İlkokul çağı çocuklarının kişisel sağlık görüşleri, olumlu sağlık davranışları ile bunları etkileyen etmenlerin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET İLKOKUL ÇAĞI ÇOCUKLARININ KİŞİSEL SAĞLIK GÖRÜŞLERİ İLE OLUMLU SAĞLIK DAVRANIŞLARI VE BUNLARI ETKİLEYEN ETMENLERİN İNCELENMESİ Bu çalışma ilkokul çağı çocuklarının kişisel sağlık görüşlerini, olumlu sağlık davranışlarını ve bunları etkileyen etmenleri incelemek; bu bilgiler ışığında sağlık eğitimi ve gereksinimlerini saptamak amacıyla yapılmış tanımlayıcı bir alan araştırmasıdır. Araştırma İzmir ili, Bornova İlçesi İlköğretim Okullarında Malazgirt İlköğretim Okulu, Ömer Özkan İlköğretim Okulu ve Hilal-Necmiye Hüsnü Ataberk İlköğretim okullarında 5. sınıflarında okuyan toplam 225 öğrenci üzerinde yapılmıştır. Okullar sosyoekonomik düzeye göre listelenmiş ve basit tesadüfi örneklem yöntemiyle alt sosyoekonomik düzeyden Malazgirt İ.Ö.O'u, orta sosyoekonomik düzeyden Ömer Özkan İ.Ö.O'u ve üst sosyoekonomik düzeyden Hilal Necmiye Hüsnü Ataberk İ.Ö.O'u seçilmiştir. Araştırmaya başlamadan önce İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü' nden ve Okulların Müdürlerinden izin alınmıştır. Öğrecilerin kişisel sağlık görüşlerini belirlemek için University of Colarado Health Science Center'da Assistant ProffessorNancy Olson Hester tarafından geliştirilen ve 45 maddeden oluşan ölçek formu kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin olumlu sağlık davranışlarında bulunma sıklıklarını ölçmek için ise 36 maddeden oluşan ölçek formu kullanılmıştır. Ölçeklerin temini ve kullanımı için izin yazarla yazışma ile temin edilmiştir. Araştırma verileri öğrencilere anket sorulan ve ölçek maddeleri okunarak ve o anda yanıtlamaları istenerek toplanmıştır. Araştırmada verilerin değerlendirilmesinde; yüzdelik, varyans analizi, ileri varyans analizi, iki ortalama arasındaki farkın önemlilik testi ( t testi) ve korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre; öğrencilerin kişisel sağlık görüşleri puan ortalaması 128.47+18.16, maddelere göre puan ortalaması ise 2.85±0.02 olarak bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin olumlu sağlık davranışlarında bulunma sıklıkları puan 129ortalaması 72.24±7.32, maddelere göre puan ortalaması ise 2.07+1.02 bulunmuştur. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilere göre öğrencilerin kişisel sağlık algılamaları pozitif, olumlu sağlık davranışlarında bulunma sıklıkları da istenilen düzeyde bulunmuştur. Araştırmaya katılan ilkokul çağı çocuklarının kişisel sağlık görüşlerinin öğrenim görülen okul, cinsiyet, anne eğitim düzeyi, annenin çalışma durumu, annenin mesleği, babanın eğitim düzeyi ve ailenin gelir düzeyinden etkilendiği, sınıf, yaş, kardeş sayısı, babanın çalışma durumu ve mesleği ile mesken durumu, evin mülkiyet durumundan etkilenmediği tespit edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin olumlu sağlık davranışları ile öğrenim görülen okul, cinsiyet, anne ve babanın eğitim düzeyi, ailenin gelir düzeyi ve mesken durumu arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanırken, sınıf, yaş, kardeş sayısı, annenin çalışma durumu ve mesleği, babanın çalışma durumu ve mesleği ile oturdukları evin mülkiyet durumu arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olmadığı saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin kişisel sağlık görüşleri ile olumlu sağlık davranışları arasında olumlu bir korelasyon tespit edilmiştir (r= 0.56 ). Bu sonuca göre de kişisel sağlık görüşleri pozitif yönde olan öğrencilerin, olumlu sağlık davranışlarında bulunma sıklıklarının da istenilen düzeyde olduğuna karar verilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda ilkokul çağı çocuklarının pozitif bir sağlık görüşünde olduğu ve olumlu sağlık davranışlarında bulunma sıklıklarının iyi düzeyde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre önerilere gidilmiştir. 130
SUMMARY A STUDY ON PERSONAL HEALTH CONCEPT AND POSITIVE HEALTH BEHAVIORS OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN AND RELATED EFFECTIVE FACTORS. This study is a definitive field research performed to investigate personal health standpoints with positive health behaviors of the elementary school age children and their effective factors, and under the light of these data, to determine the training of health and its requirements. This research was conducted within the following elementary schools of county of Bornova, Izmir on 225 students attending 4 th and 5 th grades ; Malazgirt Elementary School, Ömer Özkan Elementary School and Hilal- Necmiye Hüsnü Ataberk Elementary School. The schools were listed according to socio-economic level and the following elementary schools were selected through simple randomized sampling technique ; Malazgirt Elementary School from the inferior socio-economic level, Ömer Özkan Elementary School from the median socio-economic level, and Hilal- Necmiye Hüsnü Ataberk Elementary School from the superior socio economic level. Permissions were granted from National Education Commissioner of County and from each School Principals. To determine the personal health concept of students, a scale consisted of 45 items which was developed by Prof. Nancy Olson Hester from Health Science Center, University of Colarado, was used. To measure the frequency of positive health behaviors of students, another scale consisted of 36 items was used. The permission required for attainment and scales were obtained via correspondence with author. In evaluation of the data during research the following tools were used ; percentage, variance analysis, advanced variance analysis, t-test and correlation analysis. According to the findings of research, point averages found are as follows; mean of personal health concepts of students was 128.47 + 18.16, according to items was 2.85 ± 0.02. It was detected that average point of 131frequency of positive behaviors of students was 72.24 + 7.32, and average point according to items was 2.07 ± 1.02. According