Bazı ideal parakompakt ve esnek ideal parakompakt uzaylar üzerine
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez altı bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, tezde elde edilen sonuçların rahat anlaşılabilmesi için ideal parakompakt ve esnek ideal parakompakt uzayların kısa bir tarihçesi sunulmuştur. İkinci bölümde tezde kullanılacak temel tanım ve teoremlere yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, β−açık kümeler yardımıyla β1−I−parakompaktlık tanımlanarak β1−parakompakt uzayların bir genellemesi elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca parakompaktlığın daha zayıf bir formu olan S_3−parakompaktlık, yarı-açık kümeler yardımıyla tanıtılmıştır. Daha sonra dönüşümler üzerinde S_3−parakompaktlık ele alınarak, elde edilen teoremler yardımıyla S_3−parakompaktlıgın çarpım uzayları araştırılmıştır. Buna ek olarak S_3-I-parakompaktlık tanımı verilmiş ve S_3-I-parakompaktlık ile parakompaktlık arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, esnek parakompaktlık ele alınarak esnek ideal topolojide esnek I-parakompaktlık inşa edilmiştir. Daha sonra esnek I-S -parakompaktlık tanımlanmış ve esnek I-parakompaktlık ile ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, esnek β-yerel sonlu aile ve esnek parakompaktlığın bir genellemesi olan esnek β-parakompakt uzaylar tanıtılmış ve esnek I−parakompaktlığın bir genellemesi olan esnek I−β−parakompakt uzaylar elde edilmiştir. Beşinci ve altıncı bölümde, esnek örtü özelliklerini çalışabilmek için bir esnek kümenin esnek yıldızı, esnek yıldız inceltilmiş aile ve esnek barisentrik inceltilmiş aile tanımları verilmiştir. Daha sonra esnek kümenin esnek yıldızı kavramından faydalanılarak esnek yıldız kompakt uzaylar tanımlanmış ve sayılabilir esnek kompakt uzayın esnek yıldız kompakt olduğu ispatlanmıştır.
This thesis consists of six chapters. In the first chapter, a brief history of ideal paracompact and soft ideal paracompact spaces is presented so that the results obtained in the thesis can be understood easily. In the second chapter, basic definitions and theorems to be used in the thesis are given. In the third chapter, a generalization of β1−paracompact spaces is obtained by defining β1−I−paracompactness with the help of β−open sets. Besides, S_3−paracompactness, which is a weaker form of paracompactness, is introduced via semi-open sets. Then, the product spaces of S_3-paracompactness have been investigated by means of theorems obtained by considering S_3- paracompactness on mappings. In addition, the definition of S_3−I−paracompactness is given and the relationship between S_3−I−paracompactness and paracompactness is examined. In the fourth chapter, soft I-paracompactness is constructed in a soft ideal topology by considering soft paracompactness. Later, soft I−S−paracompactness is defined and the relations with soft I−paracompactness is investigated. On the other hand, soft β−locally finite family and soft β−paracompact spaces, which is a generalization of soft paracompactness, are introduced and soft I−β−paracompact spaces are obtained which is a generalization of soft I−paracompactness. In the fifth and sixth chapters, the definitions of the soft star of a soft set, the soft star refinement family and the soft barycentric refinement family are given in order to study the soft cover properties. Then, by using the soft star concept of a soft set, soft star compact spaces are defined and it has been proved that the countable soft compact space is soft star compact.
This thesis consists of six chapters. In the first chapter, a brief history of ideal paracompact and soft ideal paracompact spaces is presented so that the results obtained in the thesis can be understood easily. In the second chapter, basic definitions and theorems to be used in the thesis are given. In the third chapter, a generalization of β1−paracompact spaces is obtained by defining β1−I−paracompactness with the help of β−open sets. Besides, S_3−paracompactness, which is a weaker form of paracompactness, is introduced via semi-open sets. Then, the product spaces of S_3-paracompactness have been investigated by means of theorems obtained by considering S_3- paracompactness on mappings. In addition, the definition of S_3−I−paracompactness is given and the relationship between S_3−I−paracompactness and paracompactness is examined. In the fourth chapter, soft I-paracompactness is constructed in a soft ideal topology by considering soft paracompactness. Later, soft I−S−paracompactness is defined and the relations with soft I−paracompactness is investigated. On the other hand, soft β−locally finite family and soft β−paracompact spaces, which is a generalization of soft paracompactness, are introduced and soft I−β−paracompact spaces are obtained which is a generalization of soft I−paracompactness. In the fifth and sixth chapters, the definitions of the soft star of a soft set, the soft star refinement family and the soft barycentric refinement family are given in order to study the soft cover properties. Then, by using the soft star concept of a soft set, soft star compact spaces are defined and it has been proved that the countable soft compact space is soft star compact.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İdeal Parakompakt, Esnek İdeal Parakompakt, Esnek Yıldız İnceltilmiş, Esnek Barisentrik İnceltilmiş, Esnek Yıldız Kompakt, Ideal Paracompact, Soft Ideal Paracompact, Soft Star Refinement, Soft Barycentric Refinement, Soft Star Compact