Kematerapötik ajanların hazırlanması ve uygulanması sırasında hemşirelerin maruz kaldığı sağlık risklerinin ve bu risklerden korunmak için alınan önlemlerin etkinliğinin incelenmesi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
146 ÖZET Bu araştırma, kemoterapiden kaynaklandığı düşünülen mesleki sağlık risklerinin ve alman koruyucu önlemlerin etkinliğini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, kemoterapötik ajanların inhalasyon yoluyla alınıp alınmadığının belirlenmesi için kemoterapi uygulamasında görev alan hemşirelerin serum methotrexate düzeyi ölçülmüş, ajanlara maruziyet sonucu oluşabilecek sağlık yakınmaları ve elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda alman koruyucu önlemler incelenmiştir. Araştırma, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi îç Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı ve bu kliniğe bağlı Onkoloji Poliklniğinde, Çocuk sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı Onkoloji Ünitesinde, Dokuz Eylül Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi İç Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı ve Onkoloji Enstitüsünde, izmir Atatürk Eğitim Hastanesi Dahiliye II ve Onkoloji PoliklMğmde,İzmir Göğüs hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Eğitim Hastanesinde 7B, 8A, 9A ve 14. servis birimlerinde, kemoterapi uygulamalarında bir yıl ve daha fazla süre çalışan, olasılıksız örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 96 hemşire üzerinde yapılmıştır. Kemoterapötik ajanların hazırlanması ve uygulanması sırasında koruyucu önlem almayan 48 hemşire deney grubunu, önlem alan 48 hemşire kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Hemşirelerin serum methotrexate düzeylerinin saptanması için 'Methotrexate Aktivasyon Testi' uygulanmıştır. Niteliksel verilerin toplanmasında, araştırmacı tarafından ilgili kaynaklar incelenerek hazırlanan anket Icullamlmışrır. Anketin 1. bölümünde sosyo-demografik bilgiler, 2.bölümünde kemoterapi konusunda alman bilginin kaynağı, hemşirelerin kemoterapi uygulama sıklığı ve koruyucu önlem almama nedenleri, 3. bölümünde kemoterapötik ajanlardan kaynaklandığı düşünülen sağlık yalanmaları ve 4. bölümde kemoterapötik ajanlara karşı alınması gereken önlemlerin alanda uygulanma durumu hakkında sorular sorulmuştur Verilerin analizinde; sayı, yüzde, tek yönlü varyans analizi, ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır.147 Çalışma kapsamına alınan hemşirelerin % 24'ü 18-23yaş, % 25 'i 24-29 yaş, % 26'sı 30-35 yaş, % 25'i 36 ve üzeri yaş grubundadır. Koruyucu önlem alan ve önlem almayan hemşirelerin çoğunluğunu önlisans mezunu (% 43.8) ve meslekte 1-5 yıl çalışanlar (% 35.4) oluşturmaktadır, önlem almayan grupta en fazla kemoterapi uygulama sıklığı % 39.6 oranıyla ortalama günde 1-2,diğer grupta ise % 29.2 oranında günde 3-5 uygulamadır. Koruyucu önlem almayan hemşirelerden hizmet içi eğitim ve kursa katılarak kemoterapi konusunda bilgi alanlar % 16.9, önlem alanlarda % 29.2 oranındadır. Kemoterapötik ajanları hazırlayan ve uygulayan, koruyucu önlem almayan 16 hemşire ve koruyucu önlem alan 16 hemşirede ölçülen serum methotrexate düzeyi ortalamaları önlem almayan grupta 0.0613 umol/L, önlem alan grupta 0.050 umol/L olarak saptanmıştır, önlem alan ve önlem almayan hemşirelerin serum methotrexate ortalamaları arasında fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. (PO.05) Koruyucu önlem alan ve önlem almayan hemşireler arasında toplam sağlık yakınmaları yönünden istatistiksel olarak fark saptanmamıştır. Ancak koruyucu önlem almayan hemşirelerde sağlık yakınmaları diğer gruba göre daha fazla görülmektedir. Önlem alan ve önlem almayan hemşirelerin ayrı ayrı sağlık yakınmaları incelendiğinde; alerjik reaksiyon, karın ağrısı ve mide bulantısı yalanmalarının önlem almayan grupta daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur.(P<0.05) Saç dökülmesi, göz-deri-mukoza irritasyonu, baş ağrısı, baş dönmesi, diyare yakınmalarını önlem almayan hemşirelerde daha yüksek oranlarda bulunmasına rağmen iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak fark anlamlı değildir.