Domateste zararlı Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)’a karşı hümik maddelerle karıştırılarak uygulanan bazı insektisitlerin biyolojik etkinliği ve parçalanma sürecindeki değişimler
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Örtüaltı domates yetiştiriciliğinde önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olan Sera beyazsineği [Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)] ile mücadelede uygulama kolaylığı ve etkinliği nedeniyle üreticiler genelde kimyasal savaşı, verimi arttırmak amacıyla ise sıkça uyguladıkları hümik maddeler (HM)’ile pestisitleri beraber kullanmayı tercih etmektedirler. Ancak, HM’in pestisit performansına ve pestisitin parçalanma sürecine etki edebileceğine dair bazı çalışmalara rastlanmıştır. Bu nedenle, 2009-2011 yılları arasında yürütülen bu çalışma kapsamında, Sera beyazsineği’ne karşı tavsiye edilen ve yoğun kullanılan insektisitlerden bazılarının HM ile karışım halinde, hem yapraktan hem de topraktan uygulanması durumunda, insektisitlerin zararlı üzerindeki etkisi ile etki süresi ve yapraklardaki kalıntılarının parçalanma süresindeki değişimleri araştırılmıştır. Hem yapraktan hem de topraktan uygulanan HM’in tek başlarına Sera beyazsineği’ne etkili olmadıkları, ancak fülvik asit (FA) ile karışım halinde uygulanan imidacloprid ve pymetrozinenin performansının arttığı görülmüştür. HM ve ilaç karışımlarının ilaçlama aletinin tankındaki parçalanma süreci incelendiğinde önemli bir değişim tespit edilmemiştir. Yapraktan tek başına uygulanan imidaclopridin kalıntıları, her iki HM ile karışım halinde uygulanmasına göre daha yüksek olmuş ve HM’in söz konusu aktif maddenin parçalanma sürecini hızlandırdığı görülmüştür. Imidaclopridin fülvik asit (FA) ile karışım halinde topraktan uygulanması durumunda ise, aktif maddenin bitki tarafından alınımı hızlanmış ve parçalanma süreci yavaşlayarak uzamıştır. Imidaclopridin hümik asit (HA) ile karışım halinde topraktan uygulanması durumunda, aktif maddenin yapraklara taşınmasında gecikme ve dolayısıyla parçalanma sürecinde de hızlanma görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, HM ile karışım halinde uygulanan pestisitlerin hem hedef organizmaya etkisinde, hem de bitkilerdeki kalıntılarının parçalanma sürecinde değişime neden olabileceği, bunun HM içeriğine ve pestisitin kimyasal özelliğine göre farklılık gösterebileceği tespit edilmiştir.
In greenhouse tomato grow; growers mostly prefer to use chemical application against Greenhouse whitefly [Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)] and to increase yield, Humic matter (HM) application is preferred together with pesticide applications. However, some indications have been found on effect of HM while applied as mix with pesticides into pesticide performance and pesticide degradation duration. For that reason research has been done between 2009-2011 to determinate changes on efficiency against Greenhouse whitefly, effect period and leaf residue degradation process of selected insecticides, applied as foliar and soil together with HM. Alone application of HM, both as foliar and soil application, was not effective against Greenhouse whitefly, but performance of imidacloprid and pymetrozine has increased in mix application of fulvic acid (FA). When changes on degradation process of HM and insecticide mixture in application tank were investigated, important difference was not determinate. Foliar and sole applied of imidacloprid residue level was higher than imidacloprid application, which was applied as foliar and mixed with both HM and it was seen that HM accelerated degradation process of active matter. When imidacloprid was applied into the soil together with FA, uptake of it by the plant was increased and extended of degradation by slowing down process. In contrast to FA, the mixture of imidacloprid and HA application into the soil, active matter transport was delay consequently acceleration on degradation process in leafs. As a conclusion, it was determinates that mixture of pesticides with HM, may cause effects on both organism and residue degradation process on plants, and that may vary depends on HM content and pesticide chemical characteristic.
In greenhouse tomato grow; growers mostly prefer to use chemical application against Greenhouse whitefly [Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)] and to increase yield, Humic matter (HM) application is preferred together with pesticide applications. However, some indications have been found on effect of HM while applied as mix with pesticides into pesticide performance and pesticide degradation duration. For that reason research has been done between 2009-2011 to determinate changes on efficiency against Greenhouse whitefly, effect period and leaf residue degradation process of selected insecticides, applied as foliar and soil together with HM. Alone application of HM, both as foliar and soil application, was not effective against Greenhouse whitefly, but performance of imidacloprid and pymetrozine has increased in mix application of fulvic acid (FA). When changes on degradation process of HM and insecticide mixture in application tank were investigated, important difference was not determinate. Foliar and sole applied of imidacloprid residue level was higher than imidacloprid application, which was applied as foliar and mixed with both HM and it was seen that HM accelerated degradation process of active matter. When imidacloprid was applied into the soil together with FA, uptake of it by the plant was increased and extended of degradation by slowing down process. In contrast to FA, the mixture of imidacloprid and HA application into the soil, active matter transport was delay consequently acceleration on degradation process in leafs. As a conclusion, it was determinates that mixture of pesticides with HM, may cause effects on both organism and residue degradation process on plants, and that may vary depends on HM content and pesticide chemical characteristic.
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Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi
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