scale discriminates well between the bipolar group, and depressive and control groups. Conclusion: Hypomania Checklist-32-Revised developed for screening hypomania is reported to be reliable and valid in Turkish after cutting out item #23.
Objective: In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Hypomania Checklist-32-Revised. Method: The study was carried out with 80 patients diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, 26 patients diagnosed with bipolar II disorder and 42 patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder attending the out- and in-patient psychiatry departments of three university hospitals and one training hospital, and 116 healthy volunteers consisting of university students. Mean duration of illness was 15,1 years for the bipolar disorder group, and 9,3 years for the major depressive disorder group. For concurrent validity, Mood Disorder Questionnaire was used. In the statistical analysis, internal consistency coefficient, item-total score correlation coefficients, exploratory factor analysis, correlation with concurrent scale and ROC curve were calculated. Results: Translation into Turkish and back-translation into English of Hypomania Checklist-32-Revised were performed and thus the semantic harmony of the scale was obtained. In the internal consistency, Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0,914 and item-total score correlations were between 0,235-0.743. Solely the coefficient of item #23 was found as 0,110. In factor analysis, six factors were obtained but a two-factor solution representing 44,5% of the total variance was accepted and first factor represents overactivity and being expansive, second factor represents impulsivity and risky behaviors. Correlation of Hypomania Checklist-32-R with Mood Disorder Questionnaire was r=0,379. In the ROC analysis, the cut off point of the scale was calculated as 14 with a sensitivity of 71,0 and specificity of 69,8. The scale discriminates well between the bipolar group, and depressive and control groups. Conclusion: Hypomania Checklist-32-Revised developed for screening hypomania is reported to be reliable and valid in Turkish after cutting out item #23.
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