(P>0.05) Gruplar arasında menstrual disfonksiyon yalanması yönünden fark bulunmamıştır. (P>0.05) Araştırma kapsamına alınan tüm hemşirelerde menstrual disfonksiyon görülme oram % 56.3'dür. Hemşirelerin sağlık yakınmalarına etkin olabilecek değişkenler incelendiğinde, çalışmaya katılan tüm hemşirelerde ve önlem almayan grupta sağlık yakınmaları ile kemoterapi uygulama sıklığı arasında anlamlı bir fark148 saptanmıştır. (P<0.05) Günde 6 ve üzerinde kemoterapi uygulayan hemşirelerde daha çok yakınma olduğu bulunmuştur, önlem alan grupta ise sık kemoterapi uygulayan hemşirelerde sağlık yakınmalarının daha fazla bulunması yönünde bir eğilim vardır. Çalışma kapsamındaki hemşireler, araştırmada tanımlananlar dışında halsizlik- yorgunluk, kemoterapi uygulamasının getirdiği stres, uyku hali, sık gripal enfeksiyon, öksürük, tırnaklarda kırılma-pullanma, iştahsızlık, anemi, spontan abortus yakınmaları bildirmişlerdir. Kemoterapi alanında çalışan hemşirelerin koruyucu önlemleri uygulama durumu; kemoterapötik ilaçların hazırlanması,uygulanması sırasında, kemoterapi alan hastaların beden sıvılarına karşı,ilaçla akut temas ve kazayla saçılması halinde alınması gereken koruyucu hemşirelik önlemleri başlıkları altında incelenmiştir. İlaçlarla akut temas halinde alman önlemler dışında, diğer kemoterapi uygulama işlemleri sırasında alınması gereken önlemlerde gruplar arasında anlamlı fark saptanmıştır. ( PX).05) Bununla birlikte korunan grupta, alman koruyucu önlemler ile ilgili bulgular, maruziyeti önleyecek düzeyde olmadığı yönündedir. Önlem almayan hemşireler, önlem almama nedeni olarak; gerekli malzeme ve ekipmanın sağlanmadığını, kemoterapi uygulamaları için ayrı bir ünitenin bulunmadığım, önlem konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadıklarım ve hizmet içi eğitimin verilmediğini, yoğun çalışma ve zaman yetersizliğini, hekim ve idarecilerin önlem alma konusunda ilgisizliğini ifade etmişlerdir. Kemoterapötik ilaçlara görev gereği maruz kalan hemşirelerin, ajanların hazırlanması ve uygulanması sırasında uygun koruyucu ekipman ve önlemleri kullanarak üst düzey bir korunmanın sağlanması, ilaçların absorbsiyonunun ve olası sağlık risklerinin engellenmesinde son derece önemlidir
149 SUMMARY This investigation was performed to study the effectiveness of occupational health risks which were thought to be arised from chemotherapy and the effectiveness of protective precoutions. For this reason, the serum methotrexate level of the nurses, who work on chemotherapy : !, was measured to designate the inhilation of chemotherapeutic agents, and health complaints would happen after the exposure to agents and the protective precaution which were taken by the help of findings were investigation. Investigation was performed on 96 nurses who were chosen by the without probability illustrating method and work at last one year or more on chemotherapy practice in the service parts of Aegean University Medicine Faculty Internal Diseases Basic Science Branch and Oncology Polyclinic in the same clinic, Child Health and Diseases Basic Science Branch Oncology Unit, 9 September Univercity Hospital, Internal Diseases Basic Science Branch and Oncology Institute, İzmir Atatürk Practicing (Training) Hospital internal Diseases 11. and Oncology Polyclinic, İzmir Breast Diseases and Surgical Practicing (Training) Hospital 7B, 8B, 9A and 14. 48 nurses, who didn't take protective precaution during the preparation and practicing of the chemotherapeutic agents, formed experiment group, 48 nurses who took protective precaution formed controling group. To determine the level of serum methotrexate "Methotrexate Activation Test" was applied to the nurses. The questionnaire, prepared by the investigator after examining relevant sources, was used in collecting quality datum. In the 1st part SQcio-demographic informations in the 2nd partthe" source of information about chemotherapy subject, the frequency of the nurses' applying chemotherapy and the reason of not taking protective precoutions, in the 3nd part health complaints which were thought to be arised from chemotherapeutic agents and in the 4th part the questions about the applying position of the precaution that should be taken against chemotherapeutic agents in area were asked.Number, percantage one sided variance analysis and chi-squre test were used in the analysis of datum.150 The percetages