Ulukışla Öküz Mehmet Paşa Külliyesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
TÜRKÇE ABSTRACT (en fazla 250 sözcük): (TUBITAK/TURDOK'un Abstrakt Hazırlama Kılavuzunu kullanınız) Bu çalışmada, Niğde İli'ne bağlı Ulukışla İlçesi'nde yer alan Öküz Mehmet Paşa KülliyesVran (1615-16) plan ve süsleme özellikleri, ayrıntılı bir şekilde tanıtılmaktadır. Ankara-Adana karayolu üzerinde yer alan bu külliyede, bir arasta, iki ahır, bir tabhane (Kuzey Ahin önündeki özel geceleme mekanları), bir imaret (firın), bir hamam ve bir cami bulunmaktadır. Kuzeyden güneye eğimli bir arazi üzerinde inşa edilmiş olan külliyenin odak yapısı arastadır. Kareye yakın dikdörtgen şekilli avlunun doğu ve batısında revaklar, kuzeyinde ise hücre ve eyvanlardan oluşan özel geceleme mekanları mevcuttur. Kuzey Ahin, avlunun kuzey kenarım boydan boya kaplayan enine dikdörtgen planlı bir mekandır. Güney Ahin, dar kenarı ile arastanın güney cephesine bitişiktir. Cami, külliyenin güneydoğu ucundadır. Hamam, arastanın güney kanadının batı kesimine bitişiktir. Külliye, 1969, 1970 ve 1977 yıllarında, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından onarılmıştır. Anadolu'da, ilk örnekleri Artuklu, Mengücüklü ve Selçuklu döneminde görülen külliyeler, Osmanlı döneminde olgunlaşmış; XVI. yüzyılda, mimari gelişim açısından zirveye ulaşmıştır. Öküz Mehmet Paşa Külliyesi, tasarım açısından XVI. yüzyıldaki menzil külliyelerinin karakteristiklerini taşımaktadır ve bugün, ayakta kalmış menzil İdilüyelerinin en büyüklerindendir. Ulukışla Öküz Mehmet Paşa Külliyesi'nde süslemeye fazla yer verilmediği dikkati çekmektedir. Süsleme unsurlan; arastadan camiye geçişi sağlayan taçkapıda, hamamın taçkapısında ve Güney Ahın'nın taçkapısında yoğunlaşmış, basit taş süslemelerden oluşmaktadır. Külliyeyi inşa ettirmiş olan Öküz Mehmet Paşa, iki kez sadrazamlık yapmış; Halep Valiliği sırasında vefat etmiştir. Paşa'nın, bulabildiğimiz iki vakfiyesinden ilki (1-10 Muharrem 1027) 29 Aralık 1617-7 Ocak 1618; diğeri ise (Zilhicce 1028) Kasım-Arahk 1619 tarihlidir
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRACT fen fazla 250 sözcük): ABSTRACT In this study, planning and ornamentation characteristics of Öküz Mehmet Pasha Complex (1615-16) in Ulukışla, Niğde are introduced in detail. At this complex, which is stuated on Ankara highway, there is a market place, two stables, a printing house (special accomodation facilities in front of Northern stables), a cookhouse (bakery), a bath and a mosque. The focal structure of this complex built on the slope in a north-south early direction is a market place. In the east and west part of a rectangular but square-like courtyard are colonnades and in the north are special accomodation facilities that cointain cells and exedrae. Northern stables is a rectangular place covering all along the northern edge of the courtyard. The bath is adjacent to the west part of the south wing of the market place. The mosque is at the south-east point of the complex. The bath is adjacent to the west part of the south wing of the market place. The complex was restored in the years 1969-1970 and 1977 respectively by the General Directorate of foundations. Those complexes, the first samples of which appeared during Artuklu, Mengücüklü and Seljuk era, were developed during the Ottoman era reaching their top architectural design in the 16th century. Öküz Mehmed Pasha complex has got the charecteristics of the 16th century's post complexes in regard to design, and today it is one of the greatest of those that have survived to the present day. It is of special note that there is not much ornamentation at Ulukışla Öküz Mehmed Pasha complex. The elements of ornamentation include some simple stone carvings especially on the crowngate (arch), a passage way from the market place to the mosque; on the crowngate of the bath and of the southern stables. Öküz Mehmed Pasha, who had the complex built, had twice been the Minister of State and died when he was the governor of Aleppo. One of the two deeds of pasha that we were able to find is the one dated 29 Dec 1617, 7 Jan 1618 and the other one dated Nov-Dec 1619.
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRACT fen fazla 250 sözcük): ABSTRACT In this study, planning and ornamentation characteristics of Öküz Mehmet Pasha Complex (1615-16) in Ulukışla, Niğde are introduced in detail. At this complex, which is stuated on Ankara highway, there is a market place, two stables, a printing house (special accomodation facilities in front of Northern stables), a cookhouse (bakery), a bath and a mosque. The focal structure of this complex built on the slope in a north-south early direction is a market place. In the east and west part of a rectangular but square-like courtyard are colonnades and in the north are special accomodation facilities that cointain cells and exedrae. Northern stables is a rectangular place covering all along the northern edge of the courtyard. The bath is adjacent to the west part of the south wing of the market place. The mosque is at the south-east point of the complex. The bath is adjacent to the west part of the south wing of the market place. The complex was restored in the years 1969-1970 and 1977 respectively by the General Directorate of foundations. Those complexes, the first samples of which appeared during Artuklu, Mengücüklü and Seljuk era, were developed during the Ottoman era reaching their top architectural design in the 16th century. Öküz Mehmed Pasha complex has got the charecteristics of the 16th century's post complexes in regard to design, and today it is one of the greatest of those that have survived to the present day. It is of special note that there is not much ornamentation at Ulukışla Öküz Mehmed Pasha complex. The elements of ornamentation include some simple stone carvings especially on the crowngate (arch), a passage way from the market place to the mosque; on the crowngate of the bath and of the southern stables. Öküz Mehmed Pasha, who had the complex built, had twice been the Minister of State and died when he was the governor of Aleppo. One of the two deeds of pasha that we were able to find is the one dated 29 Dec 1617, 7 Jan 1618 and the other one dated Nov-Dec 1619.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Sanat Tarihi, Art History, Külliyeler, Complexes, Niğde-Ulukışla, Niğde-Ulukışla, Öküz Mehmet Paşa Külliyesi, Öküz Mehmet Paşa Complex