Muğla yöresinde toplanan İzmir kekiği (Origanum onites L. ) populasyonlarının bazı agronomik ve kalite özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu deneme Muğla'nın 6 değişik bölgesinden toplanarak elde edilen ve Bornova ekolq'ik koşullarında yetiştirilen 437 adet Origanum Onites L tek bitkisi üzerinde yapılmıştır.Boyları ölçülen bitkilerin çiçeklenme döneminde tek bitki hasadı yapılarak yeşil herba verimi belirlenmiştir.Oda sıcaklığında kurutularak drog herba verimi saptanmıştır. Yaprak, sap ayrımı sonucunda drog yaprak verimi bulunmuştur. Uçucu yağ oranını Neo- Clevenger apareyi kullanılarak belirledikten sonra,her bitkinin boyu.yeşil herba.drog herba.drog yaprak ve uçucu yağ oranı değerlerinin minimum.maksimum ve ortalamaları hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerler daha sonra 6 lokasyon halinde ayrı.ayrı ortaya onmuştur. Her lokasyondaki uçucu yağ oranı yüksek ilk 40 bitki seçilmiştir.437 adet Origanum Onites L tek bitkisilerinde uçucu yağ oranı minimum %1,maksimum %6 ve ortalama %2.48 olarak elde edilmiştir. Agronomik özelliklerin uçucu yağ oranını etkileyebileceği düşünülerek Path analizi uygulanmıştır.Bu analiz sonucunda uçucu yağ miktarına en yüksek doğrudan etkiyi %56'lık bir pay ile uçucu yağ x drog herba ilişkisinin yaptığı.en yüksek dolaylı etkiyi ise uçucu yağ x yeşil herba ilişkisinde %55'lik bir pay ile drog herba ortaya çıkarmıştır. En yüksek korelasyon (r=0.132) drog herba veriminden elde edilmiştir. Dolaylı ilişkilerin uçucu yağ miktarına olan etkisinin, doğrudan ilişkilere nazaran daha fazla olduğu ortaya konmuştur
This experiment was carried on 437 pieces of Origanum Onites L. singles grown under the echolocial conditions of Bornova and gathered from 6 different locations from Muğla region.The green herba yield was detemined by harvesting the plants singularly during the period of flowering of those plants of which heights were measured The yield of drog herba was confirmed after the plants were dried in room temperature.The drog leaf yield was obtained in end of the seperation of steam and leaf After fixing the ratio of volatile oil with the Neo-Clevenger apparatus.plant herba.drog herba.drog leaf and volatile oil ratio of each plant's values were calculated as minimum.maximum and avarage.These values were confirmed as 6 different locations seperatery. In each location the first 40 plants that have high ratio of volatile oil in each single plant of 437 Origanum Onites L is fixed as minimum 1%,maximum 6% and avarege 2.48%.The Path analysis was applied considering that agronomic characteristics would be able to affect the ratio of volatile oil. By the end of this analysis.the highest direct effect on the volatile oil is made by the relation volatile oil x drog herba as with 56%.(The highest indirect effect on the volatile is made by the relation volatile oil x green herba 55%). The drog herba provided that the highest indirect effect on the volatile oil is made by the relation volatile oil x green herba as with 56%.The highest correlation (r=0. 132) is obtained from the drog herba has been proved that the effect of indirect relations on volatile oil is more efficient that the direct relations considered...
This experiment was carried on 437 pieces of Origanum Onites L. singles grown under the echolocial conditions of Bornova and gathered from 6 different locations from Muğla region.The green herba yield was detemined by harvesting the plants singularly during the period of flowering of those plants of which heights were measured The yield of drog herba was confirmed after the plants were dried in room temperature.The drog leaf yield was obtained in end of the seperation of steam and leaf After fixing the ratio of volatile oil with the Neo-Clevenger apparatus.plant herba.drog herba.drog leaf and volatile oil ratio of each plant's values were calculated as minimum.maximum and avarage.These values were confirmed as 6 different locations seperatery. In each location the first 40 plants that have high ratio of volatile oil in each single plant of 437 Origanum Onites L is fixed as minimum 1%,maximum 6% and avarege 2.48%.The Path analysis was applied considering that agronomic characteristics would be able to affect the ratio of volatile oil. By the end of this analysis.the highest direct effect on the volatile oil is made by the relation volatile oil x drog herba as with 56%.(The highest indirect effect on the volatile is made by the relation volatile oil x green herba 55%). The drog herba provided that the highest indirect effect on the volatile oil is made by the relation volatile oil x green herba as with 56%.The highest correlation (r=0. 132) is obtained from the drog herba has been proved that the effect of indirect relations on volatile oil is more efficient that the direct relations considered...
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Agronomik özellikler, Agronomic characteristics, Origanum onites, Origanum onites, İzmir kekiği, İzmir thyme