Karaburun, Çeşme ve Dilek Yarımadası'nda bulunan doğal defne (Laurus nobilis L. ) populasyonları üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada Kuşadası Dilek Yarımadası, Urla ve Karaburun'da doğal yetişen defne populasyonlarını belirleyip seçilen, erkek ve dişi ağaçlarda (124 ağaç) fenolojik gözlemler (çiçeklenme, yapraklanma ve meyve verme dönemleri), defne yapraklarının ihracatta en önemli rolü oynayan, boy, en, kalınlık ölçümleri ayrıca alan, yaş ağırlık, kuru ağırlık, yüzde nem, renk değerleri (hue0, lightness ve croma) 1 ve 2 yaşlı yapraklarda her mevsim başlangıcının (haziran-eylül-aralık-mart) 15'inde alınıp ölçülmüştür. Ayrıca 2 yaşlı yaprakların, uçucu yağ miktarı, ham selüloz miktarı ve uçucu yağ bileşenleri haziran, temmuz, ağustos ve eylül ayları boyunca ölçülüp belirlenmiştir. Tüm aylara ait yaş ağırlık ve yüzde nem değerleri de 1 ve 2 yaşlı yapraklarda ölçülmüştür.Bu çalışmada amaç, incelenen özellikler açısından iyi olan ağaçların belirlenerek, yeni defneliklerin bu birey ya da bireylerle kurulmasının teşvik edilmesidir.Çalışmada ağaçların tüm ölçümleri sonucunda erkek ve dişi ağaçlar arasında fark yaratacak bir sonucun çıkmadığı görülmüştür. Karaburun'da bulunan defne ağaçlarına ait yaprakların Dilek yarımadası ve Urla'da bulunan ağaçların yapraklarından daha kısa ve dar olduğu, kalınlık bakımından çok fark olmamakla birlikte en ince yapraklara Karaburun'daki ağaçların sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir.Çiçeklenme ve yapraklanma dönemlerinin şubat-mart-nisan ayları boyunca sürdüğü, meyve olgunlaşma sürecinin mart-ekim ayları arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir.Ege bölgesinde haziran ve temmuz ayında uçucu yağ miktarının ve su içeriğinin yüksek bulunması en uygun kesim zamanı olarak haziran ve temmuz ayının fakat kuru madde miktarı dikkate alınarak yapılacak kesimlerde en uygun zamanın nisan ve mart ayları olması gerektiği görülmüştür.Uçucu yağ analizleri sonucunda ana bileşen olarak 1,8 cineole tespit edilmiştir. Genel olarak Dilek yarımadasında % 55,55, Urla'da % 56,04 ve Karaburun'da % 57,70 oranında bulunduğu belirlenmiştir
In this study, bay laurel populations naturally growing in Dilek Peninsula, Urla and Karaburun were identified; phenological observations (flowering, leafing and fruit bearing periods) were conducted on the chosen male and female trees (124 trees); lenght, width and thickness of bay laurel leaves, which have an important role in export, and also fresh weight, dry weight, percentage humudity and colour values (hue0, lightness and chroma) of one and two-year-old leaves were measured on the 15 th at the beginning of every season (June-September-December-March). Moreover, oil content, quantity of raw cellulose and oil components of two-year-old leaves were measured and determined during June, July, August and September.The aim of this study is to identify good individuals of bay laurel in terms of investigated features and to promote establishing new bay laurel plantations with this and/or these individuals.As a result of all these measurements in this study, it was seen that a result creating a difference between male an female trees was not found. It was found out that leaves belonging to bay laurel trees in Karaburun are shorter and narrower than those in Dilek Peninsula and Urla. Although there is not much difference in terms of thickness, it was seen that trees in Karaburun have the thinnest leaves.It was determined that flowering and leafing periods last during February-March-April while ripening period is between March and October.In the Aegean Region, the quantity of essential oil and water content were found hight in June and July so the best cutting period was regarded as June and July; however, it was seen that April and March must be the best time fort he cutting when the dry matter rate is considered.As a result of the oil analysis, the main component was determined as 1,8 cineole, In general, the cineole rate was identified to be 55,55 % in Dilek Peninsula, 56,04 % in Urla and 57,70 % in Karaburun
In this study, bay laurel populations naturally growing in Dilek Peninsula, Urla and Karaburun were identified; phenological observations (flowering, leafing and fruit bearing periods) were conducted on the chosen male and female trees (124 trees); lenght, width and thickness of bay laurel leaves, which have an important role in export, and also fresh weight, dry weight, percentage humudity and colour values (hue0, lightness and chroma) of one and two-year-old leaves were measured on the 15 th at the beginning of every season (June-September-December-March). Moreover, oil content, quantity of raw cellulose and oil components of two-year-old leaves were measured and determined during June, July, August and September.The aim of this study is to identify good individuals of bay laurel in terms of investigated features and to promote establishing new bay laurel plantations with this and/or these individuals.As a result of all these measurements in this study, it was seen that a result creating a difference between male an female trees was not found. It was found out that leaves belonging to bay laurel trees in Karaburun are shorter and narrower than those in Dilek Peninsula and Urla. Although there is not much difference in terms of thickness, it was seen that trees in Karaburun have the thinnest leaves.It was determined that flowering and leafing periods last during February-March-April while ripening period is between March and October.In the Aegean Region, the quantity of essential oil and water content were found hight in June and July so the best cutting period was regarded as June and July; however, it was seen that April and March must be the best time fort he cutting when the dry matter rate is considered.As a result of the oil analysis, the main component was determined as 1,8 cineole, In general, the cineole rate was identified to be 55,55 % in Dilek Peninsula, 56,04 % in Urla and 57,70 % in Karaburun
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Uçucu yağlar, Essential oils, Yağ asitleri-uçucu, Fatty acids-volatile