to data obtained from the research students personal health concepts was positive and the frequency of positive health behaviors was found within the desired range. According to the study results, statistical significant were found to be between the personel health concepts of elementary school children and some of the sociodemographic characteristics such as; school being attended, sex, mother's education level, mother's business status, mother's career, father's education level and family's income level. But no statistical significant differences were found to be between the personel health concepts and the following sociodemographic chracteristics such as; grade, age, number of sibling, father's occupation and career, status of residence and possession of a house. While a significant correlation between students positive health behaviors and the school being attended, sex, education levels of mother and father, family's income level and status of residence was discovered, no significant correlation was found between students positive health behaviors and grade, age, number of sibling, mother's status of occupation and career, father's status of occupation an career, and the ownership of the house they live in. A significant correlation between personal health concepts and positive health behaviors of the students was discovered (r=0.56 ). According to this consequence it was reached to a conclusion that the students whom their personal health concepts towards positive direction, their frequency of positive health behaviors would be within the desired range. Along with these findings obtained, it was determined that elementary age children had positive health concept and their frequency of positive health behaviors were at the favorable level. Suggestions were made according to results of the research. 132
SUMMARY A STUDY ON PERSONAL HEALTH CONCEPT AND POSITIVE HEALTH BEHAVIORS OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN AND RELATED EFFECTIVE FACTORS. This study is a definitive field research performed to investigate personal health standpoints with positive health behaviors of the elementary school age children and their effective factors, and under the light of these data, to determine the training of health and its requirements. This research was conducted within the following elementary schools of county of Bornova, Izmir on 225 students attending 4 th and 5 th grades ; Malazgirt Elementary School, Ömer Özkan Elementary School and Hilal- Necmiye Hüsnü Ataberk Elementary School. The schools were listed according to socio-economic level and the following elementary schools were selected through simple randomized sampling technique ; Malazgirt Elementary School from the inferior socio-economic level, Ömer Özkan Elementary School from the median socio-economic level, and Hilal- Necmiye Hüsnü Ataberk Elementary School from the superior socio economic level. Permissions were granted from National Education Commissioner of County and from each School Principals. To determine the personal health concept of students, a scale consisted of 45 items which was developed by Prof. Nancy Olson Hester from Health Science Center, University of Colarado, was used. To measure the frequency of positive health behaviors of students, another scale consisted of 36 items was used. The permission required for attainment and scales were obtained via correspondence with author. In evaluation of the data during research the following tools were used ; percentage, variance analysis, advanced variance analysis, t-test and correlation analysis. According to the findings of research, point averages found are as follows; mean of personal health concepts of students was 128.47 + 18.16, according to items was 2.85 ± 0.02. It was detected that average point of 131frequency of positive behaviors of students was 72.24 + 7.32, and average point according to items was 2.07 ± 1.02. According to data obtained from the research students personal health concepts was positive and the frequency of positive health behaviors was found within the desired range. According to the study results, statistical significant were found to be between the personel health concepts of elementary school children and some of the sociodemographic characteristics such as; school being attended, sex, mother's education level, mother's business status, mother's career, father's education level and family's income level. But no statistical significant differences were found to be between the personel health concepts and the following sociodemographic chracteristics such as; grade, age, number of sibling, father's occupation and career, status of residence and possession of a house. While a significant correlation between students positive health behaviors and the school being attended, sex, education levels of mother and father, family's income level and status of residence was discovered, no significant correlation was found between students positive health behaviors and grade, age, number of sibling, mother's status of occupation and career, father's status of occupation an career, and the ownership of the house they live in. A significant correlation between personal health concepts and positive health behaviors of the students was discovered (r=0.56 ). According to this consequence it was reached to a conclusion that the students whom their personal health concepts towards positive direction, their frequency of positive health behaviors would be within the desired range. Along with these findings obtained, it was determined that elementary age children had positive health concept and their frequency of positive health behaviors were at the favorable level. Suggestions were made according to results of the research. 132
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Okul hemşireliği, School nursing, Okul sağlık servisleri, School health services, Sağlık, Health, İlkokul öğrencileri, Primary school students