Ortaçağ İslam düşüncesinde hoşgörü
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmamızda hoşgörü kavramı açısından İslam düşüncesinin bir değerlendirmesini yapmayı amaçladık. Birinci bölümde konuyla ilgili farklı kuramsal yaklaşımlar ışığında hoşgörü ve dinsel hoşgörü kavramlarına ilişkin bir inceleme yaparak, dinsel hoşgörü kavramının doğasını belirlemeye çalıştık. Bu incelemelerden dinsel hoşgörü kavramının "siyasal" bir içeriğe sahip olduğu sonucuna vardık. Ardından, ikinci bölümde, dinsel hoşgörü kavramıyla ilgili olarak varmış olduğumuz sonuçlardan hareketle, İslam düşüncesinin ana kaynakları olarak kabul edilen Kur'an ve Muhammaed'in uygulamalarının üzerinde yoğunlaştık. Bu kaynakların hem hoşgörüyü destekleyen hem de hoşgörüsüzlüğe yol açabilen ögeler içerdiğini gördük. Üçüncü ve son bölümde, özellikle siyasal felsefeleri bünyesinde din ve felsefenin uyumunu iddia eden "felasife"nin görüşlerini ele aldık. Dinleri "popüler felsefe" olarak değerlendiren filozoflar, hakikatin doğasına uygun sembollere, allegorilere sahip olan, bu bakımdan da, hakikati kendi kapasiteleriyle kavramsal düzeyde kavrayamayan insanların en yüksek mutluluğu elde etmesine hizmet eden farklı dinleri veya dinsel gelenekleri "değerli" kabul etmektedirler.
In our study we aimed an evaluation of Islamic thought in terms of the concept of toleration. We attempted to give an account of religious toleration in the first chapter by focusing on tolerance and religious tolerance in relation to a number of different theoretical approaches to the issue. At the end of this chapter we came to the conclusion that religious tolerance had a 'political' content. Next, departing from this conclusion we focused on the Quran and Muhammed's practices which were accepted as the main sources of Islamic thought. There we saw that these sources include possible bases for both advocating and rejecting tolerance. In the third and final chapter we observed the views of 'falâsifa', a group of philosophers contending the harmony of religion and philosophy, particularly in the context of their political philosophy. Philosophers, for whom religions were 'popular philosophy', appreciated the value of different religions and religious traditions including symbols and allegories which could express the truth. In their view such religions were the ways of those who were incapable of comprehending the truth by means of rational argumentation, to the highest happiness.
In our study we aimed an evaluation of Islamic thought in terms of the concept of toleration. We attempted to give an account of religious toleration in the first chapter by focusing on tolerance and religious tolerance in relation to a number of different theoretical approaches to the issue. At the end of this chapter we came to the conclusion that religious tolerance had a 'political' content. Next, departing from this conclusion we focused on the Quran and Muhammed's practices which were accepted as the main sources of Islamic thought. There we saw that these sources include possible bases for both advocating and rejecting tolerance. In the third and final chapter we observed the views of 'falâsifa', a group of philosophers contending the harmony of religion and philosophy, particularly in the context of their political philosophy. Philosophers, for whom religions were 'popular philosophy', appreciated the value of different religions and religious traditions including symbols and allegories which could express the truth. In their view such religions were the ways of those who were incapable of comprehending the truth by means of rational argumentation, to the highest happiness.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hoşgörü, Dinsel Hoşgörü, Dinsel Çoğulculuk, İslam, Felasife, Tolerance, Religious Tolerance, Religious Pluralısm, Islam, Falasifa