Mika ile Kendimi Korumayı Öğreniyorum: Cinsel İstismarı Önleme Programının Etkililiği
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Bu çalışmanın amacı okul öncesi dönem için geliştirilmiş olan çocuk cinsel istismarı önleme programının etkililiğini incelemektir. Araştırmada, 5 yaşında olan 200 çocuk ve ebeveynleri ile çalışılmıştır. Katılımcıların %47’si (n = 82) erkek, %53’ü kızdır (n = 93). Çalışmayı tamamlayan 175 çocuk (eğitim grubu = 102, kontrol grubu = 73) incelenmiştir. Eğitimden önce ve sonra tüm çocuklar Cinsel İstismar Bilgi Formu ve İstismardan Korunma Becerisi Formu’nu doldurmuşlardır. Ebeveynlere ise Ebeveyn Değerlendirme Formu verilmiştir. “Mika ile Kendimi Korumayı Öğreniyorum” cinsel istismarı önleme programı uygulanmıştır. Örtük Markov analizinde üç statülü bir modele ulaşılmıştır ve eğitim grubu için anlamlı yönde değişimler gösterilmiştir. Statü 1 kendini korumayı bilenler, Statü 2 dokunulmasını yanlış bulup yine de sır olarak saklayanlar ve Statü 3 ise dokunulmasını ve sır olarak saklanmasını doğru bulan risk grubu olarak adlandırılmıştır. Eğitim sonrasında eğitim ve kontrol grubundaki Statü 1 grupları aynı statüde kalmıştır. Eğitim grubunda Statü 2’den %70’i ve Statü 3’den %35’i Statü 1’e geçerken; kontrol grubunda Statü 2’den sadece %15’i Statü 1’e geçmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, sınırlılıklar ve araştırmanın güçlü yanları dikkate alınarak alanyazın ışığında tartışılmıştır.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a child sexual abuse prevention program for the preschool children. Two hundred participants who were five years old children and their parents were included in the study. 47% (n = 82) of the participants were male while 53% (n = 93) of them were female. in total, the results of 175 students (education group = 102, control group = 73) who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. All children were administered Sexual Abuse Knowledge Form and Self-Protection Skills Form before and after the implementation. Parents were surveyed by using Parental Evaluation Form. Sexual prevention program which was named as “I am learning to protect myself with Mika” was implemented in six pre-schools. Latent Markov analyses showed that, model with three status fits better to the data and transition probabilities of this model revealed significant improvements in the education group. Status-1 was named as self-protecting group. Status-2 was named as group who knows to be touched is wrong but keeps it as a secret. Status-3 was named as a risk group who does not know to be touched is wrong and keeps it as a secret. After the education, members of the Status-1 group in the education and control group remained in the same status; while in the education group, 70% of Status-2 group and 35% of Status-3 group moved to Status-1. However, in the control group, only 15% of Status-2 members moved to Status-1. the results, limitations and strengths of the study were discussed in the light of the literature.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a child sexual abuse prevention program for the preschool children. Two hundred participants who were five years old children and their parents were included in the study. 47% (n = 82) of the participants were male while 53% (n = 93) of them were female. in total, the results of 175 students (education group = 102, control group = 73) who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. All children were administered Sexual Abuse Knowledge Form and Self-Protection Skills Form before and after the implementation. Parents were surveyed by using Parental Evaluation Form. Sexual prevention program which was named as “I am learning to protect myself with Mika” was implemented in six pre-schools. Latent Markov analyses showed that, model with three status fits better to the data and transition probabilities of this model revealed significant improvements in the education group. Status-1 was named as self-protecting group. Status-2 was named as group who knows to be touched is wrong but keeps it as a secret. Status-3 was named as a risk group who does not know to be touched is wrong and keeps it as a secret. After the education, members of the Status-1 group in the education and control group remained in the same status; while in the education group, 70% of Status-2 group and 35% of Status-3 group moved to Status-1. However, in the control group, only 15% of Status-2 members moved to Status-1. the results, limitations and strengths of the study were discussed in the light of the literature.
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