Bazı topraksız kültür sistemlerinin sera marul yetiştiriciliğinde kullanım olanakları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ÖZET BAZI TOPRAKSIZ KÜLTÜR SİSTEMLERİNİN SERA MARUL YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE KULLANIM OLANAKLARI KAHRAMAN,Özgür Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Doç. Dr. Ayşe GÜL Ağustos 1997, 47 Sayfa 1997 ilkbaharında yürütülen bu çalışmada, sera marul yetiştiriciliğinde yatay aeroponik, dikey aeroponik, yatay torba kültürü ve dikey torba kültürü gibi bazı topraksız tarım sistemlerinin kullanım olanakları, geleneksel şekilde toprakta yapılan yetiştiricilik ile karşılaştırılarak, araştırılmıştır. Yatay aeroponik, yatay torba kültürü ve toprakta m2 de 25, dikey aeroponik ve dikey torba kültüründe m2 de 126 marul yetiştirilmiştir. Besin eriyiği aeroponik sistemlerinde bitkilere şişleme başlığı ile 7-8 dakikada bir 20 saniye süre ile, torba sistemlerinde ise günde bir kez damlama sulama sistemi ile verilmiştir. Aeroponik sistemlerinde besin eriyiği sirküle edilmiş, torba sistemlerinde ise besin eriyiği bitkilere tek yönlü olarak verilmiştir. En yüksek verim dikey aeroponik (28.5 kg/m2) sisteminden alınmış, bu sistemi sırasıyla, dikey torba kültürü (23.9 kg/m2), yatay aeroponik (8.4 kg/m2) ve yatay torba kültürü (7.0 kg/m2) sitemleri izlemiştir. En düşük değer toprakta (6.0 kg/m2) gerçekleşmiştir.Torba kültürü sistemlerine 3035.5 litre, aeroponik sistemlere ise 1100 litre besin eriyiği verilmiştir. Torba kültürü sistemlerinden 1395 litre, aeroponik sistemlerden ise 332 litre besin eriyiği atılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler:Topraksız Kültür, Yatay Torba Kültürü, Dikey Torba Kültürü, Yatay Aeroponik, Dikey Aeroponik, Sera Marul Yetiştiriciliği
ABSTRACT POSSIBILITIES OF USING SOME SOILLESS CULTURE SYSTEMS IN GREENHOUSE LETTUCE PRODUCTION KAHRAMAN,Özgür Msc in Department of Horticulture Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜL August 1997, 47 Pages In this study, possibilities of using different soilless culture systems such as horizontal aeroponic, vertical aeroponic, horizontal bag culture, and vertical bag culture systems were compared with traditional method of soil culture in order to asses the efficacy of these methods during spring 1997. A total of 25 plants per m2 were grown in horizontal aeroponic, horizontal bag culture and soil culture while 126 plants per m2 in vertical aeroponic and vertical bag culture. In aeroponic systems nutrient solution was provided to plants from misting heads for 20 seconds after 7-8 minutes and in bag systems once a day by drip irrigation. In aeroponic systems nutrient solution was circulated but there was one way application in case of bag culture. The highest yield was obtained in vertical aeroponic system (28.5 kg/m2) and this was followed by vertical bag culture (23.9 kg/m2), horizontal aeroponic (8.4 kg/m2) and horizontal bag culture system (7.0 kg/m2). The lowest yield was noted in case of soil culture (6.0 kg/m2). In bag culture systems 3035.5 litre was used as nutrient solution as compare to 1100 litre in aeroponic systems. From bag culture systems and aeroponic systems, 1395 and 332, litre of nutrient solution was drained out, respectively. Keywords : Soilless Culture, Horizontal Bag Culture, Vertical Bag Culture, Horizontal Aeroponic, Vertical Aeroponic, Greenhouse Lettuce Production
ABSTRACT POSSIBILITIES OF USING SOME SOILLESS CULTURE SYSTEMS IN GREENHOUSE LETTUCE PRODUCTION KAHRAMAN,Özgür Msc in Department of Horticulture Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜL August 1997, 47 Pages In this study, possibilities of using different soilless culture systems such as horizontal aeroponic, vertical aeroponic, horizontal bag culture, and vertical bag culture systems were compared with traditional method of soil culture in order to asses the efficacy of these methods during spring 1997. A total of 25 plants per m2 were grown in horizontal aeroponic, horizontal bag culture and soil culture while 126 plants per m2 in vertical aeroponic and vertical bag culture. In aeroponic systems nutrient solution was provided to plants from misting heads for 20 seconds after 7-8 minutes and in bag systems once a day by drip irrigation. In aeroponic systems nutrient solution was circulated but there was one way application in case of bag culture. The highest yield was obtained in vertical aeroponic system (28.5 kg/m2) and this was followed by vertical bag culture (23.9 kg/m2), horizontal aeroponic (8.4 kg/m2) and horizontal bag culture system (7.0 kg/m2). The lowest yield was noted in case of soil culture (6.0 kg/m2). In bag culture systems 3035.5 litre was used as nutrient solution as compare to 1100 litre in aeroponic systems. From bag culture systems and aeroponic systems, 1395 and 332, litre of nutrient solution was drained out, respectively. Keywords : Soilless Culture, Horizontal Bag Culture, Vertical Bag Culture, Horizontal Aeroponic, Vertical Aeroponic, Greenhouse Lettuce Production
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Marul, Lettuce, Seralar, Greenhouses, Topraksız kültür, Soilless culture