Çeşitli değişkenler açısından benlik sunumu
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Yapılan bu araştırma, iki temel amaç üzerine kurulmuştur. Amaçlardan biri, benlik sunumuyla ilgili betimsel bir profil oluşturmak; benlik sunumu kapsamında günlük yaşamda daha çok hangi taktiklerin kullanıldığı, benlik sunumu yapan bir kişinin diğerlerince nasıl değerlendirildiğini ve benlik sunumunun sahip olunan mesleki güç vb. bazı demografik değişkenler tarafından nasıl belirlendiğini açığa çıkarmaktır. Araştırmanın diğer amacı ise, benlik sunumu ile kendini açma arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek ve benlik sunumu olgusunu kendini açma kavramından hareketle incelemektir. Herhangi bir işyerinde yöneticiyi, memur ya da satış temsilcisi konumunda çalışan, toplam 313 kişiyle gerçekleştirilen araştırma sonucunda; benlik sunumu düzeyinin, mesleki güç, cinsiyet, eğitim yaş ve gelir düzeyine göre anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaştığı, benlik sunumu puanı yükseldikçe benlik sunumu yapan bir başka kişinin daha olumlu niteliklerle tanımlandığı, günlük yaşamda en çok af dileme taktiğinin kullanıldığı, bunu alttan alma, ön açıklama, mazeret ve zorluğu dile getirme taktiklerinin izlediği, benlik sunumundaki değişimi, %17 gibi bir oranal lütufta bulunma taktiğinin açıkladığı; alttan alma, diğerini yüceltme, görüş birliği ve gözdağı verme taktikleriyle birlikte bu oranın %29.5'e yükseldiği, taktiklerin kullanımının mesleki güç, cinsiyet, eğitim, yaş, medeni durum ve gelir düzeyi gibi demografik değişkenler açısından anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaştığı, benlik sunumu düzeyi ile kişinin kendisine ilişkin bazı konuları kimseyle konuşmama düzeyi arasında negatif bir ilişkinin olduğu, benlik sunumu arttıkça, kendini açma ölçeğinde yer alan konuların büyük bölümünün ise eşle/flörtle, kardeş(ler)le, aynı cinsten arkadaşla, karşı cinsten arkadaşla ve amirle/müdürle konuşulma düzeyinin arttığı, insanların kendileriyle ilgili pek çok konuyu büyük ölçüde kendilerine sakladıkları görülmüştür.
The present research based on two aims, first of which was to form a descriptive profile about self-presentation. This aim was intended to be achieved by discovering relative frequency of various kinds of self-presentation tactics used in everyday life, by examining the assesments of the person who uses self-presentation tactics by the others and by identifying relation between some of demographical variables such as occupational power and self- presentation level. Second, the present research aimed to identify relation between self-presentation and self-disclosure and to examine phenomenon of self-presentation in terms of self disclosure. The results of the study which was conducted altogether, with 313 managers, civil servants and sale representatives from various organizations were as summarized below: Level of self-presentation varied significantly depending on occupational power, gender, education, age and income level. When a person's self-presentation score increased, he/she was found more likely to attribute positive characteristics to the others who also uses self-presentation tactics. In everyday life, "apolgy" was found to be most frequently used self-presentation tactics and this was followed, in order, by "gentleness", "disclaim", "excuse" and "enhancement" tactics. The change in self-presentation score could be explained with %17 accuracy by the "favor-doing" tactic and this level of accuracy could increase to %29.5 by the inclusion of "gentleness", "other-enhancement", "opinion conformity" and "intimidation" tactics. Frequency of the use of self-presentation tactics varied significantly according to demographical variables such as occupational power, gender, education, age, marital status and income level. A negative correlation was detected between level of self- presentation and of self-disclosure. When self-presentation level increased, the level of self- disclosure to parents on most of the matters of a self-disclosure scale and the level of self-disclosure to partners, siblings, friends and chiefs on some of the matters of the scale were found to increase. Finally, people were found to keep most of the private matters to themselves.
The present research based on two aims, first of which was to form a descriptive profile about self-presentation. This aim was intended to be achieved by discovering relative frequency of various kinds of self-presentation tactics used in everyday life, by examining the assesments of the person who uses self-presentation tactics by the others and by identifying relation between some of demographical variables such as occupational power and self- presentation level. Second, the present research aimed to identify relation between self-presentation and self-disclosure and to examine phenomenon of self-presentation in terms of self disclosure. The results of the study which was conducted altogether, with 313 managers, civil servants and sale representatives from various organizations were as summarized below: Level of self-presentation varied significantly depending on occupational power, gender, education, age and income level. When a person's self-presentation score increased, he/she was found more likely to attribute positive characteristics to the others who also uses self-presentation tactics. In everyday life, "apolgy" was found to be most frequently used self-presentation tactics and this was followed, in order, by "gentleness", "disclaim", "excuse" and "enhancement" tactics. The change in self-presentation score could be explained with %17 accuracy by the "favor-doing" tactic and this level of accuracy could increase to %29.5 by the inclusion of "gentleness", "other-enhancement", "opinion conformity" and "intimidation" tactics. Frequency of the use of self-presentation tactics varied significantly according to demographical variables such as occupational power, gender, education, age, marital status and income level. A negative correlation was detected between level of self- presentation and of self-disclosure. When self-presentation level increased, the level of self- disclosure to parents on most of the matters of a self-disclosure scale and the level of self-disclosure to partners, siblings, friends and chiefs on some of the matters of the scale were found to increase. Finally, people were found to keep most of the private matters to themselves.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Benlik Sunumu, İzlenim Yönetimi, Kendini Uyarlama, Kendini Açma, Kişilerarası İlişkiler, Self-Presentation, Impression Management, Self-Monitoring, Self-Disclosure, Interpersonal Relations