of nurses who were taken into the working scope are like this; 18-23 years old or older 24%, 24-29 years old or older 29%, 30-35 years old or older 26%, 36 years old or older 25%. The majority of the nurses who took protective precautions and didn't take precautions have a degree of pre-licence ( 43.8 %) and the ones who had been working at least 1-5 years (35.4 %). The frequency of applying chemotherapy in the group that didn't take precaution is 39.6 % aproximately 1-2 in a day,rn the other group it is 29.2 %,3-5 in a day. The percentage of the nurses trained on chemotherapy in the first group is 19.9 % and in the other group,it is 29.2 %. It was determined that; the measured overage of the level of serum methotrexate of 16 nurses, who prepared chemotherapeutic Agents and applied and didn't take protective precaution was 0.0613 \imo]/L,m the other group (who tookprotective precaution), it was 0.050umol/L. The difference between the overage of the serum methotrexate of the nurses who took and didn't take precautions,is statisticly important.(P< 0.05).... Statiscly no difference has been determined between the nurses who took "and didn'n take precautions in the paint of view of their total health complaint. (P>-0.05) However the health complaint between the nurses who didn't take protective precaution have been seen more than the other groups. When their health complaints were compared seperately; allergic. reaction, stomach ache, and nousea complainnts were seen more between the nurses who didn't take precautin. (P< 0.05) The difference between these two groups statiscly is not important although hair loss, irritation of the mucoza, eyes and skin, headache, dizziness, diarrhea complaints were seen more between the nurses who didn't take precaution. (P> 0.05) In the paint of wiev of menstrual dysfunction no difference has been found between the groups. (P> 0.05) Percentage of seeing menstrual dysfunction between the nurses, taken into the scope of investigation is 56.3 %. An important difference has been determined between the frequncy of applying chemotherapy and health complaints between all the nurses and the151 groups that had no prevention when the variable factors, which can be reason for the health complaints, are studied. (P< 0.05) It has been seen that the nurses who apply chemotherapy 6 times or more in a day, complaint more. In the group that had precaution, the nurses have had a tendency of more health complaints. The nurses taken into the working scopa,except the ones who were described in the investigations have notified their weakness-tiredness, stress, brought by the application of chemotherapy, sleeping, frequent influenza, cough, refaction on the nails, lack of appetite, anemia, spontaneous abortion complaints. The performance of protective precautions of the nurses who have worked in the field of chemotherapy has been studied under the titles of protective nursing precautions that should be taken during the preperation-administration of chemotherapeutic drugs and when the drug has sprinkled by accident and at the time of contact with the drag against the patients' body fluids. Except the precautions laken during acute contact with the drugs, important difference has been determined between the groups in the precautions that should be taken during the other chemotherapy applications. (P> 0.05) However, the finding abount the protective precautions haven't been sufficient to prevent the exposure in the group that took precautions. The nurses who didn't take precautions have had some reason about not taking precautions; they told that didn't necessary materials and equipments, and a seperate unit for the chemotherapy applications,they weren't trained and had insufficient knowledge about precautions. They also told that had lack of time and worked very hard, and lack of interest of their managers and doctors on taking protective precautions. The nurses who were exposed to chemotherapeutic drugs should use suitable protective equipment and precautions during the preperation and administration of the agents, they are very necessary for the perfect prevention;and also they are very important in order to prevent possible health risks and absorption of the drugs.
149 SUMMARY This investigation was performed to study the effectiveness of occupational health risks which were thought to be arised from chemotherapy and the effectiveness of protective precoutions. For this reason, the serum methotrexate level of the nurses, who work on chemotherapy : !, was measured to designate the inhilation of chemotherapeutic agents, and health complaints would happen after the exposure to agents and the protective precaution which were taken by the help of findings were investigation. Investigation was performed on 96 nurses who were chosen by the without probability illustrating method and work at last one year or more on chemotherapy practice in the service parts of Aegean University Medicine Faculty Internal Diseases Basic Science Branch and Oncology Polyclinic in the same clinic, Child Health and Diseases Basic Science Branch Oncology Unit, 9 September Univercity Hospital, Internal Diseases Basic Science Branch and Oncology Institute, İzmir Atatürk Practicing (Training) Hospital internal Diseases 11. and Oncology Polyclinic, İzmir Breast Diseases and Surgical Practicing (Training) Hospital 7B, 8B, 9A and 14. 48 nurses, who didn't take protective precaution during the preparation and practicing of the chemotherapeutic agents, formed experiment group, 48 nurses who took protective precaution formed controling group. To determine the level of serum methotrexate "Methotrexate Activation Test" was applied to the nurses. The questionnaire, prepared by the investigator after examining relevant sources, was used in collecting quality datum. In the 1st part SQcio-demographic informations in the 2nd partthe" source of information about chemotherapy subject, the frequency of the nurses' applying chemotherapy and the reason of not taking protective precoutions, in the 3nd part health complaints which were thought to be arised from chemotherapeutic agents and in the 4th part the questions about the applying position of the precaution that should be taken against chemotherapeutic agents in area were asked.Number, percantage one sided variance analysis and chi-squre test were used in the analysis of datum.150 The percetages of nurses who were taken into the working scope are like this; 18-23 years old or older 24%, 24-29 years old or older 29%, 30-35 years old or older 26%, 36 years old or older 25%. The majority of the nurses who took protective precautions and didn't take precautions have a degree of pre-licence ( 43.8 %) and the ones who had been working at least 1-5 years (35.4 %). The frequency of applying chemotherapy in the group that didn't take precaution is 39.6 % aproximately 1-2 in a day,rn the other group it is 29.2 %,3-5 in a day. The percentage of the nurses trained on chemotherapy in the first group is 19.9 % and in the other group,it is 29.2 %. It was determined that; the measured overage of the level of serum methotrexate of 16 nurses, who prepared chemotherapeutic Agents and applied and didn't take protective precaution was 0.0613 \imo]/L,m the other group (who tookprotective precaution), it was 0.050umol/L. The difference between the overage of the serum methotrexate of the nurses who took and didn't take precautions,is statisticly important.(P< 0.05).... Statiscly no difference has been determined between the nurses who took "and didn'n take precautions in the paint of view of their total health complaint. (P>-0.05) However the health complaint between the nurses who didn't take protective precaution have been seen more than the other groups. When their health complaints were compared seperately; allergic. reaction, stomach ache, and nousea complainnts were seen more between the nurses who didn't take precautin. (P< 0.05) The difference between these two groups statiscly is not important although hair loss, irritation of the mucoza, eyes and skin, headache, dizziness, diarrhea complaints were seen more between the nurses who didn't take precaution. (P> 0.05) In the paint of wiev of menstrual dysfunction no difference has been found between the groups. (P> 0.05) Percentage of seeing menstrual dysfunction between the nurses, taken into the scope of investigation is 56.3 %. An important difference has been determined between the frequncy of applying chemotherapy and health complaints between all the nurses and the151 groups that had no prevention when the variable factors, which can be reason for the health complaints, are studied. (P< 0.05) It has been seen that the nurses who apply chemotherapy 6 times or more in a day, complaint more. In the group that had precaution, the nurses have had a tendency of more health complaints. The nurses taken into the working scopa,except the ones who were described in the investigations have notified their weakness-tiredness, stress, brought by the application of chemotherapy, sleeping, frequent influenza, cough, refaction on the nails, lack of appetite, anemia, spontaneous abortion complaints. The performance of protective precautions of the nurses who have worked in the field of chemotherapy has been studied under the titles of protective nursing precautions that should be taken during the preperation-administration of chemotherapeutic drugs and when the drug has sprinkled by accident and at the time of contact with the drag against the patients' body fluids. Except the precautions laken during acute contact with the drugs, important difference has been determined between the groups in the precautions that should be taken during the other chemotherapy applications. (P> 0.05) However, the finding abount the protective precautions haven't been sufficient to prevent the exposure in the group that took precautions. The nurses who didn't take precautions have had some reason about not taking precautions; they told that didn't necessary materials and equipments, and a seperate unit for the chemotherapy applications,they weren't trained and had insufficient knowledge about precautions. They also told that had lack of time and worked very hard, and lack of interest of their managers and doctors on taking protective precautions. The nurses who were exposed to chemotherapeutic drugs should use suitable protective equipment and precautions during the preperation and administration of the agents, they are very necessary for the perfect prevention;and also they are very important in order to prevent possible health risks and absorption of the drugs.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Onkoloji, Oncology