Omurilik yaralanmalı hastaların temiz aralıklı kateterizasyona uzun dönemde gösterdikleri uyum
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Bu çalışmanın amacı omurilik yaralanmalı hastaların temiz aralıklı kateterizasyona (TAK) uzun dönemde gösterdikleri uyumu saptamaktı. Rehabilitasyon amacıyla hospitalize edilmiş olan omurilik yaralanmalı 50 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri kaydedildi. Ürodinamik değerlendirmeden sonra hastalar TAK konusunda eğitildiler. Taburcu edildikten sonra telefonla aranarak takip edildiler. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 37,2±14,6 (17-75) idi. Yaralanmadan sonra incelemeye kadar geçen süre ortalama 8,5±15,1 (0,5-60) aydı. Onyedi hastada tetrapleji, 33 hastada parapleji mevcuttu. Onbeş hastada komplet, 35 hastada inkomplet (ASIA B-D) yaralanma mevcuttu. Ürodinamik değerlendirmede hastaların %50’sinde hiperrefleks detrusor, diğer %50’sinde aktivitesi azalmış ya da akontraktil detrusor saptandı. Takip verileri 49 hastanın ortalama 27,1±13,5 (6-53) ay süreyle TAK’a devam ettiklerini gösterdi. Sadece bir hasta 8 ay sonra maliyeti nedeniyle devamlı kateter kullanımına döndü. Hastaların hiç birinde kateterizasyonu engelleyecek şiddette spastisite yoktu. TAK’a uzun süreli uyum çok iyiydi. TAK konusunda hastaların eğitilmesi, sık takibi, kateterizasyona engel olacak şiddetli spastisite olmaması, TAK için bakıcıya bağımlı olmamaları bu iyi sonuçlar için temel faktörler olarak görünmektedir.
The aim of this study was to determine the long term compliance with clean intermittent catheterisation (CIC) in patients with spinal cord injury. Fifty patients with spinal cord injury who were hospitalized for rehabilitation were enrolled into the study. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded. After urodynamic evaluation, they were educated on CIC. After discharge they were followed-up closely. The mean age of the patients was 37.2±14.6 (17-75) years. The average time since injury was 8.5±15.1 (0.5-60) months. Seventeen patients had tetraplegia and 33 had paraplegia. Fifteen patients had complete injuries and 35 patients had incomplete lesions (ASIA classess B-D). Urodynamic evaluations showed that 50% of the patients had an overactive detrusor and the rest had underactive or acontractile detrusor. Follow-up data revealed that 49 of the patients continued on CIC for an average of 27.1±13.5 (6-53) months. Only one patient reverted to indwelling catheter at the 8th month because of the cost. None of the patients had severe spasticity interfering with catheterisation. The long-term compliance with CIC was very good. Education of the patients about CIC, their frequent follow-up, no severe spasticity interfering with catheterisation, no dependence on care-givers for CIC seem to be the main factors for these good results.
The aim of this study was to determine the long term compliance with clean intermittent catheterisation (CIC) in patients with spinal cord injury. Fifty patients with spinal cord injury who were hospitalized for rehabilitation were enrolled into the study. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded. After urodynamic evaluation, they were educated on CIC. After discharge they were followed-up closely. The mean age of the patients was 37.2±14.6 (17-75) years. The average time since injury was 8.5±15.1 (0.5-60) months. Seventeen patients had tetraplegia and 33 had paraplegia. Fifteen patients had complete injuries and 35 patients had incomplete lesions (ASIA classess B-D). Urodynamic evaluations showed that 50% of the patients had an overactive detrusor and the rest had underactive or acontractile detrusor. Follow-up data revealed that 49 of the patients continued on CIC for an average of 27.1±13.5 (6-53) months. Only one patient reverted to indwelling catheter at the 8th month because of the cost. None of the patients had severe spasticity interfering with catheterisation. The long-term compliance with CIC was very good. Education of the patients about CIC, their frequent follow-up, no severe spasticity interfering with catheterisation, no dependence on care-givers for CIC seem to be the main factors for these good results.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri