Tasarlanan, uygulanan ve ölçülen lise matematik programlarındaki uyumun incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Tasarlanan, uygulanan ve ölçülen programın birlikte incelenmesinin; eğitim politikalarının belirlenmesinde, kaynakların kullanılmasında ve öğretmenlerin programı uygulamaları hak-kında ayrıntılı bilgi vereceği düşünülmektedir. Bu düşünceden yola çıkarak bu araştırmada lise matematik dersi için tasarlanan, uygulanan ve ölçülen programların uyumunu belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada karma araştırma desenlerinden ardışık açıklayıcı desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel verileri 2015-2016 öğretim yılında İzmir ili genelinde seçkisiz küme ör-nekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen 20 okuldaki 101 matematik öğretmeni ve 2871 öğrenciden toplanmıştır. Nicel verilerin analizi sonrasında uyumsuzluğun nedenlerini belirlemek için nitel veriler ise 2016-2017 öğretim yılında her sınıf düzeyinden uyum indeksi düşük ve yüksek olan ikişer öğretmen olmak üzere toplam 12 öğretmenden toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, tasarlanan, uygulanan ve ölçülen programların orta düzeyde uyumlu olduğu bulunmuştur. Öğretmenlerin uyguladıkları programdaki etkinlikler, tasarlanan prog-ramdaki kazanımların ve ölçülen programdaki (YGS ve LYS) maddelerin bilişsel düzeylerin-den daha alt düzeylere yönelik olduğu bulunmuştur. Öğretmenler bunun öğrencilerin özellik-leri ve tasarlanan programın özelliklerinden kaynaklandığını belirtmişlerdir. Diğer taraftan öğretmenler öğrencilerin bilişsel hazırbulunuşluk düzeylerindeki eksiklikler ve programda yeterli sürenin ayrılmaması gibi nedenlerden dolayı bazı konulara tasarlanan programdaki önerilen süreden daha fazla zaman ayırmaktadır.Ölçülen programda tasarlanan programdaki kazanımlardan daha üst bilişsel düzeylerde maddeler olduğu bulunmuştur. İçerik açısından, tasarlanan ile ölçülen program arasında dokuzuncu sınıf düzeyinde uyum olduğu söylenebilir. Fakat 10 ve 11. sınıf düzeyinde büyük oranda uyumsuzluk olduğu bulunmuştur. 10 ve 11. sınıf düzeylerinde tasarlanan programda yer almasına rağmen YGS ve LYS'de ölçülmeyen konular vardır. Tasarlanan ile uygulanan program arasında ise dokuz ve 10. sınıf öğretmenle-rinin öğretim yılı sonundaki üniteleri süre yetersizliği nedeniyle işleyemedikleri görülmüştür. 11. sınıf düzeyindeki öğretmenlerin sekizi hariç diğerlerinin bütün üniteleri işleyebildikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öğretmenlerin ölçülen programı daha fazla dikkate aldıkları ve paydaş-ların da bu yönde isteklerinin olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin tasarlanan programı çok incelemedikleri, program hakkındaki bilgilerinin eksikliği ve okulun fiziki im-kânsızlıkları gibi nedenlerden dolayı öğretmen merkezli öğretimi benimsedikleri, bireysel çalışmalar yaptırdıkları, öğrencinin aktif olduğu grup çalışmalarına zaman ayıramadıkları, eğitim teknolojilerinden yeterince yararlanamadıkları, sürecin dikkate alındığı alternatif ölçme araçlarını pek kullanamadıkları görülmüştür. Öğretmenlerle yapılan görüşmelerde tasarlanan ile uygulanan programı, programın özellikleri, öğretmenin programı uygulaması ve öğrencilerin özelliklerinin etkilediği bulgulanmıştır. Tasarlanan ile ölçülen programın uyumunu merkezi sınavların özellikleri etkilemektedir. Diğer taraftan uygulanan ile ölçülen programın uyumunu ise paydaşların özellikleri etkilemektedir. Uyum çalışmaları düzenli olarak gerçekleştirilerek eğitim politikaları bu araştırmaların sonuçlarına göre belirlenebilir. Programların tasarlanması aşamasında konular için uygulanabilir süreler önerilmeli, programlardaki kazanımlar ve içerikler öğrencilerin bilişsel gelişim düzeylerine uygun olacak şekilde tekrar düzenlenmelidir. Öğretmenlerin tasarlanan programı uygulayabilmelerini desteklemek için okulların fiziki imkânları geliştirilmelidir. Bunun yanında öğretmenlerin programı uygulayabilmeleri ve eğitim teknolojilerinden yeterli seviyede faydalanabilmeleri için mesleki gelişim programları düzenlenmelidir.
It is believed that the examination of the designed, taught, and tested curriculum together will provide detailed information about the designation of the education policy, the use of re-sources, and the program implementation of the teachers. Based on this belief, it was aimed to determine the alignment of the designed, taught and tested curriculum for high school mathe-matics course. Sequential explanatory design was used from the mixed research methods in which qualitative and quantitative data were used together. In addition, Survey of Enacted Curriculum Model was used to examine the alignment of the designed, taught and tested cur-riculum. The sample of the study was selected by using a random cluster sampling method. Quantita-tive data of the research were collected from 101 mathematics teachers and 2871 students in 20 schools in Izmir province in 2015-2016 academic year. Qualitative data were collected from total of 12 teachers (4 teachers for each grade level: 2 with low and 2 with high com-pliance index), in 2016-2017 academic year, to determine the reasons for non-compliance that was observed after quantitative data analysis. The data collection tools are Mathematics Content Matrix, Designed Curriculum Alignment Scale which was developed by the researcher, Survey of Classroom Practices in Mathematics which was adapted to Turkish by the researcher. In addition, qualitative data were collected through a semi-structured interview form which was developed by the researcher. Descriptive analysis method was used, and frequency and percentage scores were reported. In order to determinate the designed, taught and tested curriculum alignment, the alignment index formu-la which is used in the Survey of Enacted Curriculum Model, was used. Descriptive analysis was used in qualitative data analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that the designed, taught and tested curricula are mod-erately aligned. Teachers' applications were found to be lower than the cognitive levels of the objectives of the curriculum and the items in the measured program..Teachers stated that this was due to the characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the curriculum. On the other hand, teachers devote more time than the recommended duration of the curriculum, which is designed for some subjects, due to deficiencies in the cognitive readiness level of the students and lack of sufficient time in the program. It was found that tested curriculum in-cluded higher level cognitive items compared to designed curriculum. In terms of content, it can be said that there is a ninth grade alignment between the designed and measured program. But 10 and 11.gradesit has been found that there is a significant discrepancy. There are issues that are not measured in central exams; although they are included in the curriculum designed at 10. and11. grade levels. It has been observed that the ninth and tenth grade teachers are not functioning the units of at the end of the curriculum due to a lack of time. It has been con-cluded that the teachers of the eleventh grade can operate all units except eight of them. It was concluded that teachers take the tested curriculum more into account and that the stakeholders have their wishes in this direction as well. Teachers do not study the designed curriculum in detail. Teachers' commitment to the traditional approach continues. Teachers use the teaching methods and techniques in which students are passive and do not take advantage of the educational technologies sufficiently. It was observed that teachers could not spend time on the units at the end of the curriculum due to the lack of time. Teachers do not often use alternative measurement tools where the process is evaluated. They usually use the classical measurement tools where the product is evaluated. The alignment of the designed and taught curriculum is influenced by the curriculum characteristics, the activities of the teachers were implementing the curriculum and the students cognitive and affective characteristics. The alignment of the designed and tested is influenced by the central exams characteristics. On the other side the alignment of the taught and tested curriculum is influenced by the characteristics of the stakeholders.. The results of these researches can be used in the decisions about educational policies by taking the alignment studies on a regular basis. During the design phase of the programs, applicable periods should be recommended for the topics. The objectives and content in the curricula should be re-arranged to accommodate the students' cognitive development level..Physical facilities of schools can be developed to support teachers to implement the designed curriculum. In addition, professional development programs should be organized in order for teachers to be able to implement the curriculum and take advantage of the educational technologies at an adequate level.
It is believed that the examination of the designed, taught, and tested curriculum together will provide detailed information about the designation of the education policy, the use of re-sources, and the program implementation of the teachers. Based on this belief, it was aimed to determine the alignment of the designed, taught and tested curriculum for high school mathe-matics course. Sequential explanatory design was used from the mixed research methods in which qualitative and quantitative data were used together. In addition, Survey of Enacted Curriculum Model was used to examine the alignment of the designed, taught and tested cur-riculum. The sample of the study was selected by using a random cluster sampling method. Quantita-tive data of the research were collected from 101 mathematics teachers and 2871 students in 20 schools in Izmir province in 2015-2016 academic year. Qualitative data were collected from total of 12 teachers (4 teachers for each grade level: 2 with low and 2 with high com-pliance index), in 2016-2017 academic year, to determine the reasons for non-compliance that was observed after quantitative data analysis. The data collection tools are Mathematics Content Matrix, Designed Curriculum Alignment Scale which was developed by the researcher, Survey of Classroom Practices in Mathematics which was adapted to Turkish by the researcher. In addition, qualitative data were collected through a semi-structured interview form which was developed by the researcher. Descriptive analysis method was used, and frequency and percentage scores were reported. In order to determinate the designed, taught and tested curriculum alignment, the alignment index formu-la which is used in the Survey of Enacted Curriculum Model, was used. Descriptive analysis was used in qualitative data analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that the designed, taught and tested curricula are mod-erately aligned. Teachers' applications were found to be lower than the cognitive levels of the objectives of the curriculum and the items in the measured program..Teachers stated that this was due to the characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the curriculum. On the other hand, teachers devote more time than the recommended duration of the curriculum, which is designed for some subjects, due to deficiencies in the cognitive readiness level of the students and lack of sufficient time in the program. It was found that tested curriculum in-cluded higher level cognitive items compared to designed curriculum. In terms of content, it can be said that there is a ninth grade alignment between the designed and measured program. But 10 and 11.gradesit has been found that there is a significant discrepancy. There are issues that are not measured in central exams; although they are included in the curriculum designed at 10. and11. grade levels. It has been observed that the ninth and tenth grade teachers are not functioning the units of at the end of the curriculum due to a lack of time. It has been con-cluded that the teachers of the eleventh grade can operate all units except eight of them. It was concluded that teachers take the tested curriculum more into account and that the stakeholders have their wishes in this direction as well. Teachers do not study the designed curriculum in detail. Teachers' commitment to the traditional approach continues. Teachers use the teaching methods and techniques in which students are passive and do not take advantage of the educational technologies sufficiently. It was observed that teachers could not spend time on the units at the end of the curriculum due to the lack of time. Teachers do not often use alternative measurement tools where the process is evaluated. They usually use the classical measurement tools where the product is evaluated. The alignment of the designed and taught curriculum is influenced by the curriculum characteristics, the activities of the teachers were implementing the curriculum and the students cognitive and affective characteristics. The alignment of the designed and tested is influenced by the central exams characteristics. On the other side the alignment of the taught and tested curriculum is influenced by the characteristics of the stakeholders.. The results of these researches can be used in the decisions about educational policies by taking the alignment studies on a regular basis. During the design phase of the programs, applicable periods should be recommended for the topics. The objectives and content in the curricula should be re-arranged to accommodate the students' cognitive development level..Physical facilities of schools can be developed to support teachers to implement the designed curriculum. In addition, professional development programs should be organized in order for teachers to be able to implement the curriculum and take advantage of the educational technologies at an adequate level.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Öğretim Programının Uyumu, Uygulanan Programın İncelenmesi Modeli, Lise Matematik Öğretim Programları, Tasarlanan Program, Uygulanan Program, Ölçülen Program, Curriculum Alignment, Survey Of Enacted Model, High School Mathematics Curricula, Designed Curriculum, Taught Curriculum, Tested Curriculum