Toprak altı damla sulama sistemlerinde bariyer kullanımının sulama verimine etkisinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, toprak altı damla sulama sistemlerinde fiziksel bariyer kullanımının sulama verimine etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, 0,5 x 1,5 x 2,0 m ölçülerinde altı adet yükseltilmiş yetiştirme alanı hazırlanmış ve bu alanlarda çim yetiştirilmiştir. Yetiştirme alanlarına sulama amacıyla farklı derinlikte (10 ve 15 cm) toprak altı damla sulama boruları yerleştirilmiş ve boruların altına farklı iz düşüm genişliğinde (20 ve 30 cm) toprak altı fiziksel su bariyerleri yerleştirilmiştir. Bariyer kullanımının, kumlu bünyeye sahip toprak şartlarında yetiştirilen çim bitkisinin su tüketimleri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmış ve su tasarrufu konusundaki performansları ortaya koyulmuştur. Çalışma sonunda; bariyer kullanılan yetiştirme alanlarında bariyer kullanılmayanlara kıyasla %78'e varan oranda su tasarrufunun sağlandığı belirlenmiştir.
This study was carried out to determine the effects of physical barriers on irrigation efficiency in subsurface drip irrigation systems. In the study, six growing plots (0,5 x 1,5 x 2,0 m) were prepared and grass was planted in these plots. Subsurface drip irrigation pipes were placed at different depths (10 and 15 cm) and different widths (20 and 30 cm) and physical water barriers were placed under pipes. The effects of using physical water barrier on water consumption of grass grown in sandy soil conditions were investigated and their performance on water saving was determined. At the end of study; it has been determined that water conservation was nearly 78% in the barrier used in cultivation areas as compared to those where the barrier was not applied.
This study was carried out to determine the effects of physical barriers on irrigation efficiency in subsurface drip irrigation systems. In the study, six growing plots (0,5 x 1,5 x 2,0 m) were prepared and grass was planted in these plots. Subsurface drip irrigation pipes were placed at different depths (10 and 15 cm) and different widths (20 and 30 cm) and physical water barriers were placed under pipes. The effects of using physical water barrier on water consumption of grass grown in sandy soil conditions were investigated and their performance on water saving was determined. At the end of study; it has been determined that water conservation was nearly 78% in the barrier used in cultivation areas as compared to those where the barrier was not applied.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Toprak Altı Damla Sulama, Bariyer, Su Tasarrufu, Çim, Subsurface Drip İrrigation, Barrier, Water Conservation, Grass