UV koruyucu tekstil malzemelerinin geliştirilmesinde fotokromik boyaların kullanım olanakları
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı tekstil malzemelerinin UV koruma özelliklerinin incelenmesi ve geliştirilmesidir. Bu amaçla öncelikle farklı yapılarda ve renklerdeki kumaşların UV koruma özellikleri araştırılarak kumaş yapısı ve renklendirmenin UV koruma üzerine etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda çalışılan kumaş yapıları, UV koruması yüksek olandan düşük olan yapıya doğru interlok, ribana ve süprem olarak sıralanmıştır. Klasik tekstil boyaları ile renklendirme sonucu kumaşların UV koruma özellikleri geliştirilmiştir. Daha sonra belirlenen kumaş yapılarına fotokromik boya aktarılarak kumaşların performans özellikleri test edilmiştir. Fotokromik boyaların kumaşa direkt aplikasyonu sonucu her ne kadar UV koruma değerleri artmış olsa da bu boyaların suda çözünmeyen ve hassas yapılarından dolayı verimli boyama sonuçları elde edilememiş ve kumaşlarda kalıcı renkler oluşmuştur. Fotokromik boyaların tekstil malzemelerine aplikasyonunu geliştirme amacıyla kapsülleme çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalarda emülsiyon oluşturma-çözücü buharlaştırma ile püskürtmeli kurutma yöntemlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler ile en uygun kapsül üretim koşulları belirlenmiş ve elde edilen fotokromik boya kapsülleri daha sonra kumaş yüzeylerine aktarılmıştır. Fotokromik boya kapsülü aktarılmış kumaşlarda kalıcı renkler oluşmamış ve bu kumaşlar UV ışık etkisi ile renk değiştirmişlerdir. Her iki yöntemle de üretilen fotokromik boya kapsüllerinin pamuklu kumaşa aplikasyonu sonucu 50+ UPF değerinde UV koruma sonuçları elde edilmiştir.
The aim of this study was to investigate and develop UV protective textile materials. For this purpose, first, the UV protection properties of fabrics in different structures and colors were investigated and the effect of fabric structure and coloration on UV protection was evaluated. In this context, fabric constructions are listed as interlock, rib and single jersey, from high to low in UV protection. UV protection properties of the fabrics have been improved as a result of the coloration with conventional textile dyes. Then, performance properties of the fabrics were tested by application of photochromic dye to the fabrics. UV protection values of the fabrics were increased as a result of direct application of photochromic dyes to the fabric, however efficient dyeing results could not be obtained and permanent colors have been formed on the fabrics due to the water- insolubility and sensitive structure of these dyes. Encapsulation studies were carried out to develop the application of photochromic dyes to textile materials. In these studies, emulsion-solvent evaporation and spray drying methods were utilized. Optimal capsule production conditions were determined and the photochromic dye capsules were then applied to the fabrics. Permanent colors did not occur in the photochromic dye capsule applied fabrics, and they changed their color with UV light effect. UV protection results at 50+ UPF were obtained after application of the photochromic dye capsules to the cotton fabric produced by both methods.
The aim of this study was to investigate and develop UV protective textile materials. For this purpose, first, the UV protection properties of fabrics in different structures and colors were investigated and the effect of fabric structure and coloration on UV protection was evaluated. In this context, fabric constructions are listed as interlock, rib and single jersey, from high to low in UV protection. UV protection properties of the fabrics have been improved as a result of the coloration with conventional textile dyes. Then, performance properties of the fabrics were tested by application of photochromic dye to the fabrics. UV protection values of the fabrics were increased as a result of direct application of photochromic dyes to the fabric, however efficient dyeing results could not be obtained and permanent colors have been formed on the fabrics due to the water- insolubility and sensitive structure of these dyes. Encapsulation studies were carried out to develop the application of photochromic dyes to textile materials. In these studies, emulsion-solvent evaporation and spray drying methods were utilized. Optimal capsule production conditions were determined and the photochromic dye capsules were then applied to the fabrics. Permanent colors did not occur in the photochromic dye capsule applied fabrics, and they changed their color with UV light effect. UV protection results at 50+ UPF were obtained after application of the photochromic dye capsules to the cotton fabric produced by both methods.
Anahtar Kelimeler
UV Koruma, Kumaş Yapısı, Renklendirme, Fotokromik Boya, Kapsül, UV Protection, Fabric Structure, Coloration, Photochromic Dye, Capsule