Basketbola özgü yeni bir saha testi ile maksimal oksijen kullanımının saptanması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET BASKETBOLA ÖZGÜ YENİ BİR SAHA TESTİ İLE MAKSİMAL OKSİJEN KULLANIMININ SAPTANMASI Bu çalışmada amaç, basketbolda maksimal oksijen kullanım kapasitesini belirleyen saha tabanlı yeni bir testi geliştirmek ve bu testin güvenilirliğini ve aerobik gücü ölçmede geçerliliğini saptamaktır. Yan çizgi üzerinde koşu, üç sayı çizgisi üzerinde yüksek savunma ve hücum için kayma adımlarını içeren, en kısa sürede bitirilmesi amaçlanan, toplam 1.5 mil'lik (2414 m) bir aerobik dayanıklılık testi tasarlandı. Sağlıklı, 15 yaş, 11 erkek antrene basketbolcunun (antrenman geçmişi 5.18 (yıl), vücut ağırlığı 84.4 kg, boy 190.3 cm) laboratuvar ortamında ölçülen VO2maks düzeyleri (altın standart test) ile basketbola özgü saha testi bitirme süreleri arasında negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki görüldü (r = - 0.705, p = 0.015). Yapılan regresyon analizi ile Basketbola Özgü Saha Testinin orta derecedeki (R² = 0.390) geçerliliği ortaya kondu, VO2maks tahmini yapmayı sağlayacak regresyon formülü geliştirildi: VO2maks = 122.617 – 5.461 x [Test bitirme süresi (dk)]. Güvenilirlik test- tekrar test yöntemi ile değerlendirildi, belirli aralıklarla tekrarlanan Basketbola Özgü Saha Testi bitirme süreleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı (p > 0.05) ve test yüksek güvenilirlik (% CV: 8.81 ve ICC: 0.90) gösterdi. Güvenilirliği ve aerobik gücü ölçmede geçerliliği kanıtlanan "Basketbola Özgü Saha Testi"nin antrenörler ve sporcular tarafından, uygulaması kolay ve pratik olan, pahalı donanım ve uzman personel gerektirmeyen, sağlık açısından riskler taşımayan ve basketbol sahasında basketbola özgü hareketler kullanarak gerçekleştirilebileceği düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: VO2maks, basketbol, saha testi, geçerlilik, güvenilirlik
ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF THE MAXIMAL OXYGEN UPTAKE THROUGH THE NEW BASKETBALL SPESIFIC FIELD TEST The aim of this study was to develop a new basketball court based test that measures indirectly the maximal oxygen uptake and to determine the reliability and validity of this test to measure aerobic power. A total of 1.5 miles (2414 m)-an aerobic endurance test including the side steps for the high defense and attack on the three-point line and running on the sideline was designed intended to be completed as soon as possible. Healthy, 15 years old, 11 male basketball players' (training background 5.18 years, mass 84.4 kg, height 190.3 cm) VO2max levels measured directly in the laboratory test (gold standard) showed a significant negative correlation with the duration of basketball-specific field test (r= -0.705, p= 0.015). The regression analysis with Basketball-Specific Field Test was demonstrated in moderate validity (R² = 0.390), then regression formula was developed to estimate VO2max level: VO2max = 122.617 – 5.461 x [basketball-specific field test duration (min)]. Reliability was evaluated by test-retest method, there was no difference between the periodically repeated duration of Basketball Specific Field Test (p > 0.05) and it showed high reliability (%CV: 8.81 and ICC: 0.90). "Basketball Specific Field Test" which was proved reliability and validity for the measure of aerobic power is thought to help to coaches and athletes by means of its properties which ensure the easy and practical application, not to require expensive equipment, specialist staff, not to have any health risk and by using basketball-specific movements in basketball courts. Key words: VO2max, basketball, field test, validity, reliability
ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF THE MAXIMAL OXYGEN UPTAKE THROUGH THE NEW BASKETBALL SPESIFIC FIELD TEST The aim of this study was to develop a new basketball court based test that measures indirectly the maximal oxygen uptake and to determine the reliability and validity of this test to measure aerobic power. A total of 1.5 miles (2414 m)-an aerobic endurance test including the side steps for the high defense and attack on the three-point line and running on the sideline was designed intended to be completed as soon as possible. Healthy, 15 years old, 11 male basketball players' (training background 5.18 years, mass 84.4 kg, height 190.3 cm) VO2max levels measured directly in the laboratory test (gold standard) showed a significant negative correlation with the duration of basketball-specific field test (r= -0.705, p= 0.015). The regression analysis with Basketball-Specific Field Test was demonstrated in moderate validity (R² = 0.390), then regression formula was developed to estimate VO2max level: VO2max = 122.617 – 5.461 x [basketball-specific field test duration (min)]. Reliability was evaluated by test-retest method, there was no difference between the periodically repeated duration of Basketball Specific Field Test (p > 0.05) and it showed high reliability (%CV: 8.81 and ICC: 0.90). "Basketball Specific Field Test" which was proved reliability and validity for the measure of aerobic power is thought to help to coaches and athletes by means of its properties which ensure the easy and practical application, not to require expensive equipment, specialist staff, not to have any health risk and by using basketball-specific movements in basketball courts. Key words: VO2max, basketball, field test, validity, reliability
Anahtar Kelimeler
Spor, Sports, Egzersiz testi, Exercise test