Türkiye'de psikiyatri hastanelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin adli psikiyatri hastalarına yönelik tutumlarını etkileyen faktörler
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Amaç: Bu çalışma ruh sağlığı ve hastalıkları hastanelerinde çalışan hem- şirelerin, adli psikiyatri hastalarına yönelik tutumlarını ve bunu etkile- yen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Kesitsel tipteki araştırma, Türkiye’deki 8 ruh sağlığı ve hasta- lıkları hastanesinde çalışan (s =910), araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden ve Adli Psikiyatri Hastalarına Yönelik Hemşire Tutum Ölçeği’nin (APH- HTÖ) %80’ini dolduran 620 hemşire ile yürütülmüştür. Verilerin de- ğerlendirmesinde, sayı-yüzde dağılımları yapılmış ve değişkenler arasın- daki ilişki t-testi, varyans analizi ve korelasyon analiziyle incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Hemşirelerin %79,4’ü kadın ve yaş ortalamaları 34,37±7,48’dir. Hemşirelerin APHHTÖ toplam ve alt ölçek puan ortalamaları sırasıyla, xtoplam= 69,07±12,46 (en çok:125); Xtehlikeligörme =15,98±3,61 (en çok:30); Xgüven =20,49±5,24 (en çok:20); xsosyalmesafe = 10,45±3,33 (en çok:20) ve Xbakımvermedeisteklilik = 22,3 ±4,25 (en çok:40) bu- lunmuştur. Hemşirelerin cinsiyeti, çalıştıkları hastane, göreve başlama şekli, kadro durumu, görevi, psikiyatri hastanesinde çalışmaktan mem- nun olma durumu, adli psikiyatri hastasına bakım verme durumu ve süresi, adli psikiyatri hastasını etkileyen yasal süreci bilme durumu ve adli psikiyatri biriminde hemşire çalışmasına ilişkin görüşleri adli psiki- yatri hastalarına yönelik tutumlarını etkilerken (p < 0,05); yaşı, medeni durumu, en uzun süre yaşadığı yerleşim birimi, eğitim durumu, mesleki ve kurumdaki toplam çalışma süresi adli psikiyatri hastasına yönelik tu- tumlarını etkilememektedir (p >0,05). Sonuç: Ülkemizde bölge ruh sağlığı hastanelerinde çalışan hemşirelerin, adli psikiyatri hastalarını tehlikeli olarak gördüğü, onlara güvenmedi- ği ve sosyal olarak mesafeli davranma eğilimi gösterirken; bu hastaların bakımını yürütme konusunda orta düzeyde istekli olduğu saptanmıştır.
Objective: To determine the attitudes nurses working at psychiatric hospitals in Turkey have towards forensic psychiatric patients and the associated factors. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 620 nurses working at 8 psychiatric hospitals in Turkey that completed ≥80% of the Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Forensic Psychiatric Patients Scale (NAFPPS). Data were evaluated based on number-percentage distribution, and the relationship between variables was examined via t-test, variance analysis, and correlation analysis. Results: Mean age of the nurses was 34.37 ± 7.48 years and 79.4% were female. Mean NAFPPS total and subscale scores were as follows: Xtotal = 69.07 ± 12.46 (max: 125); Xfeelingthreatened = 15.98 ± 3.61 (max: 30); Xtrust = 20.49 ± 5.24 (max: 20); Xsocialdistance = 10.45 ± 3.33 (max: 20); Xwillingnesstoprovidecare = 22.31 ± 4.25 (max: 40). Gender, place of employment, method of obtaining current position, employment status, level of satisfaction working as a psychiatric nurse, history of providing treatment to forensic psychiatric patients, having knowledge of Turkish laws regarding the treatment of forensic psychiatric patients, and thinking that nurses should treat forensic psychiatric patients were correlated with the nurses’ attitudes towards forensic psychiatric patients, whereas age, marital status, place of longest residence, level of education, duration of working in the profession, and duration at current hospital were not. Conclusion: Despite the fact that the nurses working at 8 psychiatric hospitals in Turkey considered forensic psychiatric patients threatening, didn’t trust them, and had a tendency to be socially distant with them, they had a moderate level of willingness to provide them proper care.
Objective: To determine the attitudes nurses working at psychiatric hospitals in Turkey have towards forensic psychiatric patients and the associated factors. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 620 nurses working at 8 psychiatric hospitals in Turkey that completed ≥80% of the Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Forensic Psychiatric Patients Scale (NAFPPS). Data were evaluated based on number-percentage distribution, and the relationship between variables was examined via t-test, variance analysis, and correlation analysis. Results: Mean age of the nurses was 34.37 ± 7.48 years and 79.4% were female. Mean NAFPPS total and subscale scores were as follows: Xtotal = 69.07 ± 12.46 (max: 125); Xfeelingthreatened = 15.98 ± 3.61 (max: 30); Xtrust = 20.49 ± 5.24 (max: 20); Xsocialdistance = 10.45 ± 3.33 (max: 20); Xwillingnesstoprovidecare = 22.31 ± 4.25 (max: 40). Gender, place of employment, method of obtaining current position, employment status, level of satisfaction working as a psychiatric nurse, history of providing treatment to forensic psychiatric patients, having knowledge of Turkish laws regarding the treatment of forensic psychiatric patients, and thinking that nurses should treat forensic psychiatric patients were correlated with the nurses’ attitudes towards forensic psychiatric patients, whereas age, marital status, place of longest residence, level of education, duration of working in the profession, and duration at current hospital were not. Conclusion: Despite the fact that the nurses working at 8 psychiatric hospitals in Turkey considered forensic psychiatric patients threatening, didn’t trust them, and had a tendency to be socially distant with them, they had a moderate level of willingness to provide them proper care.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri